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8th Parl. | 2nd Session Speech from the Throne (Mod Copy)
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A Bolder, Brighter, Better Future for Canada


A Bolder, Brighter, Better Future for Canada





November 22, 2020

Members of the House of Commons,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my pleasure to address this second session of Canada’s 8th Parliament.


Canada is home to a set of diverse individuals, many people of different races, religion, creed and many other defining factors including political opinion. The government is grateful for the Canadian people who, in mass, elected a majority Conservative government, the government is looking forward to representing all Canadians.


First and foremost, the Government of Canada will be an embodiment and one to look up to in responsibly handling the government's finances. It is important that our country continues down the path of fiscal responsibility and debt repayment.

To make life easier for Canadians, the government wishes to lower taxes on the first two brackets by 2% each while lowering small business taxes by 3% in order to allow more fiscal freedom for Canadians nation-wide.


The Government of Canada is heavily invested in protecting our environment. The government wishes to improve on the current efforts in regard to the environment such as increasing the carbon tax to $35 a ton to discourage corporations from over polluting our precious environment while also modifying environmental standards and banning the exports of garbage, all different efforts to help keep Canada green.


The Government of Canada is invested in improving our immigration system in Canada. The government will maintain a sensible and economical plan for immigration to Canada by elimination of the family reunification back-log, increasing resources to RCMP, immigration officials and CSIS and negotiating stronger jurisdictions for the provinces.

The Government of Canada recognizes the importance of accepting genuine refugees, being qualified under the strict requirements of the United Nations Convention on Status of Refugees. The government will continue to ensure refugees who come to Canada are set up to build a successful life. As part of the government’s support for refugees, the government is committed to renegotiating the Safe Third Country Agreement.


The government wishes to take steps to ensure more homes are built and to work with provincial governments to reduce restrictions on home construction. The government also wishes to reduce the standards implemented for the Mortgage Stress Test to allow younger Canadians greater access to the housing market, moreover addressing the growing problem of foreign speculation.


The Canadian government recognizes the importance in investing and continually growing our state of the art medical system all throughout the nation and therefore wishes to prosper it by working with provinces to increase health transfers, working with provinces to review the current annual raises for the Canada Health Transfer as well as funding for mental health and home care, moreover ensuring that rural and indigenous communities have adequate access to healthcare, including mental health and home care services. The government seeks to commit a further 500 million over 5 years into the Terry Fox Memorial Research Fund and throw its full support behind them in the quest for medical and scientific advancement while reinvesting Canada’s efforts into the fight against cancer, aiming to find a cure.


The government recognizes the importance of supporting the first nations persons of this country, therefore they wish to implement the following efforts.

The  government wishes to actively work with indigenous communities and provinces to provide funding and will commit $4 billion over four years to key infrastructure projects that would address the many ongoing issues that indigenous communities face each and every day with a focus on roads, utilities and telecommunications, and clean drinking water. In addition the government will write off the current $2.0 billion in debt over four years to ensure that indigenous communities are out of debt to the government, moreover working with provinces and indigenous leaders to ensure that indigenous communities have adequate access to the education system.


The government understands the importance of maintaining good relations with our foreign friends, therefore the government wishes to implement the following.

The government wishes to continue expanding the market for Canadian businesses by creating stronger relations with our economic partners around the world, while working on expediting and unifying economic and environmental rights and regulation. The government also wishes to continue to further our economic relationship with the United States and, moreover,  create more beneficial trade relations with our african allies while also working with allies around the world to reduce reliance on OPEC oil. The government wishes to work with other democratic countries and institutions such as the EU, United Kingdom, the United States, and Commonwealth Nations to align regulation and improve trade, to make it easier for Canadian business to compete and allowing more Canadians access to goods they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to buy otherwise. The government will be committed to ensuring that any new trade agreement would be agreed upon only after a thorough review of environmental, regulatory, and human rights standards.

The government believes that Canada must assert sovereignty over the Arctic, the government must act now and in order to protect our economic and first nation interests in the region. Canada’s northern fleets are ill suited for protecting an ever more important asset for Canada and Canadians, which is why the government will work to procure short term naval assets from allied and friendly nations to fill the current gap, also beginning the development of long term Canadian naval assets. In order to fully cement our global claim we attempt work to maintain the northwest passage. A fleet of civilian ice breakers are required inorder to keep the passage open for trade, resource extraction and creating new supply roots for remote first nation communities.

Under the current government, the Canadian people can expect a strong stance to protect freedom, democracy and human rights. NATO has been a key ally in the fight against communist aggression, human rights violators and anti-democratic movements, however due to the change in times it is essential that the government updates policy to reflect a post-cold war world. The government aims to work with our NATO partners to determine new requirements in order to address the issues of today.

The government is committed to review Canada’s foreign aid programs and assess whether funds are being allocated to programs and initiatives that are effective and beneficial. Moreover, the government seeks to move foreign aid from corrupt governments towards NGOs that have shown a positive record of helping people, efficiency, and ethicality. Moreover, the government will keep an open mind in regards to foreign aid dependant on human rights statuses of recipients.


The government recognizes the importance in defending our nation and putting our full fledged support behind our troops and veterans, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.

The men and women who have served and assisted the front line have done a great service for Canadians and for far too long they have been wronged by parties that do not provide the required service and support; whether it be underfunding veterans affairs or not providing enough mental health services. The government seeks to support our veterans which is why the government seeks to provide more support and mental health programs for men and women who’ve served.

When we as a society support our troops; we support our communities, our allies; and help ensure our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers return home safe and sound. Therefore the government seeks to work to provide our troops with the resources they need and work with our armed forces by requiring more officers, non-commissioned officers and non-commissioned members with opportunities to test gear and to provide an unbiased perspective. The government believes that the men and women who use the gear should have a bigger say in their gear. When a crisis becomes too big for a province or a city to handle; military personnel are called up in order to provide vital support. The government seeks to work with our regular and reservist units in providing more training; in order to ensure our forces are best equipped assisting our local authorities in dealing with floods, pandemics, fires and other natural disasters.


The government recognizes the importance to support the seniors in our country and maintain a healthy and fiscally sound life for them, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.

The government seeks to move forward with increasing the Old Age Security benefit by 15 percent for seniors when they turn 75. Moreover, the government is committed to working with the provinces and territories to give even more support to seniors, by increasing the Canada Pension Plan And Quebec Pension Plan survivor’s benefit by 25 percent while also ensuring that seniors have adequate access to prescription medications.


The government recognizes the importance in making sure our justice system works at its most fairest and most optimal, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.

The government seeks to implement new measures to help locate and identify missing persons and to continue cracking down on human trafficking as well as creating a national Missing Persons Registry to assist in the location and identification of persons reported missing in conjunction with the Canadian Police Information Centre. The government seeks to continue working with the respective agencies to crack down on the ever-growing problem of scammers and fraudsters. Moreover, the government seeks to take a fact-based position on firearms in Canada by recognizing that it is not legal gun owners in Canada causing gun related crimes, therefore  a number of excessive restrictions placed on law-abiding legal gun owners will be lifted. Instead our focus should be shifted to targeting the criminals using illegally obtained guns in crimes and pushing Provincial and Municipal governments to do the same. Moreover, the government seeks to do a better job supporting whistleblowers.

The government recognizes that cyber crimes are an ever-growing problem, that is why the government seeks to work with the respective agencies to prevent cyber attacks.


The government recognizes the importance of strengthening our communities and industries, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.

The government wishes to work closely with provincial governments to create an integrated and properly connected transportation system and identify areas along the existing trans-Canada highway where improvements can be made. Moreover, The government wishes to work towards introducing a new framework for increased foreign and domestic airline competition in Canada to lower prices for passengers. The government will also work to implement strong accountability mechanisms for the corporate governance of Canada’s airports and ensure airlines are represented on the board of NAV Canada as well as working with key partners in the industry to ensure safe and consistent freight and passenger service is provided to remote northern communities year round, ensuring those communities receive the support and supplies they need.

The government wishes to commit $300 million over 5 years to strengthen the vital industry of fishing and other ocean related industries by promoting our brands while taking measures to preserve stocks and end fishing abuses, and keep our waters clean.


The government recognizes the importance of our bilingual country and promotes our usage of both languages we speak, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.

The government believes that we should continue supporting the strong, vibrant minority-language communities all across our great country, which are continuing Canada’s proud tradition of linguistic duality, with both English and French as official languages. As such, the government seeks to work towards modernizing the Official Languages Act. Moreover, the government seeks to work with provinces and territories to ensure that all Canadians can access second language programs, like immersion, in their local schools if they choose to do so.


The government recognizes the importance of supporting and believing in our youth as they are future, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.

The government pledges to work with the provinces to increase family income thresholds for student loan eligibility.

The government wishes to invest $200 million per year in measures to improve support for postsecondary students, including the enhancement of the Canada Student Loans program while also providing students or their parents with a federal tax credit on spending up to $500 per year on textbooks.

The government, in cooperation with the provinces, seeks to remove postsecondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and create an independent Canada Education and Training Transfer to ensure that there is dedicated funding for postsecondary education and training.


The government recognizes the importance in supporting those in the rural parts of our country, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.

The government is committed to working with rural municipalities and remote communities to ensure that key infrastructure projects are prioritized and that plans are put in place to have these projects completed.

The government is committed to supporting Canadian farmers and will work to modernize the Canada Grain Act (CGA) and Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) so that it aligns with global market requirements, modern agricultural practices, and the needs of our farmers. Moreover, to put more money in the pockets of farmers, as part of the modernization of the CGA and CGC, the government seeks to return the $130 million in overcharged user fees amassed by the CGC to farmers.


The government recognizes the importance in ensuring that all canadians are connected throughout the country, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.  

The government believes the CRTC needs to reform, and that there is a need to demonopolize the telecommunications sector, allowing new companies with innovative solutions and competitive pricing to enter the market. We will push for the expansion of network coverage in rural and remote areas across our country. Moreover, the government is invested in increasing internet connection to rural and urban cities to ensure everyone is connected to the internet.


The government recognizes the importance of having a functional parliament, setting an example around the world, therefore the government seeks to implement the following.

The  government seeks to implement a complete review of all government programs to ensure that resources are adequately being utilized and transparency and accountability to government and the Canadian people is in place. A study will be conducted, and the results will be shared with all Members of Parliament and will be available for public access as well. Moreover, the government seeks to propose a 30% salary reduction of all Member of Parliament base salaries and office expenditures. Moreover, the government is committed to maintaining a proportional representation electoral system in place for our term in government. 


The government recognizes the importance in having a safe, secure and ethical government and country, therefore the government wishes to implement the following.

The government seeks to make a change to the Elections Act to create a trust fund for independent candidates.

In closing -- the current government has been given a mandate from the Canadian people. It is crucial for this government to keep the interests of Canadians at a number one priority.

To Members of Parliament, you have been handed an important position, a reminder to those who are returning and a notice to those who are newly elected, make your constituents proud and never forget to keep the interests of the Canadian people at a number one priority. May you use your title in the most responsible way.
