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ALL CREDIT TO @Lost_Collar_2470

This will be a page-by-page highlight/summary of what is said in the document. I will be including dates and months referenced (not years as this was all 2023) as well as quotes/ important information about what happened as concisely and respectfully as possible. ANYTHING WITH QUOTATION MARKS IS DIRECTLY FROM RUBY THE REST IS SUMMARY IN MY OWN WORDS. I will not be including my own opinions and commentary even though I would love to rip these monsters apart!

Also, Jodi is referred to in this as “G JO” for some reason so that just means Jodi


Dates range from 5/21-7/15 on page 1. This is an entire timeline done by Ruby, the dates will be in more detail later.

- “R refuses to do wall sits and says he is done”

        - “R is to stay outside. Sleep outside. Only comes into bathroom and shower”

        - “E refuses to work. Screams. Has hair shaved off”

        - “R runs away around 1:15 a.m. Ruby finds him at 3:14 a.m.”

        - “Jodi, E, J,  drive to Arizona and find property. Land!”


PAGE 8: 7/9-7/10

        -Rs birthday is the 10th and he turns 12.

- “I never envisioned him being 12 and still pooping/peeing himself” then it is blamed it on satanic choices

-He doesn’t know what month it is, therefore he doesn’t know it's his birthday

- Says the kid's behavior has made them not be able to control their own bodily functions.

- “I told R he emulates a snake he slithers and sneaks around looking for opportunities when no one is watching”

-R is called a compulsive liar and says he has a “cold, dead, heart”

- “He has always been able to get what he wants and now that he can't he is furious”


PAGE 10: 7/10-7/11

        -Ruby wants R to find God and to fast and pray and that R is in and out of possession.

        - Says the only thing consistent about R is that he lies.

        -E is better behaved w/Jodi

        - “I gave her a pixie haircut. All her long hair is gone no more distracting with hair”

        - “ R told me he would rather have a glass of water than me as his mother”

        - Ruby says that E manipulates her she won't scream when Jody is around but with Ruby, she wails and cries and hits her head on the tile floor

        - “R was told to stand in the sun with his sun hat. He is defiant. “No.”  I tell him a couple more times. R or should I say his demon stays in the shade. I push R into the sun. R comes back I come back with a cactus poker.  When I poke his back to get in the sun R doesn't even flinch. I poke him on the neck. He is in a trance and doesn't appear to feel anything.”

PAGE 11: 7/11 CONT

        - Ruby says to R “Do you know that I love you,  do you know that Jody loves you do you know the savior loves you” He replies to these questions with “Yes Ma’am”

        - R wants out of his outcomes

        - “ I take my old mop water and go to R. I show R the water. Then I pour the water on R. It's hot outside. “It feels good doesn't it?” Yes”

        - Jodi later pushes R into the pool and Jodi pulls him out

        -  Later they asked if he wanted to be pushed in the pool again and he agreed.

        - Ruby tries to make some metaphor about talking underwater and how R can hear her

PAGE 12: 7/11 CONT

        - R gets teary after Ruby talks to him about being underwater.

        -Ruby covers his nose and mouth with her hand to refer back to her previous metaphor about water and oxygen

        - “R voiced like he wanted to beat me up this morning and then he was intrigued and interested” (not sure about the word voiced, handwriting is iffy”

        -Says that 2 hours later he drinks water from the house and that he stole water

         -Writes R is compulsive and feels no remorse and that he wants to go to jail and he worships the devil and has no interest in changing

        -  “R doesn't actually know what “jail” means he has no comprehension what throwing your life away means. He just wants the immediate gratification of sitting in an air-conditioned car ride to juvie. He wants stimulus”

PAGE 13: 7/11 CONT

- “ R  stole water. He was angry and looked like he wanted to fist up”

        - Ruby says he has no idea what he's doing but she does and she can help him. She wants him to tell his demon friend that she will not stop and she will win and that she has the power of God and he must obey.

        - R says “He’s gone! He left!”

        - Ruby takes E and R on a car drive to the gas station and tells E she is never going home.  Ruby showed E old pictures of her on a swing.

        -  They stopped to watch the sunset and Ruby says that she can become innocent through repentance

        -  “R and E have been counting days. R did know yesterday was his birthday”

PAGE 14: 7/11 CONT (page 14 has been partially redacted)

- E Tells Ruby she figures they have been there around 8 weeks. Ruby asks if she thinks she has made progress and E says yes. Ruby tells E she is delusional and that she continues to lie and manipulate


        - Ruby takes kids on a 4-hour car ride and she makes another pointless analogy of a cow running in the road and how she wants to keep her kids safe. Ruby buys a pie and tells the kids the pie to thank Jodi for her home, care, and time.

        - “R appeared engaged. E was manipulative. This is the day E anticipates breaking her 2-day fast.”

PAGE 15: 7/12

- Ruby tells R that E has hardened her heart and she will do one more day of fasting to invite her to humble.

        - “E flips out and begins ranting. She refuses to get up. She lies on the floor all day speaking dishonest chants. Because G-Jo is on the phone with clients I don't go in and match her level of aggression. All day E makes rhymes about;  “My mom starves me and calls it fasting.” “My mom won't lift 2 fingers and bring me food because all she does is lie on the bed and eat brownies.” “My mom says she's the most loving mom in the world-blah blah blah” if I can't ever go home then what's the point in being obedient?” “I'm going to run away!”

        -  says Jodi helped her intervene after work  and explains the longer the lies are  allowed to be spewed the larger the intervention  then mentions *physical* the intervention needs to be

        - “I cut more off E’s head. We doused her w/water in the dog wash. E said she wanted to run away. Jodi told E she has no idea what is waiting for her.”


PAGE 17: 7/13

        - Ruby revisits something she told R on the 11th and that he's been workable ever since he “released the demon”

        - On the morning of the 13th R and E broke their fast with different food.  Ruby makes another ridiculous analogy about a hornet flying around his food as Satan.

        -  Ruby says something strange here“ R is full of piss and vinegar. She is mad as a hornet she doesn't call the shots” assuming she is referring to both E and R.

        -  It's been about 90 minutes since R ate and says he is defiant again and he defecated himself.  Ruby says it's too watery to be fasting and he admits the stealing water 3 times the previous day.  She says he lies and feels no remorse and that E is cheating

PAGE 18: 7/13 CONT

        - Calls her children selfish and they only desire to lie and attack and have zero understanding of God's love for them.

        -  Explains Jodi is selling her property so she can purchase land where the kids can work.  She is looking for a property with Soros Cactus and is feeling more imminent than the need to get these kids to open land.

        - “ This is a spiritual matter. I can't in good faith leave you with those two gremlins. I won't do that. These are God's children. Soros don't matter when the souls are on the line” presumably said by Jodi

        - Jodi and J are going on a road trip to look at property in Arizona.

        - “ We decided the escalation of the kids is not manageable here and now R is sitting/angry/defiant. E is lying on the floor. We will bring them in. R, I will clean up out in the desert as he has pooped himself. He will then stand/sit on the patio/shaded. Now I'll see him from the kitchen. E, I will bring into the cool house and she can sit in the pantry. They will think they won. They will think they got what they wanted. They will relax. Then… POP!!! We will drop them like hot potatoes out in the desert. Their new home! “You are going to get exactly what you asked for.”

PAGE 19: 7/13 CONT

        - There is only one sentence on this page continued from 18.

        - “Oppositional force is required for growth, development, maturity, E and R have never experienced oppositional force… they are very weak-minded”

PAGE 20: No date provided, assuming it is 7/13 continued

        - Ruby says the wicked spirits in E and R have been Pals a long time before this life she says “How E and R got to come and get a body can only be explained in me advocating to be their mother. This is not a conceited statement. God knew I would take my responsibility to Mother seriously. Jodi volunteered to help. These two souls are very weak of mind. They are fools”

        - E said she would choose the devil over God and Ruby says that the disdain and hatred they have for God is beyond her ability to describe.

        -Ruby spends the rest of the page writing about boundaries, sending evil away, truth, principles, and obedience aka more Connexions crap. Doubling down on the possession.

PAGE 21: Still no date confirmed, assuming it is 7/13 continued

        - Ruby talks more about scripture and starts describing physical activity.

        - “If you can engage a weak-minded soul in a physical activity of obedience you can begin to break the bonds Satan made w/ the weak. Physically stop the acting out behaviors and begin physically doing good. Farm work. Lifting boxes. Exerting energy. Exercises. Jump rope. Milking cows. Weeding a garden. Digging trenches. Satan cannot be where there is good. Begin doing/sweating for good. Heavy physical intensity. Capture your attention”

        - Says the hard labor doesn't work for E&R and has no meaning to them

        - Ruby says they need property where a Ranch can be built “and that the kids need a good kick from a horse and a cactus to run into. They need natural outcomes.”

        -  later Ruby asks Rl what he's thinking about and he answers “What I want”

PAGE 22: Still no date confirmed, assuming it is 7/13 continued

        -Continued from the last page, Ruby asked what R wants

        - “More different foods and a soft bed”

        - Ruby asks R why doesn't he ask Satan  and she says “Why would you serve a God who has no power to give you your desires? Dumb!” and R is silent

        - “E had another episode w/demons. She gives herself to them. She agreed to stop being deceptive w/ her facial expressions and crying and whining. Whining is the devil's voice. Whining is always a demon.”

        - After E did “stairs” she sat on a park bench looking at the mountains and she was told to sit and be still and eat her dinner

PAGE 23: DATE IS 7/14

        - I’m basically going to quote this entire page word for word because it has that much detail and importance

        -  “E woke up. I reminded her that if she whined, cried, or squinted her eyes at me or sour her face, I would be buzzing her hair. If she is going to act sick, she can look sick. She agreed w/ a smile. I told her because she didn't listen the night before, she would do two sets of boxes/stairs with a 5min break. She did the first set easily and agreeably. After 5 min of rest, she began whimpering when she got to the bottom stair she “slipped” and dropped the box. I put her in the dog wash and shaved her head. Then back to the boxes. I told…*whited out*….”        

E: “Yes ma’am(with tears)”

RUBY: “It’s heavier than boxes. Right?”

E: “Yes ma’am”

RUBY: “ E, I can help you find relief. you have told so many lies about me, that you refuse to be obedient. why do you keep being buddies w/ Satan?”

E: “ I don’t want to work”

RUBY: “Don't you see it's because you follow Satan that you keep doing boxes? If you were  humble, you would be inside making pancakes with J and me.”

PAGE 24: 7/14

 - Ruby says if E moves gets up, fidgets, talks, or takes her hat off she will go back to work and E promised to be obedient.  After an hour of sitting on the bench E began fidgeting and moving around Ruby pulled her back into the house and gave her more boxes.

- There is another talking interaction between R and Ruby and I will again quote the whole thing:

RUBY: “You like sleeping on the hard ground? I slept in a soft bed.”

R: “I slept really well.”

RUBY: “You are mean. Do you enjoy being mean?”

R: “Yes ma’am”

RUBY: “Do you expect me to feed you?”

R: “Yes ma’am”

RUBY: (I got big over him) “I will feed R I will not feed a demon. So I will check on you in a bit and if you want food then be prepared to tell the truth about your behaviors. Tell the truth of who I am”


RUBY: “You ready?”

R: “No ma’am”

RUBY: “So you would rather have no food and worship the devil?”

R: “Yes ma’am”

PAGE 25: 7/14

- Ruby says E does her first set of books decently and gets a 10-min break. E is upset to do boxes but she gets them done and sits on the park bench.  she picks a flower off of Jodi’s plant and Ruby says she's defiant.  there are more boxes but E refuses and goes to sleep on the basement floor.

-  Ruby tells R to stand up and stop picking your nose that both of the kids pick their noses until they bleed and that it's a distraction.

-  Ruby talks to R about Satan similar to the previous conversation they had on pg 24.

- She says she wanted to give him dinner w/chicken but he needs to acknowledge his behaviors and she tells R that he is treating her and Jodi the way he believes he really deserves to be treated.  Ruby brings him a dinner of brown rice, beans, lentils, and water.

PAGE 26: 7/14

- The previous conversation is resumed after she brings him food

- “No thank you? Are you going to acknowledge the woman you've been abusing just brought you dinner?”

-R then absolutely roasts her to hell and says “Well, I would say thank you but I wouldn't really mean it”

- Ruby then takes his dinner away and he tries to give some sort of explanation to get the food back. Ruby says she will not talk with a demon and that his soul is damned.

- E has started walking stairs without a box and she is now slipping/falling on purpose.

- “When E was outside today, it was hot, she acted like she was dying. So pitiful. I told her “E, the heat in hell is much hotter and God is going to burn the wicked– so either get used to it or start changing”

- Says Jodi and J are looking at RV trailers. Ruby says “Those kids have no idea the sacrifices being made for them, or Jesus’s sacrifice already made.”


- Ruby says that last night God gave her a miracle she will never forget.

-Ruby goes to bed around 12:10 am, E is on the floor next to her bed and R is on the patio outside her window.

- She says she is shaking while writing this and mentions Pam (Bodtcher) taking A to American Fork to take her ACT.

- At 2:45 AM she woke straight up and saw R was gone. He left an arrangement of rocks in a message. She ran to Jodi’s room and woke her up.

- R’s message in pebbles said “Jail I will call when I get there”

- They get in the car and she pleads to God, “Oh Father! We need a miracle. We need your help now!”

PAGE 28: 7/15

        - Ruby continues to pray “Protect me. Protect Jodi. Protect us. Protect us.”

        - She finds R and he is shocked to see her and he gets in the car.

        -Ruby says something interesting here, “The devil wants me in prison. My children dead”

        - The other children go back to bed and R is in the garage.

        - “He has zero remorse. Zero fear. Zero expression. He is cold callous and hard. Angry he isn't calling the shots.”

        - She needs land and wants to do an intervention. She says the spirit told her “Don't let those kids' choices ruin your life”

        - “I tied a rope to my feet and him. To my waist and his R will now sleep in a soft bed with me”

- Then at 7:00 am she says “R slept. The devil got a bed.” at 8:00 am they leave so someone can look at Jodi’s house (I assume for selling it )

PAGE 29: 7/15

        - E, J, and Jodi go to Tuscon and R is home with Ruby. She feeds him chicken, rice, lentils, beans, and milk. He sits at the counter and takes notes on Characters by Theophrastus and he takes notes.

        - Ruby describes R being studious and sitting with her but she is not relieved and says this next odd sentence.

        - “I now know that in order to keep my son I will need to put him back under sedation. I unhooked him from all the bells and whistles and asked him to breathe and thrive on his own and he went into arrest a stress. Back to sedation we go. The demon is still here and I purposely put R back into a slumber. Hibernate”

        - Compares his demon to a cancer patient and says R and E do not want to repent. Says R and E like the infection and that it is sick.

PAGE 30: 7/15

        - 8:18 pm Jodi texts Ruby saying she found the land. Ruby writes this strange passage:

        - “The devil does not want us to take R and E out of society. He did not want Jodi finding this property. He wanted Jodi and I down at the police station at 8:18 p.m. Not discovering a place to bring intervention to his entanglement of my children.”

        - Says R can only think that he likes the taste of milk and reading again

        -JULY 16TH NOW

        - Ruby says that last night she tied herself to R and got a full night of sleep.

        - “R showers while I watch. I shower while R is in the closet. I can see the closet door as I shower.”

        - She gives him food, chicken, rice, beans, lentils, and tortillas. She has him do 3 sets of 10 push-ups and reads Theophrastus again.

        - Jodi is on her way back and E spent the way back lying down and didn’t know where/ why they went to Tuscon.

PAGE 31: 7/15 (assuming it is still that date it is not made clear)

- Ruby debates if they had an hour of breaks and reading if the children would be more compliant and she says yes, but they would not have been repenting. She wants them to have discomfort

- Some of this page is partially blacked out

- She says “ …we needed to wake the child up to the state of reality.  Show them where they really are–the pit of Hell. This hope was that they would choose to go to God for forgiveness. To admit their awful state. Instead they hid. They wanted to lie to themselves that what they did wasn't that bad. That they were the victims. That me and Jody are the persecutors. That burning in hell isn't real. That God is that mad and that God doesn't even exist. They deny the power of God”

PAGE 32: 7/15 (assuming it is still that date it is not made clear)

        - R and Ruby have a conversation, She tells R that he is sedating his choices to do wickedly,  he says he doesn't want that anymore and she says he does by his choices.

        -  she says to him “If you really didn't want evil anymore, you would say “Mom thanks for the book, but I want to do boxes today” or “I want to stand with my choices” You won't do that will you?” and he says “No ma’am”

        -She calls him a “weak minded, undisciplined brat”

        - Ruby writes a note to herself saying she never clearly saw the devil and wickedness until recently, and that she didn't combat him.

PAGE 33: 7/19-7/23

        - The July 19th entry is completely redacted and the summary will be from 7/23.

        - Ruby starts off by saying “To begin a separation from evil toward God, all the darkness needs to be exposed to light” and that the body must engage in good work, and that these works need to be painful.

        -  She says a day of fasting and prayer for her after learning “my children have been spawns of Satan”

        -Says R and E have been out of control with R defecating himself, lying stealing, and running away and E crying and wailing.

        - Jodi and Ruby took E out to the desert and E refused to stay quiet and kept screaming.

        - “She went out in the heat barefoot. E  still tried to run. She screamed for another family, water, food, care, love. Oh E. A manipulative ploy. You are loved. And…(redacted)”

PAGE 34: 7/23

- Continuation from E in the desert. After some hours of E screaming and speaking nonsense she lay in the road quiet. They took her home.

- The next day they take E and R outside barefoot to “increase the discomfort” and they were assigned to weed a cemetery( they had encountered the cemetery the day before)

- Ruby says the kids began to mellow out a bit and that “ R looked for shade and cheating”

- They went out the next day and today and spent 5hrs pulling weeds. R started getting the hang of it and saying things such as “I want to pull the weed out of my heart”, “What am I doing with my life?” and “I don't want to live like this anymore.”

- Ruby says all children need to work and sweat in the sun and do acts of service.

- New paragraph starts

- “Yesterday R was devious and put his head in the toilet. He said he was hot and wanted to cool off. Jodi and I reflected how disgusting and deviant that is. It's a problem that R has no problem being gross.”

PAGE 35: 7/25

- This is the same scenario with the cemetery but looks to be from a different perspective, or Ruby just refers to herself in the third person.

- Ruby takes E, R, and J to the same cemetery to pick up glass or weeds and a truck pulls up and a woman watches them and is taking pictures/video. She tells the kids to stay by her and keeps their faces from being pictured.

-The woman gets out and explains they are trespassing and she bickers with the woman about what they are doing and why. The woman says to leave the bags and get off her land.

PAGE 36: 7/25

- The woman is telling them off and is saying that it is disrespectful. Ruby collects the children and the woman yells at them saying “They will grow up to be just like their mother- white and full of privilege”

- The woman wants to get a police report and the woman wants to get a good photo of them and the license plate but Ruby drives off.

- Later Ruby says the woman was projecting her anger and aggression onto her and she says she talked to E and R about how the woman was attacking them with her distortion.

PAGE 37: 7/25-8/1

- Ruby says they later met a different woman who thanked them for cleaning the cemetery and compared the nice one to the one who told them to leave. She compares the kids to them and how she is helping them even though they reject her help.

- She says the kids seem a bit affected because they are so numb and she doesn't know how long it will hold

- “ R is very unemotional. E not so much. She is seeing and hearing evil I told her that she invited evil.”

-She said because E created this she can destroy it and send them away


-Jodi goes to Tuscon again to look at a 500-acre property.

- “E&R are both defiant and unwilling to soften. E this week perpetually screamed outside. Jodi and I accommodated her and took her to Hell Hole Road.  Yes, there is such a road on your way to Las Vegas. She was to run on the dirt road. She ran for a bit and then started manipulating. I told her to run up an incline on a hillside, touch a tree and return 100 yards max she threw herself into a tree”

PAGE 38: 8/1

 - I will basically be quoting this entire page as well

- Continuation of the quote “Jodi pulled her out breaking her flip-flops. After an hour of E jumping in bushes, we get in the truck to find a cactus. E walked right up to the cactus and threw herself into the middle of it! It was unhuman! She acted like it didn't hurt at all. She cuddled right in. I watched her press her foot up against a cactus ear(hard to know what word) I watched with my mouth open. She is so numb. After being cozy with the cactus E got up and spoke with Jodi for about 10 minutes. E walked to the truck and I rolled down the window. E said, “May I have permission to speak?” “Yes,” “Can I have another chance at running the hill?” “Yes,” We get in the truck and drive to the hill. E gets out and comes to my window “Mother what would you like me to do?” I instructed her to run to the dead tree and then come back. E replied “I would rather jump into a cactus” What evil! What deception! This girl would choose to be shot and die than to humble and do what she is told. There is no pain point where she will turn.”

- Ruby then refers to the day as July 30th so this incident might have been the 29th but written later on, or her dates are incorrect.

- On Sunday, July 30th they put E into the closet and contemplate what to do and she screams most of the day. If she screams she doesn't get water and she refuses to eat as well

- The bottom of the page is titled Monday, July 31st, so the dates are still iffy and possibly inaccurate.

-Jodi wakes up from a dream and God lets her know they have done everything they can to get E’s attention.

PAGE 39: 8/1

        - From the Lord apparently “Don't continue these physical interventions. They will only bring resentment. E is angry about her feet. Dress her wounds and leave her to me.”

        - Jodi cleans Eve's feet with hydrogen peroxide and it “doesn't sting”, E is numb to it.

        - “I witnessed Jodi cleaning what didn't “deserve” to be cleaned”

        - Jodi carried her back to the closet and E screamed and sulked and was given lunch,  Ruby gave her water and then scriptures. It is her first opportunity to have reading materials since coming to Jodi’s.

        - Ruby says to Eve, “When you see God he will judge you out of these books. Did you honor your mother? No. Did you keep his Commandments? No. Did you repent? No. You are in big trouble. You better get really familiar with what's in here.”

        - “R’s feet are swollen from standing. He is angry nobody cares. I told him he is acting like a man having a heart attack and gets his feelings hurt because nobody cares about the sliver in his finger. When your soul is dying, nobody cares about your feet”

PAGE 40: 8/2 AND 8/6

        - Jodi is still away

        - E is distracted by being in the house and is getting socks, being held, and carried out of the elements. She is reading her Bible, and getting beans, rice, and chicken, and she is quiet.

        - Ruby asks R why he didn't manipulate yesterday, he said he wanted to change and she says “No, it's because you weren't uncomfortable, you weren't hot”

        - One of the children is standing outside watching the rain and Ruby makes another analogy on the rain cleaning them.

        - “R pooped himself. He is angry”


        - “R’s rage comes out as he can't have what he wants–which is to serve the devil (AKA have no responsibility) and have me (Mom) dote on him, coddle him, he wants both. Feed me, hug me, be tender with me, shower me in praise and affection, and let me lie to you, abuse you. Today he rages for hours. “f*** you!” at least 50 times “I'm not going to lie anymore I'm never going to change! Take me to jail where I belong.”

PAGE 41: 8/7- 8/8

        - Jodi is having someone come and fix the basement so she can sell the house. Ruby says this is great news.

- “Only R is yelling obscenities. Jody asked R, “R what are you going to say when you see God? f*** you?” R answered “Sure”

-Says at the end of the day he was docile and compliant. E cried that day as well.


- “R is very defiant. I found his fingers poopy. He keeps pooping/peeing his pants. within 5 minutes of him going to the bathroom, he went in his pants and tried hiding it from me.”

-Rest of page is redacted

PAGE 42: 8/9

        -  Ruby talks to R about the devil and how he does the things the devil wants him to do and R refusing obedience.

        - Ruby asks R, “When did you sell your soul to the devil?” R responds “2 or 3” She then asks, “Did he come to you or you to him?” R says “He came to me” Ruby asks, “And what is he giving you in exchange for your soul? Money? Fame? Strength? A person?” and R responds, “Nothing.”

        - Ruby tells R he can still keep his soul

PAGE 43: 8/9

        - This is also an important page so I will be quoting the whole thing.

        - “R becomes aggressive and destructive. He started banging and hitting doors. I went in and kicked him. Knock this off! R continues to be destructive and violent. I put on a pair of boots. I went in and kicked him again. You want me to stop? What are you getting from Satan when he tells you to kick the door? Huh? Nothing but more pain! You want me to help you? Yes.. no!”

        Ruby: “You want me to feed you?”

        R: “Yes”

        Ruby: “No! You want me to shower and provide for you?”

        R: “Yes”

        Ruby: “No! You want to serve the devil and fight me and destroy all that I provide and then expect me to give to you? Go ask the devil to help you. Go ask the devil to feed you.”

        - Ruby leaves R contained in the closet and she says “I get that you’re rageful. I got that you're angry. You should be. But you've got to aim that anger in the correct direction. You keep aiming it at me. I'm trying to help you get your life back get angry and denounce Satan”

        - R starts calling Satan a big lying piece of bologna

PAGE 44: 8/9

        - “He continued raging and yelling and crying, “I believed you and what do you give me? nothing but pain! You lie. And I believed you. I'll admit it. I've been a fool to follow you. But no more! It's not too late I can turn my life around. Get lost! Get lost! I can get my life back through obedience.”

        - Ruby questions if it is sincere. “R is manipulating his hand. Wet his pants.” Ruby lectures that the only way out of pain is to humble yourself. She says “ Show God how you have desecrated your precious body. How you misuse your body. Beg him to help you.”

        - R then prays and wants to repent and says he knows he can change and that he has been “such a fool”

PAGE 45: 8/10

        - Jodi and J are in AZ

        - Ruby is watching R in the closet and E on the back patio. It is warm and raining. She tells R the rain is cleaning the rocks from dirt and R’s urine. She tells E to feel the rain clean her.

        -Ruby asks R what he is thinking about and he responds “How my choices have led me here” She then says to him “Did you know you were in a dark pit of despair?” and she explains but it is redacted

        -E stood in the rain for 2 hours.


PAGE 50: 8/15

        -Ruby writes when a human is not humble you have to get to a breaking point of confessing. She explains “R never would have disclosed his sins had he not had a hope that confessing with bring a sense of relief” and describes how his only relief is confession. Ruby then says, “The world we live in today does not support children being uncomfortable. They, the adults are uncomfortable with children being uncomfortable. and so children are comforted, entertained, and distracted from the need to confess and change. Stripping down a child's world to be the basics of beans and rice and hard work would be considered abuse. And it's not. It's necessary for the prideful child.”

        - “Now that R has his behaviors out–all of them–he feels like a failure, a monster, useless, worthless. The relief he felt in confession was short-lived and now there is no shame(maybe another word, can’t tell) to hide. So he becomes overly aggressive, destructive, and combative. Foul language I've never heard is now pouring out. It's his only distraction. Poop. Pee. Damage. The despair comes in. He is weak, infectious, hopeless, and never felt worse. A setup from the devil. Now is the work”

PAGE 51: 8/15-8/16

        - “It has been 3 months of consistent boundaries and putting up with his terrorizing to get his confessions out. who would do this in the real world? I don't know of anyone who would feed their kid in America beans, lentils, rice, and chicken for three straight months and refuse all distractions. And this is why Americans are so full of sin and are ready for destruction. They won't repent”

        -Date is now August 18th, two weeks before arrest

        - It is the second day of R jumping on a mini trampoline. He struggles with balancing and coordination. Ruby asks him to take off one sock while trying to balance on the opposite foot.

        -R falls on his face and his nose starts bleeding and Ruby gives him a wet rag and toilet paper. He blows his nose so hard, he gets new blood on his face and shirt.

        -Ruby says the easiest exercises he is asked to do, but he refuses with “ the decrepit stature you would expect of a 90-year-old. He plays completely helpless.”

        - “His body is full of evil, puffy, infection and he won't participate in the responsibility of flushing it out. R’s life meaning and purpose has been “don't get caught!” and now that he's caught he wants to be done with life. He feels he has no meaning”

PAGE 52: 8/21-8/22

        - Partially redacted

        - August 21 entry by Ruby, “Poking is a strategy/technique R seems to respond to poking, pouring cold water, towel whip”

        -August 22 entry by Ruby, “ First day R soaked, jumped as told. He did wet his pants twice”

        -Ruby explains how the hail in St. George is a mystery and that it is a heavenly validation of intervention.



        - A visited for a week the previous week and Ruby took her back to Springville on that Friday.

        -J, A, Pam, and Ruby packed 20 boxes and took them to a storage shed in Springville. A gives her 2-week notice to her job.

        - “R spent the 22nd–25th peeing and pooping. He is out of control. He is defiant, abusive,  and mean. He refuses to do what he is asked. Just when I think we found a technique that will work, R digs in and fights harder. Willing to try anything that would grab his attention. I whipped him with a belt yesterday, E too. She peed all over Jody's garage floor, screamed at her, and lied to her. She is out of control. E seemed to give me her attention after the whipping she sweeped the garage with some muscle (again, hard to tell what that word is) and mopped it. She did a good job. R increased his defiance”


Page 60 is just random notes that don't provide any important information.