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Top tips for life from The grave diggers

I mean the most important part of life is that you enjoy it, so our first bit of advice for our fans is probably to make every second count because you can’t retake any part of your life.

Our next tip would be don’t care what people think of you, us two used to care but once we stopped giving a **** we learned that it doesn’t matter and you will be much happier because of it.

The next one is kind of a classic one but it's probably to balance work and fun, it sounds simple and easy but if you work hard sometimes when you start playing around it can get out of hand, so look after yourself.

Make friends not enemies because you never know what's around the corner and when you might need that one person to bring you through the hard times.

Grave digger bio 

These 2 talented artists are from Nemah Washington USA and have been good friends since they were 8 years old. Now 20 years on they have both had a long 10 year career in the music industry and by their own account they have done “very ****** well”.

Early life however wasn’t easy for the pair they both agreed they were probably the poorest kids in school and were bullied because of that and their mutual love for rock music. As teenagers they both say they had problems with mental health and would skip school lots “to get away from it all”. By the time the pair were both 15 years of age they started making their own music and they “turned their pain into words” and wrote their own songs.  When the pair turned 18 they started to get noticed and gain fans and finally signed with a record label. 10 years on they have managed to sell 100 million records worldwide in the US alone with 400 million worldwide.