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CHHS Learning Parent/Student Handbook (2024-2025)
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Parent-Student Handbook Addendum

2024-2025 School Year

Table of Contents

Overview        2

Internet Capabilities        2

Technical Support        2

Student Expectations        3

Parent/Guardian Expectations        4

High School Students        4

Equipment Rules and Guidelines        5

Electronic Resource Policy and Responsible Use Procedures        5

Equipment Use and Care        6

Email for Students        6

Webcams        8

Movies        8

Gaming        8

Backgrounds and Screensavers        9

Damaged Equipment        9

Lost or Stolen Equipment        9

Code of Conduct        9

Academic Honesty        10

Student Discipline        11

Electronic Devices        12

Make-up Work Policy        13

School Information        14

Attendance        15

Contact  Information                                                                                                                                                           16



Colonial Heights Public Schools, in partnership with the home and the community, will provide each student with a relevant, quality education. The skills taught shall enable each student to become a self-sufficient, productive member of the global society prepared to enter the job market and/or continue his/her education.

Colonial Heights Public Schools is committed to ensuring all students are prepared for their future.  CHPS continues to put the students' best interest at the forefront of all decision-making.   We are committed to ensuring that all students learn.

We promise to engage, nurture, and support students through this phase of their education.  This text serves as an addendum.  Other policies and regulations through CHHS and CHPS that are applicable, remain in effect.  

Internet Capabilities

Reliable Internet connection is essential for utilizing chromebooks for school assignments when not on school grounds. Families who qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch program may also qualify for Comcast's Internet Essentials ( The Internet Essentials program will allow customers to pay only $9.95 per month.  Families who do not have reliable Internet access and do not qualify for the Comcast Internet Essentials program should contact the Office of Technology and Learning by emailing or calling 804-524-2275 ext. 202

Technical Support

If students are having difficulty with their Chromebook, then they should first contact the main office or Mrs. White (media center specialist).  Tech support will be contacted.  Tech support within the CHHS school building will attempt to remedy the technical issue.  In the event that the technical issue cannot be fixed at the school level, a representative from the Office of Technology and Learning will assist with fixing the technical issues.  

Student Expectations

All students must adhere to the Acceptable Computer Use Policy and Technology Use Guidelines as outlined by Colonial Heights Board Policies.  

Parent/Guardian Expectations

  • Maintain a line of communication with teacher(s); email, texting, phone calls, and/or video meetings.
  • Contact the teacher if there is a concern about assignments or issues during class.
  • Provide up to date information, phone number, and email address, so that teachers can reach out to you.

  • Parents/Guardians will need to monitor student assignments/ requirements through Canvas.
  • Parent/Guardian will need to monitor student’s grades through the PowerSchool ParentPortal.
  • Make personal appointments for students after school hours.

Tips to help your child succeed

  • Students will need earbuds or headphones, their school device, a notebook, and pen/pencil for their coursework. Please note that Apple products may not work with Chromebooks. Some classes may require additional materials.
  • Using a calendar will help your child stay on track.  Also, consider setting up reminders and appointments on your phone to help you remind your child.
  • Setting goals for the week helps your child see their accomplishments. It also keeps them from getting behind.
  • Ask your child about his or her school work.  Ask questions so the student has to form their own opinions. Forming their own opinions helps the students think about their learning and lets them know you are interested in what they are doing.

High School Students


CHHS curriculum is  Colonial Heights Public Schools approved and is SOL-aligned.  


Secondary teachers will assess students in a variety of ways in order to measure student learning.

High School Grading Policy

  • Minimum Number of Grades: Minimum of 3 test grades, 4 quiz grades, and a daily average (10 minimum assignments) for the 9 weeks for each course.
  • How Grades are Apportioned: Test average 40%, quiz average 40%, daily/homework 20%. NOTE: No grade on a test, etc. will be used as a doubled grade at any level. All graded work must be designed so that the student is eligible for any grade—A, B, C, D, or F.
  • Method of Rounding Fractions:
  • Each component of the 9 weeks’ grade will be rounded mathematically to one decimal place.
  • Component (daily, quizzes, tests) averages will be kept to one decimal place in the gradebook.
  • Components (daily, quizzes, tests) will be averaged mathematically and the final average will be recorded as a whole number for the 9-week grade.
  • Advanced Placement courses will be graded on tests and quizzes only with 60% of the 9-week grade being derived from tests and 40% from quizzes. A minimum of 2 tests and 2 quizzes will be given each 9 weeks in each subject.
  • Students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses have the option of taking the AP exam.
  • Dual Enrollment courses will also adhere to grading policies set forth by their collaborating institution.
  • Definitions:
  • Quiz – An instrument, either written, oral, performed, or produced, used to evaluate a student’s understanding of a small amount of instruction such as a portion of a unit. The instruction being evaluated generally would have been delivered over a short period of time such as 1 - 5 days.
  • Test – An instrument, either written, oral, performed, or produced, used to evaluate a student’s understanding of a larger amount of instruction than a quiz such as a whole unit. The instruction being evaluated generally would have been delivered over a longer period of time such as one or more weeks.
  • Participation/Daily – Any check for understanding that takes a form other than a quiz or test. These must be in a variety of formats such as worksheet, homework, oral responses, etc.
  • The following letter grading scale, approved by the Colonial Heights School Board, will be used to record student grades on report cards. (Equivalent number grades follow each letter grade). A student must earn a minimum final grade of “D-” (60) in the course in order to earn a credit. The final grade is an average of the two 9 weeks grades.  The grading system for regular course credit is as follows:


















59 & below









Equipment Rules and Guidelines

The rules and regulations are provided here so that students and parents/guardians are aware of the responsibilities that students accept when they use district-owned technology equipment.  In general, this requires efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of all technology resources. Violations of these rules and guidelines will result in disciplinary action.

Electronic Resource Policy and Responsible Use Procedures:

General Guidelines

All use of technology must

  • Support learning
  • Follow local, state, and federal laws
  • Be school appropriate

Security Reminders

  • Students may never share logins or passwords with other students or friends.
  • Students may share passwords with parents or guardians; however, parents and guardians must keep passwords confidential.
  • Students should never share classroom meeting links (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.) with anyone outside their class.

  • Students must always use their given, full name when joining an online meeting via Google Meet, etc.  
  • Students should not develop programs to harass others, hack, bring in viruses, or change others’ files.
  • Students should never post personally identifiable information online - full name, birthdate, address, family member names, pictures of self or family.
  • Students must follow Internet safety guidelines.

Inappropriate Content

All files must be school appropriate.  Inappropriate materials include ( but are not limited to) explicit or implicit references to:

  • Alcohol, tobacco, or drugs
  • Gangs
  • Obscene language
  • Nudity or sexual content
  • Bullying or harassment
  • Discriminatory or prejudicial behavior

Equipment Use and Care

Care of Chromebook at Home

  • Always carry the Chromebook with two hands.
  • Charge the Chromebook fully each night.
  • Completely shut down the Chromebook after each school day.
  • Store the Chromebook on an elevated, flat surface (never on the floor).
  • Protect the Chromebook from extreme heat or cold, food and drinks, small children, and pets.
  • Lost and/or broken chromebooks and/or chargers are subject to fines.

Prohibited Actions

Students may not

  • Put stickers or additional markings on the Chromebooks or chargers.
  • Leave Chromebooks in public, unattended.
  • Leave Chromebooks in a vehicle.
  • Stack heavy objects on the Chromebook.

Email for Students


All students are issued an email account.  Email allows students to safely and effectively communicate and collaborate with district staff and classmates.

The effective use of email is:

  • A 21st Century communication tool.
  • Used to appropriately interact with teachers and other students.
  • A way to meet the International Society for Technology in Education Student Standards (ISTE-Student Standards).

Guidelines and


   Email should be used for educational purposes only.

  • Email transmissions can be monitored by the district to ensure appropriate use.
  • All email and its/their contents are property of the district.
  • Email should only be used by the authorized owner of the account.
  • Students should protect their passwords at all times. Any suspected breach of a student’s assigned CHPS account should be reported immediately.
  • Proper email etiquette should be practiced when students email staff members and other students. Appropriate salutations and closings should be used:


Dear Mr. Burnett,

I have a question about the assignment.  Could you please explain what number 3 is asking?  Thank you.

Juliet Capulet

Unacceptable Use Examples

Non-education related forwards (e.g. jokes, chain letters, images, etc.)

  • Harassment, profanity, obscenity, racist terms
  • Cyber-bullying, hate mail, discriminatory remarks
  • Email for individual profit or gain, advertisement, or political activities



Each student Chromebook is equipped with a webcam.  This equipment offers students the opportunity to develop 21st century communication skills.

Examples of Use

Webcams are to be used under the direction of a teacher for educational purposes only.

Examples include:

  • Recording videos or taking pictures to include in a project
  • Recording a student giving a speech and playing it back for rehearsal and improvement
  • Video conferences with teacher(s)


During School Hours

Watching movies on your laptop is not allowed during school hours without permission from the teacher.  Permission will be given only for media used to complete a school assignment.


During School Hours

Online gaming is not allowed during school hours unless you have been given permission by a teacher.  All games must be in support of education.

After School Hours

Online gaming is allowed at home if all of the following conditions are met:

  • You have permission from your parent/guardian.
  • The content of the game is school appropriate.
  • The game is in support of education.
  • All school work is complete.
  • No download of any kind is needed.

Students may not try to load any personal software onto the district-owned device.

Backgrounds and Screensavers

Unacceptable Use Examples

Inappropriate media may not be used as a  background.  Presence of guns, weapons, pornographic materials, inappropriate language, alcohol, drugs, or gang related symbols are prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.

Damaged Equipment

Accidental Damage vs. Negligence

Accidents do happen. There is a difference, however, between an accident and negligence.  Damages caused due to a student’s failure to follow the guidelines set forth in this handbook will be deemed negligent and may incur costs to repair or replace the equipment.

Lost or Stolen Equipment

Reporting Process for

Lost or Stolen Equipment

If any equipment is lost or stolen, the student or parent must report it to the school immediately. Students must let a staff member know and the staff member can assist him/her in a timely manner.  Repeated incidents of lost equipment may result in fines and/or CHHS not re-issuing equipment.

Code of Conduct

Colonial Heights Public Schools expects all students to behave appropriately for an educational environment and follow school rules.  Any behavior which disrupts the learning environment, and / or is detrimental to the safety and welfare of other students or staff is subject to disciplinary action.  Students are expected to abide by the Standards of Student Conduct.

Appearance and Attire

In addition to student dress criteria listed in the Standards of Student Conduct, student attire and    clothing that presents an immodest appearance or that could cause a class disruption may not be worn.  Examples include but are not limited to:  clothes with revealing rips/holes above fingertip length, tops that expose front or back, short skirts, dresses, or shorts above fingertip length, see through blouses/tops, bare midriffs/crop tops, spaghetti straps under two inches in width, tops that expose undergarments, tops that are too low or high, halters, corsets, tube skirts, muscle tops, pants worn below the waist.  Pajamas, pajama pants, bathrobes, and blankets are not permitted to be worn at school.

No clothing, garment, or item that causes a disruption of the educational process may be worn.  This includes but is not limited to clothing or items with inappropriate messages, double-meanings, confederate flags, and/or advertisements of tobacco projects, juuls/vapes, drugs, alcohol, sexual and/or pornographic connotations, or any illegal substances.  Large/oversized coats and trench coats may not be worn in school during the day or at any after school events.  The wearing of studded necklaces, bracelets, rings, or any item that poses a safety hazard may be prohibited.  

Hats, hoods, bandannas, head wraps, ear muffs, sunglasses, do-rags, bonnets, and other head apparel are not worn in the school building during instructional hours.  All head coverings and apparel must be removed when entering the building unless it is being worn for religious reasons.  Head wraps may be no more than 3” wide and worn as a headband.  

Clothing, colors, or accessories which evidence membership in gangs cannot be worn in school.

Yoga pants, leggings, and bike/compression shorts may be worn to school.  A top or shirt must be worn to at least to the mid-thigh for coverage in the front and back.  Bike/compression shorts must be at least fingertip length when worn.  

*Changes and additions to clothing styles occur during the school year that may require revisions and adjustments to guidelines.  The school dress and grooming policy is not intended to include or cover all possible dress and grooming situations.  Necessary additions or adjustments to this policy can occur during the school year.*


Academic Honesty

Students are expected to follow all copyright laws.  Duplication and/or distribution of materials for educational purposes is permitted when such duplication and/or distribution would fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Law (Title17, USC).

Examples of plagiarism, cheating, and/or misuse of technology

  • Using the work (written, audio, video) of another person and presenting as your own without citing the source
  • Apps, websites, blogs, online services, artificial intelligence, or free-lance services that provide answers or complete the work
  • Having a parent, student, or other person complete any portion of an assignment without permission from the teacher

Student Discipline

Teacher-Detention of Students:  An individual teacher may keep a student before or after school as a disciplinary action.  At least 1 day’s notice will be given and the teacher will contact the parent/guardian via phone or email.  Students who fail to report to teacher detention will be assigned administrative detention.

Administrative Detention:  Students may be assigned administrative detention by a CHHS administrator or administrative assistant for violation of school rules.  Administrative detention will be held from 2:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays unless a change in the schedule is announced.  At least 1 day’s notice will be given to the student.  Employment, athletic, or extracurricular activities will not be acceptable excuses for not serving detention.  Students who fail to report to detention as assigned may receive at least one day of ALC.  Administrative detention is not appealable to the principal.  

Alternative Learning Center (ALC):  Students assigned to ALC must earn their way back into the regular classroom by satisfactorily completing all assigned work and adhering to all ALC policies.  If a student is not adhering to ALC rules, he or she will be placed on school suspension for a set time period.  If a parent wishes to appeal a student’s ALC time, he or she must first speak with the administrator who assigned ALC.   If the parent is still not satisfied after speaking with the administrator, the parent must appeal within 24 hours to the principal by calling the school secretary to make an appointment.  ALC is not appealable to the superintendent.  

Any student placed in the alternative learning center is not allowed to participate in VSHL and/or CHPS activities until he/she has been reinstated.

Out of School Suspension (OSS):  Grading of assignments for students assigned to OSS will be as follows for each school year:

While on OSS, students and parents should check Canvas and email teachers to request school work.  A parent conference may be required with CHHS administration before the student returns to the classroom.  Continued misconduct after multiple placements or short term suspensions may lead to possible prolonged  or long-term suspension of the student or referral to the superintendent of schools or her designee.  If a parent wishes to appeal an OSS decision, then he or she needs to set an appointment with the high school secretary to meet with the high school principal.  This must be done within 24 hours.  If a parent wishes to appeal the principal’s decision, then he or she must appeal in writing within two days of the principal’s decision to the superintendent’s secretary.

Suspended Students:  While suspended out of school, a student is considered trespassing if he/she comes on the school grounds of any CHPS property without having permission from an administrator.  Any student placed on out-of-school suspension is barred from participating in VHSL and/or CHPS activities until he/she has been reinstated.  Any student placed on OSS is not allowed to attend any CHPS event until reinstated.  This includes home and away games and CHPS events held outside of Colonial Heights.  In addition, students who are suspended out-of-school are not allowed to participate in school-related work programs.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices, including but not limited to, cell phones, ipods, iwatches, air pods, may be used by students before and after school, during  the student’s lunch, and in hallways during class changes.  Electronic devices should be off and away when entering a teacher’s classroom.  

During the instructional block, classroom teachers will be able to select a classroom setting (red light or green light) regarding electronic devices as it pertains to educational purposes only.  Classroom teachers will set appropriate levels of acceptable usages as outlined below:

Red Light:  Cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed for the current activity/time period, and need to be turned off and put away.

Green Light:  Cell phones and electronic devices are allowed by the classroom teacher for the current activity/time period and must only be used for educational purposes as it pertains to the given activity/time period.

The following stipulations will also be adhered to regardless of location during all times of the school day.

Students not adhering to the electronic device policy may have their electronic devices confiscated by staff members and turned into the main office for a parent/guardian to pick up.  Failure to comply with the requests of a staff member may result in disciplinary action.  Electronic device offenses reset at the beginning of each semester.  

1st and 2nd offense:  Student turns in the phone/electronic device and an adult on the emergency card is able to come get the device on the same day.

3rd and further offenses:  Student will receive ALC.  

*Electronic device offenses are subject to disciplinary consequences (administrative detention, ALC, or OSS) in the place of/or in addition to confiscation and having the device picked up by a parent/guardian.*

CHPS-issued Chromebooks must be utilized during the school day.  

Make-Up Work Policy

School Information

High School Bell Schedule

The high school will be operating on a 4x4 schedule with all classes meeting each day.  Second block classes have an additional 15 minutes of time built-in each school day to allow for Colonial Pride time.  


  • Students may begin to enter the building at 7:20 through designated entry points.
  • Breakfast is available as a “grab and go” at multiple spots on the main campus and the tech center entry point.  Breakfast is free for all CHHS students during the 2024-2025 school year.  
  • Students report directly to their first block class.
  • Students will transition to classes in an orderly fashion.


  • Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria.  Lunch is free for all CHHS students during the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Students will be released at 2:22 each day.  Students will exit the building in an orderly fashion.


Block 1


Block 2 (with Colonial Pride Time)


Block 3 (with lunches)


Block 4



Contact Information

School Counseling

CHHS staffing is here to help you.  If there are questions or you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of the following individuals:

804.524.3405 extension 4116

Darby Wheeler         A-F last name         

Deona Guy                G-Me last name     

Tara Seely                 Mi-S  last name     

Betsy Johnson         T-Z last name         

Pam Morgan            Counseling Secretary

Mary Vaughan         Career Readiness

Kristin Crowder        Gifted                      

Jennifer Whirley      Nurse                       Betsy Johnson         Counseling Director        

Main Office

804.524.3405 extension 4119

Clestelle Green           Secretary                

Eric Allen                      Resource Officer  

Gerald Carsley            Activities Director

Denise Gueusquin     Bookkeeper          

Marcy Kroll                   Attendance           

James Burnett            Assistant Principal

Jonn White                  Assistant Principal

Mike Nelson                Principal                

Tech Center

804.524.3405 extension 4710      

Debby Williams         Secretary               

Wayne Moody           Resource Officer  

John Thomas, Jr.      CTE Director