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International Journal of Conformity Science™ (IJCS™) Webpage:

Founding Editor & Contributor:

A. K. (Anoop) Bungay

To contact the editor:


MQCC: Money Quality Conformity Control Organization incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.

548 Rundleridge Drive NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1Y 2K7

Published in collaboration with:

International Organization for Conformity (IOC™)

548 Rundleridge Drive NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1Y 2K7

Originating Intellectual Property and Seminal Primary Research courtesy of:

Mr. Anoop Kumar Bungay and Bungay International Inc.

548 Rundleridge Drive NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1Y 2K7

ISSN Pending Receipt from the Library and Archives Canada

ISBN: see each issue; which is presently published in monograph format.

The Journal is published at least twice per year, online at

<<Cover: the chain of conformity intermediates through the blocks of governance, academia and industry.  Cover Design: Anoop Bungay

All images presented in the issues of the Journal are from freely distributed images available for commercial use (with no attribution required) from the world wide web unless otherwise indicated.

Father of BlockChain™ is a trademark of MQCC Bungay International LLC. Washington, DC. USA. Used under License.

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Part of the MQCC Bungay International Book Series, including:

A School Children & CEO’s™ Text Series


A Global Standard for Blockchain® Text Series


A Global Standard for Crypto® Text Series


A Father of BlockChain® Text Series


A Father of Crypto® Text Series


A Father of Conformity Science™ Text Series


A World Crypto Day® Text Series


A World BlockChain Day® Text Series


A BITMORTGAGE®, Democracy-In-Finance® Text Series


A Be The Bank® Text Series


A Learn Correctly, Lead Correctly™ Text Series

International Journal of Conformity Science (IJCS)™

The official publication of the International Organization for Conformity IOC™

IJCS™: Part of the Father of BlockChain™ trademark brand series of non-downloadable journals in the field of conformity science published under license by

Table of Contents


What is conformity science?

Definition of conformity science

What is the purpose of the International Journal of Conformity Science (IJCS™)?

Scholarly, Academic, Peer Reviewed or Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

Intended Audience

Where do I learn about Conformity Science and how do I become a Conformity Scientist?

The Future in Academia

Notice of Un-Intended Competing Interest (Disclosure Statement)

About MQCC™

Contact MQCC™

About Bungay International Inc.

Issues, Archives & Additional Information Sources

Current Issues


Additional Information Sources

Intellectual Property Notice


What is conformity science?

Conformity Science: is the science of transforming stakeholder expectations into reality.

Borne out of nearly two decades of knowledge (corpus) development (including: terminology, vocabulary, ontology) commencing at least as early as August 2001 resulting from, natural discovery, scientific-method-based primary research, development, commercialization, litigation testing, annual professional liability insurer underwriting and regulatory audit, scrutiny, reporting and recognition (through registration to National and International Quality Management System Standards of 119 countries), continual operation and continual improvement of the world’s first application of the “Principles of ‘BlockChain’” (Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm)-in-commerce for the public regulatory-integrated commercial trade in Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Securities and Related Financial Instruments; transacted on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow basis, within a Global Electronic Finance System-Network on April 9, 2005; and subsequent registration thereof, of a subordinate Quality Management System, to ISO 9001:2000, on May 9, 2008. To learn more, visit

Formal definition of Conformity Science is found on the next page.

Definition of conformity science[1]

Source of Definition of Conformity Science found at

What is the purpose of the International Journal of Conformity Science (IJCS™)?

Until the IJCS was established, the pedagogical approach[2] (formal way of educating and explaining the knowledge) on matters related to conformity science was limited to delivery of knowledge by primarily publishing case studies[3] via the commercial “blog” managed by the Money Quality Conformity Control Organization [incorporated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada as MortgageQuote Canada Corp., trading as  MQCC™ (the Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the world’s first application of the “Principles of ‘BlockChain’”-in-commerce”), at

Creation of the IJCS allows for a formal method in order to transition the knowledge transfer from an informal (blog-based) method of delivery to a formal (journal-based) method of delivery.

Some additional goals of the IJCS include:

The IJCS pedagogical approach will expand from primarily case studies and serve as a compendium of articles including primary research, examples, case studies, outcomes or results of the application of conformity science (theories, principles, laws and hypotheses) in real world commerce; including disclosure of empirical results from qualitative and quantitative research.

Some early articles may include commentary or policy suggestions for potential or existing applications of conformity science in an actual (real world) government, academia or industry setting.

In matters of public policy, the IJCS includes articles from experts who desire to publish their responses to public policy input requests from regulators, legislators or public policymakers alike.

Conformity science is a pan-discipline, meta-science and draws on different fields of study including:

Scholarly, Academic, Peer Reviewed or Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

At the present time, the IJCS is a non-peer-reviewed, academic journal, with articles written by credible experts in the field of conformity science. The determination of academic and expert articles are based upon generally accepted “determination of a source”[4] [5] [6].

Once a sufficient number of peers in the field of conformity science appear, then a peer review process will start; with future articles that are peer-reviewed having such a designation.

Intended Audience

The IJCS is for you, if you are a member of Top Management[7] of an organization; an academic (scholar, researcher, student), risk professional, regulator, legislator or other interested party.

Where do I learn about Conformity Science and how do I become a Conformity Scientist?

The epicenter of the birth of conformity science is at 548 Rundleridge Drive NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The non-public, home of Mr. Anoop Bungay and the Registered Head Offices of Bungay International Inc. (the originating company that commercialized the world’s conformity science-based business framework) and MQCC™ Money Quality Conformity Control Organization incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp., the Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the world’s first application of the “Principles of ‘BlockChain’”-in-commerce.

All education on matters of conformity science and its sub-branches are delivered through various MQCC related domains including:

The Future in Academia

Once more individuals learn about conformity science and a large enough population of conformity scientists are created, it is expected that accredited and non-accredited will employ teachers and researchers and enroll students in the subject matter of conformity science.

Notice of Un-Intended Competing Interest (Disclosure Statement)

The reader should be aware that the discovery of conformity science was borne out of a private commercial business process from two Canadian companies: Bungay International Inc. and MortgageQuote Canada Corp.; also known as MQCC™: Money Quality Conformity Control Organization pursuant to discovery, development, commercialization of the “principles of ‘BlockChain’” (Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm) for the world’s first Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Securities and Related Financial Instruments; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Electronic Finance System on April 9, 2005; and subsequent registration thereof, of a subordinate Quality Management System, to ISO 9001:2000, on May 9, 2008.  The history is well documented at and and at

Over the passage of time, as hypotheses were established and business practices were tested, certain patterns appeared (using the scientific approach) the concept of conformity science was visualized and after years of commercial success and predictive pattern repetition, the idea of conformity science became formalized.

Ironically, the individual formalizing the science underpinning peer-to-peer commerce is peerless  in the academic community. From an academic perspective, there is a lone conformity science practitioner, [the Editor of the IJCS], who actually or ostensibly is “academically peerless”.

It is hoped that as curious individuals discover the existence of conformity science and learn about its theories, principles, laws, seminial hypotheses and related knowledge-base, it is hoped that greater numbers of academics begin to study the subject matter and form a peer community. This will bring about new points of view, new hypotheses, new testing outcomes, new predictive values and so forth.

Until such time as the conformity science academic community reaches a critical mass, knowledge  disclosure and commentary will continue to emanate from a singular point of commercial origin: Bungay International Inc. and MortgageQuote Canada Corp.; also known as MQCC™: Money Quality Conformity Control Organization.

About MQCC™

MQCC™ Money Quality Conformity Control Organization incorporated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada is the Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the first application of the “Principles of ‘BlockChain’” in commerce. MQCC also serves as co-conservator (along with Bungay International Inc.) of the intellectual property of Mr. A. K. (Anoop) Bungay, the individual who first identified, developed and commercialized the “Principles of ‘BlockChain’” (Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm) a peer-to-peer electronic finance system; and the broader application of the “principles” in matters of assuring statutory, regulatory and process conformity of regulated and unregulated organizations for the benefit of stakeholders, namely, conformity science.

MQCC is also publisher of the International Journal of Conformity Science IJCS™.

To learn more, visit:

Contact MQCC™

To contact MQCC; MQCC Corporate University or the Private Equity Mortgage Institute (PEMI®), please email


MQCC; Money Quality Conformity Control Organization, incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.

548 Rundleridge Drive NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T1Y 2K7

Phone: 403 590 6610

Fax: 403 590 9833

Toll free: 1866-948 7283 (North America/Mexico)


About Bungay International Inc.

Bungay International Inc. is the company that first registered and operated a business that is described as the “world’s first application of the “principles of ‘BlockChain’”-in-commerce.

Issues, Archives & Additional Information Sources

Current Issues

Link to Published Version of Journal

  1. Year:2019-Month:July-Volume:1- Issue:1 
  2. Year:2019-Month:August-Volume:1- Issue:2
  3. Issue 3 - Pending
  4. Issue 4 - Pending
  5. Issue 5 - Pending



Additional Information Sources

  1. @mymortgagequote (twitter feed)
  5. Canada’s (Global) Private Lending Network®

Intellectual Property Notice

NOTICE: This is a primary source document for expressing historically accurate and current information on the subject matter contained herein. As a primary source document, the content is subject to change pursuant to the principle of “continuous improvement”, so the document is classified as a PSDD™ (PRIMARY SOURCE DYNAMIC DOCUMENT). Changes are made on an “ongoing basis”. This document is published by Anoop Bungay, Bungay International Inc. (BII™) and MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (MQCC™) as a matter of historical, commercial and intellectual property record. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


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This content of this file including: primary source data, original thought and applicable cited works, is fully protected by national and international copyright laws, and may not be photocopied or reproduced in any form. Under no circumstances may it be resold.

While all reasonable care is taken in the preparation and review of the content in this document, Anoop Bungay, Bungay International Inc. (BII™) and MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (MQCC™) do not warrant that the content of the document is accurate or up to date or that the document will be suitable for your purposes. Please remember: This document is published by Anoop Bungay, Bungay International Inc. (BII™) and MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (MQCC™) as a matter of historical, commercial and intellectual property record.

To the extent allowed in applicable law, in no event shall Anoop Bungay, Bungay International Inc. (BII™) and MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (MQCC™) be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of this document.

This transaction is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Canada. If you have any difficulties concerning the above terms or if you have any questions regarding copyright, please contact Anoop Bungay, Bungay International Inc. (BII™) and MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (MQCC™) at

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If you, the reader, are an individual or an individual who is classified as a legislator; regulator; regulatee; officer, director or employee of a public sector (government), private sector (commercial, trade, business) or non-government (NGO) organization and you seek to make reference to any content in this document either in written or oral form (published or unpublished), please contact to obtain written permission in accordance with:

“Must be Cited”

If you, the reader, are an individual who is classified as a member of the press (journalist) (with requisite press or freelance credentials) or are a member of academia (professor, researcher, student); and you seek to make reference to any content in this document either in written or oral form (published or unpublished), to prevent claims of plagiarism, please cite this primary source document in accordance with:

IJCS™ International Journal of Conformity Science

Copyright © 2001 -2020 by author(s) and MQCC™ Money Quality Conformity Control Organization incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp. Originating intellectual property courtesy of Bungay International Inc. Used by permission.

MQCC™: An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company.

[1] Primary Source: A Brief History & Future of the Development of Global “Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow” Binary Digit Finance (BIT™ Brand Suite: BITFINANCE™, BITDEBT™,  BITMORTGAGE®), BlockChain & Conformity: Systems, Technology, Services and Products: Before August 14, 2001 to Present Day: (pending publication)

[2] the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.

[3] One of many pedagogical approaches. Thorough descriptions of real events from real situations that students use to explore  concepts in an authentic context.




[7] As defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)