
  • Research was conducted to better understand the demographic we want to access (Tribal leaders, tribal members local/state/national governments, community activists, law enforcement)
  • Due to historic distrust between the Native American community, U.S. government and law enforcement there is guaranteed to be challenge in creating an open line of communication in providing resources and education on the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous Women/People (MMIW/MMIP)
  • Creating a website to be a source of tools to educate, inform, and create a plan of action in future cases of MMIWs or MMIPs
  • Target audience first and foremost will be Native tribes, tribal communities, tribal agencies and organizations with hope for expansion towards others who may benefit from use of a MMIW/MMIP toolkit including but not limited to law enforcement, local/state/national government


  • With a lack of communication and seeming lack of follow through and cultural understanding from law enforcement on MMIW/MMIP cases, four out of every five Native women are affected by violence. There are currently 5,712 MMIW/MMIP cases with only 2% of them reported into the US DoJ database.
  • By implementing protocols through creating of a toolkit to address cases of MMIW/MMIP on tribal land success can be measured through outcome objectives as identified through the strategy


  • The Red Dress Vitality website will compile resources such as missing person poster templates, press release templates, tribal community response flyer on the steps to take in the case of a missing person, as well as an advocacy letter template/guide for contacting elected government officials on topics of concern


  • The main tactic for communication and resources will be the website, Red Dress Vitality. There a tribe, individual, or agency will be able to find educational information as well as the toolkit created for MMIW/MMIP cases.
  • Safety Pamphlet with infographics
  • Tribal Community Response: When a Woman is Missing
  • Advocacy Letter Template
  • Declaration of Emergency


  • Through implementation of the Red Dress Vitality website and tool kit, success of the implementation should be measured approximately by the following timeline:
  • Month 1: 5 tribes identified and invited to use the toolkit
  • Month 3: 100 visits to the Red Dress Vitality Website
  • Month 6: 3/5 identified tribes report having implemented toolkit to begin reduction of MMIW/MMIP cases
  • Year 1: Identified tribes to have reporting systems and protocols for MMIW/MMIP cases through self-reporting measures
  • Year 2: 3 more tribes to indicate interest of implementation of the toolkit
  • Year 5: Toolkit to be resource of choice for 6 tribes across 2 states for implementing MMIW/MMIP through self-reporting measures
  • Pre- and Post- implementation will be guided by the Gannt chart to coordinate and track specific tasks of the Red Dress Vitality website and toolkit creation. Tasks of the Gannt chart include:
  • Outreach to tribal, local, and state agencies
  • Promotion of toolkit on social media platforms
  • Meeting with agencies to discuss toolkit and address questions
  • Providing survey materials to agencies promoting the toolkit
  • Process and Impact evaluation assessments
  • Final reporting to stakeholders and agencies


  • Assessment of outcomes of the Red Dress Vitality website and toolkit resources
  • Due to communication barriers between tribes, government and law enforcement self-reporting measures may be the most realistic and successful ways of reporting and evaluation
  • Assessment of MMIW/MMIP rates per tribe annually to compare any change post-implementation of the Red Dress Vitality Website and toolkit