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Dress Coded
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“Sorry girls, those collars are cut too low. Have you not seen the new dress code that was sent out?” Ms Wallambe asks, giving you and Amanda a detention slip as she explains the new rule, “Professor Green and Professor Smith have both requested a more formal dress code- O, your skirts are too short too; they must be below the middle of your shin, and your collarbone can’t be showing either. I think your sleeves have to be full length too… Hold on, let me double check the rule…”

You and Amanda just walk away while Ms Wallambe searches through her bag, both of you red with frustration upon hearing the new rules.

You rush to Principal Wright’s office, hoping she has an explanation for you.

“The only two men in an all girls school!! How can those old fogies have so much control??” You demand, shocked to see she’s conforming with the rule in an extremely conservative gown.

“I’m sorry girls, those ‘old fogies’ started the school for their daughters decades ago, and as principal I’m essentially just the third member on their board. If they want a rule change, it happens. You can try to convince them otherwise, but I’ve already put a lot of effort into it…” Principal Wright trails off, exasperated and rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms.

“O, we’ll have a word with those clowns, no problem…” You trail off, making Amanda laugh as Principal Wright gives you a weird look.

You leave the office and go straight to Professor Green, a man who’s old enough to have taught your grandparents. Upon entering his classroom he gives you an angry look, clearly upset you’re not following his new dress code.

“Young lady! The old uniform is no longer acceptable, it was much too revealing. It was above your knees, and the shirt let girls show off way too much!! I don’t know why other schools have their female students dress this way, but Professor Smith and I will no longer accept it.” Professor Green angrily rants, complaining about your plaid skirt and button down shirt.

“I thought the next dress code change would get rid of these dumb uniforms, not turn them into dumpy gowns! You can’t make us wear that stuff, we’re college seniors!!” Amanda angrily yells back, infuriating Professor Green and making him jump up to yell more, “I guess it’s settled then.” She smiles, turning to you and concentrating on your joint powers.

Mr Green’s face instantly goes from angry to uncomfortable, and sweat begins to trickle down his forehead as he pulls at his shirt collar. He opens his jacket in an effort to cool down, a futile act that just lets your magic permeate him faster and deeper.

Mr Green’s square chin rounds off slightly as his lips inflate, and he’s forced to pout as he struggles to cool off. He doesn’t even notice his maroon button down becoming a tight tank top, but shivers as all the fat in his torso is sucked up into his chest. His undershirt warps into an underwire bra, straining to withhold the heaving masses squeezed together as his waist cinches in.

You and Amanda stretch his old face, raising his cheekbones and smoothing his skin as almond eyes fill the space under his large square glasses. Then his knees knock together, and you hear the sound of feminization along with de-aging as Professor Green’s voice becomes that of a luscious angel. His throbbing bulge slowly fades as Professor Green’s pant legs merge, turning into a tight pencil skirt as his manhood shrivels up inside him.

Amanda spreads his hips wide as you make his butt swell, forcing Professor Green to bend at the hip as his center of gravity changes completely. You round out his protruding behind, only stopping when it’s a perfect bubble that is big enough to make him arch his back.  

“What are you- Mmmmm- I’m sorry girls, what were you here for again? I’m having these hot flashes that, like… O I’m kinda horny an- Shit! Sorry, it’s just so hot in here!!” A flustered Ms Green apologizes, taking her jacket off as she stares at Amanda’s cleavage.

“We just wanted to ask about the new dress code?” You innocently reply, trying not to smile as Ms Green fans her face with delicate femininity.  

“I feel like I keep apologizing, but sorry girls! I tried convincing Principal Wright to get rid of those stupid uniforms, but she doesn’t feel it’s right unless Professor Smith agrees.” Ms Green says with a dejected look, her new body squirming with arousal.

“Maybe we can convince him!” Amanda cheers, “We’ll let you know what he says, Ms Green. Bye!!”

Amanda grabs your hand and Ms Green gives you a teasing look, one that tells you she assumes you’re about to go pleasure Professor Smith. You just giggle at the idea of the previous old man being so prone to naughty thoughts now, and follow Amanda out the door.

You walk into Professor Smith’s classroom, ready to negotiate for the rule to not be changed. You even tell him what you’d done to Professor Green, and how she now wants there to be no dress code for the girls. Before he can say a word you grant him the ability to remember Professor Green and Ms Green, proving your powers and making him lash out.

“You think you can just terrorize me like this?? I don’t care what you try, I’m a far more powerful magician than the two of you combined!! It’s disgusting how you’ve desecrated the modest uniforms I picked out, and you’ll soon happily conform to the new rule!!” Professor Smith exclaims, clearly planning to warp your mind into a clueless puppet for him to manipulate.

You feel the tendrils of his magic in your brain, warping the neurons and shaping you into his perfect disciple. He zeroes in on your shyness and amplifies it, using it to disarm your struggling mind as he knifes through your thoughts. He’s powerful enough to separate you and Amanda, probably doing the same to her as he is to you. The desire to be sexy and flaunt your looks becomes a new need to be completely covered up, no longer seeking attention from boys or wanting to show off your right body.

Then you feel a hand touch yours, and with a smile you’re easily able to combine powers with Amanda to instantly reverse his spell. You then hit Professor Smith with a powerful burst of magic, laughing as you realize what you’re about to put this man through.

“No way!! You girls can’t be so- You’re making me feel restricted in these clothes now, and… O my god, you made me want to be a woman?? How dare- You girls are evil!! I can’t control my own mind anymore, you hacked me completely! I’m the most powerful wizard in this universe, how can you two little, girly- Fuck!

You’re just gonna wait till I do it?? I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I don’t want anything more! You’ve implanted memories I know are false, but they’re so prominent and loud it’s overpowering me!! I’ve never thought about being a girl in my life, but now you’re making me remember thirsting for it every second of every day!

Damn it!!” Professor Smith exclaims, finally accepting the craving to transform that you and Amanda placed at the forefront of his mind.

You grimace in disgust as the old man grabs at his right pectoral, but watch in awe as he massages it and his left side into jiggling full breasts. He shapes his torso and pelvis into an hourglass, giggling effeminately in his manly voice as his hips flow outward. You couldn’t have done a better job on the bottom half, and Ms Smith clearly knows where her best work was done.

“You girls really suck.” She sulks as you throw a pencil down, making her feel inclined to bend over and show off her slender legs and still inflating bubble butt.

“We didn’t make you do this!” You laugh, jokingly gesturing toward Ms Smith’s outfit and buxom shape.

“You totally did!! Oooo and you’re making me want to be a bimbo so bad! And where’d my glasses go?? I can’t even see anymore!!

I’m a respected professor not some- O it actually feels so much better to talk through my nose, and like… totally, like- fuck!! You girls are such total meanies!! My pussy’s like gushing whenever I can like, totally, like… like, do the thing when I totally say like and all that other totally ditzy stuff!!” Ms Smith cries, exasperated and convulsing with euphoria as her body slowly becomes accustomed to her new lifestyle of constant intense arousal.

“Yeah dude. You were a total dick, so we had to really teach you a lesson.

Now tell Ms Green you agree to reverse the rule changes, and we’ll change you both right back. Obviously you would need to keep your word, and all we’re asking for is to be able to wear these dumb uniforms instead of the eighteen hundreds’ style dresses. So what’ll it be?” Amanda asks with a serious look on her face, waiting as Ms Green starts to massage her dampening panties.

“Are you fucking serious???

I just told you! I’m not letting you use terrorism to- shit!” Ms Smith squeals, her tight outfit instantly disappearing except for her skirt.

Amanda creates suspenders that strap to Ms Smith’s skirt, pulling it up and making her stifle an orgasmic scream as they scrape her puffy nipples. She closes her eyes as her panties fade to nothing, leaving her hand to rub against a frothing bare pussy. Ms Smith then opens her eyes wide as she feels her womanhood start to get smaller, becoming even younger as you and Amanda take away her credentials. She loses her master degrees and turns into a fellow senior, hornier than any other one as stockings crawl up her voluptuous legs.

Brandy Smith collapses onto a desk, eyes glazed over as you finally give her back the glasses she made disappear. She bites her lip as her fingers now gently work the entrance to her folds, blushing as she tries to gain some semblance of control over her body. Her ponytail undoes itself, letting luxuriously curled hair flow down her shoulders as you and Amanda laugh.

With the snap of a finger Ms Green appears, confused but definitely aroused as Brandy writhes on the desk.

“We would’ve changed you both back to male professors if Brandy had agreed to our original request, and we could’ve even kept you both as Professor assistant milfs like you are now, Ms Green. Unfortunately Brandy was very rude, so we’re taking a different route. Sorry, but you’ll have to pay for agreeing with such an idiot, and giving him power over us even temporarily.” You say with a vengeful smile, already feeling Amanda rev up her powerful spirit besides yours.

“This’ll be kinda quick, cuz I’ve got an important class soon.” Amanda says, directing both your powers toward Ms Green as Brandy watches in blissful horror.

Ms Green’s body shrinks down as the age fades from her face, but her breasts remain the same size. They even appear a bit larger as they perk up, making Ms Green giggle as you remove most of her knowledge. Her glasses disappear as a glazed look takes over, and the outfit she wore turns into lacy lingerie.

“So what were you saying about the dress code, Stella?” You ask, laughing as she gives you a completely flummoxed look.

“Dress… Code? Who’s Code? I would like, totally dress him if he wants me to…” Stella giggles, her boobs jiggling as she babbles on.

Amanda snaps her fingers and Stella disappears, eliciting a frightened yelp from Brandy as she continues to pleasure herself like you forced her to. You then both turn to her, evil smiles on your faces as you pull out your phone.

“Look at that, Stella snuck into the teacher’s lounge. Is her thing getting caught?” You ask Amanda, showing her your phonsecreen

She just laughs with affirmation as new memories of Stella hit your mind, already posting her prohibited location to her story in hopes of a risky fuck session several times prior to this. You get ready to turn the phone around and show it to Brandy, who’s body is still too caught up rubbing herself and moaning to let her move or speak. You give her the ability to speak through her moans, but she immediately spits in your face.

“You’ll never be able to fully control me, I’m too powerful!! I was just about to give myself some control back, but you’re lucky you did it so I could have mercy on you!” Brandy shouts, obliviously still masturbating as she furiously threatens you.

You just raise an eyebrow and show her Stella’s story, laughing as the confident anger leaves her face. She could never create a girl like that, especially that fast and nonchalantly.

“This is all part of the plan, Brandy.” You smile as Brandy cringes at her mind recognizing that as her name, “We know how you manly wizards are, so verbose and proud till the very end. We wanted to see your last bits of hope disappear, the knowledge that you may as well give up and that you’re not even the most powerful in the room!” You laugh at Brandy’s crestfallen face, her eyes unable to look away at the repeating video of Stella’s story as she accepts that you and Amanda possess exponentially more power than she ever did.

“You can’t do that to me, please! I’ll let you have your dumb uniforms, you can even wear your own modest clothes if you’d like!” Brandy begs, her glasses fogging up as she seeks mercy from one of you.

You just look at Amanda and nod, the two of you easily warping reality. You turn Brandy into a petite freshman with the tightest pussy on campus, and Stella is now a junior with the libido of five. She performed for webcams to pay for her first few semesters, and is thankful that they finally got rid of the dumb dress code and anti-sex rules this year so she can fund herself through cams again instead of having whoring herself out privately.

It didn’t take long for the only two girls on campus that wear bras as shirts to start hanging out, and Stella taught Brandy to dress super hot and do her makeup a lot sexier. Soon she was pulling in millions from her webcam, only staying in college to be close to Stella.

“Are those glasses real?” You ask Amanda, “They’re tinted pink…”

“No prescription. She just uses them to add to the allure of her shows.” Amanda replies, a smirk on her face as the two of you watch Brandy strip live.

“So do we go back to the principal or-” You’re cut off by Amanda as she pulls you in, not asking you for permission before connecting her lips to yours.

Amanda’s always been super pretty, but you never considered yourself into girls or anything. You’re too surprised to react though, caught up in the moment and closing your eyes as Amanda grabs your round butt with both hands.

In that instant it’s like a lightning bolt to your mind, and you groggily open your eyes as an erection presses into you. Wait, it’s not pressing into you, it’s rubbing into Amanda’s thigh… and connected to your crotch!!

You want to scream in utter shock, but Amanda magically overwhelms you with inflamed arousal that just keeps you kissing her.

“I would say that it’s amazing you don’t remember anything, but that would be underestimating myself.” Amanda says as you passionately lick her neck, “When I found out my boyfriend cheated on me I decided to bide my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity for revenge. It finally came when I got the new dress code in the mail; I knew I would need him totally feminized, otherwise we wouldn’t have enough power in case something went wrong.”

You’re still extremely confused, your entire body now much larger and less lithe. Your heart races as you try to understand what Amanda means, but she’s made it impossible for you to comprehend the story.

“You’re so much fun, I think I’ll just keep you like this.” Amanda smiles, giving you a wave of relief you did not expect.

Your height adjusts back to about the same as Amanda’s, and you wiggle your hips with a sexy smile as your gracefully lithe body jiggles in all the right places. Maybe a sexual relationship with Amanda can be fun, it’s been a total blast so far!
