City of Osceola - Municipal Utilities
Utility Service Application
Photo ID Required
Date of Application: Date Service Required:
Service Address:
Mailing Address (IF DIFFERENT):
SS# :
Please Print
Last First MI
Date Of Birth:
Home phone #: Employer phone #:
SS# :
Please Print
Last First MI
Date Of Birth:
Home phone #: Employer phone #:
You will be required to sign and agree to pay, in full, all balances due for utilities billed, due on the 5th of each month. Disconnection of service will be on the 11th or the next business day without any notice. If disconnection occurs, the total amount due plus a $30.00 reconnection fee must be paid before reconnection will occur. Please also be advised that it is policy of the City of Osceola that anyone with an unpaid utility balance will not be eligible for city services until balance is fully satisfied. By signing this form, I certify that I have received and read the Osceola Municipal Utilities Policies and Procedures.
Signature of Applicant:
Signature of Co-Applicant:
Account #:
Deposit Required:
Paid by: CS or CK #
Date paid:
Deposit Required:
Paid by: CS or CK #
Date paid:
Utility Service Application
City of Osceola
Osceola Municipal Utilities
Policies and Procedures
In order to facilitate a clearer understanding of how the City of Osceola's Municipal Utilities shall operate, the following policies and procedures have been developed and adopted by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen.
Security Deposits and Miscellaneous-
Deposits for new customers are $140 - $280 for electric service, and $100 - $200 for water service (based on information obtained in their credit report).
All City Employees must pay a security deposit on new accounts. Existing customers who request new or additional services and who are in good standing with the City of Osceola will not be required to pay additional deposits. Good standing means the customer is all paid up and no arrears; and without any late payments during the last twelve months. Husband, wife, and/or co-occupants (18 years or older) are responsible for any debt incurred to the City of Osceola.
Should a customer in "good standing" wish to establish service for another property or another customer, unpaid bills for the additional property will become their responsibility.
Anyone wishing to purchase a Business License from the City of Osceola will be required to pay any personal outstanding utility balance and City taxes owed. Anyone wishing to run for Mayor or Board of Aldermen must be in good standing with utilities, City taxes and any other account managed by the City of Osceola.
Meters are read on approximately the tenth (10th) day of each month.
Bills are mailed on approximately the eighteenth (18th) - twentieth (20th) of each month. Bills are due on the fifth (5th) day of each month, except when this date falls on a holiday or weekend. When this occurs the bill is due the following business day. Any payment received after 8 a.m. on the next business day will be subject to penalty. This includes any payment left in the drop box. All late payments will be stamped with the date received. Osceola Municipal Utilities will not approve any requests for payment plans.
Disconnects and NSF Checks-
Disconnection of service will be on the 11th day of each month, or the next working day after the 10th (whichever comes first). The crew will begin disconnects immediately that morning. Any payments made on the 11th day of each month, or the next working day after the 10th
(whichever comes first) will either need to be in the payment box or given to the Customers Service Assistant no later than 7:30 a.m. that morning. The Customers Service
BOA REVISED: September 2015
Assistant will modify the disconnect list if a payment is made by 7:30 a.m. or in the drop box - no other exceptions will be made. No payments will be accepted to override the disconnects once the city crew has left City Hall.
Utility customers will be provided with a courtesy phone call prior to disconnection on only one occasion.
Once the past due utility bill has been paid in full, including late fees and a $50 service fee, the City has a minimum of 24 hours up to a maximum of 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and all City holidays, to restore the utility(s). Again, immediate payment does not justify leaving on or restoring the utility that day. The schedule time for restoring is at the City's discretion and not the utility customers. No negotiations will be made by City office or crew staff, and payment cannot be accepted by the crew.
When a delinquent utility customer has been disconnected for the second time, due to lack of payment of their monthly bill, the City of Osceola will require the customer to pay an additional deposit, presently established by the City for utilities.
If a customer's check for utility payment is returned marked insufficient funds, services will be disconnected immediately. The full bill plus a returned check fee of $25.00, and a reconnection fee of $50.00 must be paid in CASH or money order before utilities are reconnected. Any customer submitting a bad check to the City for utility payments will be subject to a "cash only" payment policy for any future payments. The City will not send a courtesy letter to the customer if the check does not clear the bank.
Outstanding returned checks not corrected within 5 days after the City of Osceola receives the check back will be sent to the prosecuting attorney's office for collection.
Final Bills Unpaid-
Service will not be provided to any person who has an existing amount due on our collection list. Any person requesting service that has been on our collection list but has no existing balance may be required to pay additional security deposits. Any applicant for new service who has an existing amount due in collections must pay that amount to the City before service is provided.
Any person, who has an unpaid account with Osceola Municipal Utilities and moves into another dwelling in Osceola, is still responsible for payment of the utility balance at the previous location. Utilities will be denied the new location until the previous balance is paid in full. Unpaid accounts from a person who lives with you will subject you to the same disconnect policy as nonpayment of your bill.