Letter from Orchestra Director to Newly Elected Orchestra Booster Club Officers

Congratulations and Extending Words of Appreciation along with Pledge of Support




Dear Newly Elected Orchestra Booster Club Officers,

I am writing to extend my warmest congratulations on your election as the newest officers of our Orchestra Booster Club. I am thrilled to work alongside you in supporting our orchestra program and our students.

As you may already know, the work that you do as officers is incredibly important and greatly appreciated. Your tireless efforts in fundraising, organizing events, and providing support for our students are essential to the success of our program.

Without the dedication of the Booster Club, our orchestra program would not be able to offer the incredible experiences and opportunities that we do. From instrument repairs and music purchases to travel expenses and uniform maintenance, your efforts ensure that our students have everything they need to succeed.

I want to express my gratitude for your willingness to serve in these important roles. Your leadership and commitment to our orchestra program will have a lasting impact on our students and our community. I look forward to working together with you to continue to make our orchestra program the best it can be.

Once again, congratulations on your election, and thank you for all that you do!
