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Status Report: Internet Data Distribution(IDD)

November 2023- April 2024

Mike Zuranski, Stonie Cooper, Mike Schmidt, Jeff Weber

Executive Summary

Unidata continues to support, update, and enhance the data available via the IDD for the benefit of research and education.  Included but not limited to adding new data formats, bridging the knowledge gap in newly introduced data, and providing statistics of data flow and composition.

Questions for Immediate Committee Feedback

None at this time.

Activities Since the Last Status Report

Internet Data Distribution (IDD)

IDD data volumes continue to increase especially when new datasets are made available.

The following output is from a Linux-based data server  that the UPC operates on behalf of the community,



Data Volume Summary for

Maximum hourly volume 124359.462 M bytes/hour

Average hourly volume  63359.113 M bytes/hour

Average products per hour     392779 prods/hour

Feed                           Average             Maximum     Products

                     (M byte/hour)            (M byte/hour)   number/hour

SATELLITE             15264.235    [ 24.092%]    20758.908     6527.979

NEXRAD2               10499.148    [ 16.571%]    13769.130   109733.667

NIMAGE                 8157.437    [ 12.875%]    12197.203     7478.208

NGRID                  6992.673    [ 11.037%]    12000.162    66519.479

HDS                    4516.974    [  7.129%]     8186.544    30300.083

FNEXRAD                4488.991    [  7.085%]     4962.380     8558.083

NEXRAD3                3814.658    [  6.021%]     5045.800    91566.667

EXP                    3055.116    [  4.822%]     4558.471     2541.708

GEM                    3047.831    [  4.810%]    11342.866     5175.562

CONDUIT                1968.457    [  3.107%]    64975.640     5847.688

UNIWISC                 992.154    [  1.566%]     1174.309      924.667

NOTHER                  281.755    [  0.445%]      766.130       59.542

FSL2                    188.142    [  0.297%]      682.392     1275.417

IDS|DDPLUS               89.833    [  0.142%]      114.865    55867.104

LIGHTNING                 1.708    [  0.003%]        3.947      402.667


Data Distribution:


Beginning the week of 4/15 and lasting through at least 4/19 (the date of this writing) CONDUIT has been down at the source.  This is the result of serious instability at the College Park Data Center and teams there have been working tirelessly to address them.  In fact a Critical Weather Day was issued for this week to ensure NCEP et al. have all the resources they need at their disposal.  There is no ETR at this time.



We continue to create the content for the FNEXRAD (NEXRAD Level III national composites), NIMAGE (GOES-East/West Level 2 images and products, fully reconstituted images from NOAAPort tiles and with broadcast headers and footers stripped off to leave “bare” netCDF4 files), and UNIWISC (select GOES-East/West images converted to McIDAS AREA format for use in legacy systems like GEMPAK) feeds.  

Existing Data Distribution:

The data volume seen in the SATELLITE (which is known as DIFAX in LDM distributions prior to v6.13.6) listing above represents all products received in the GOES ReBroadcast (GRB) downlinks that we installed in UCAR (currently  GOES-18 at the NCAR Mesa Lab  and GOES-16 at UCAR Foothills Lab 2).  The data volume seen in the NIMAGE entry represents GOES-East/West ABI Level 2 imagery that has been reconstituted by stitching together tiles that are distributed in NOAAPort and all other Level 2 products.  In both cases, binary headers and footers that are added to products before distribution in NOAAPort have been stripped off leaving “raw” netCDF4 files.  The UNIWISC feed represents the volume of 3 select channels (0.64um VIS, 6.2um WV and 10.3um IR) for all coverages (CONUS, FullDisk, Mesoscale-1 and Mesoscale-2)  of GOES-East/West image products that are in PNG compressed McIDAS AREA format that is suitable for use in GEMPAK, the IDV and McIDAS-V, McIDAS-X, and AWIPS.

Challenges, problems, and risks:

Ongoing Activities

We plan to continue the following activities:

NOAAPort Data Ingest

Relevant Metrics

Over the period from March 23, 2023 through December 31, 2023 (IDD volume snapshots are taken during periods that do not have monitoring dropouts in NetVizura plots)  the average volume of LDM/IDD data flowing through the Front Range GigaPop averaged around 6.4 Gbps (~69.12 TB/day), and peak rates reached 9.3 Gbps (which would be ~100TB/day if the rate was sustained (which it is definitely not)).

The following table of volume snapshots shows that the volume of data flowing to downstreams out of UCAR has been reasonably consistent:

Date range


Ave   Max


Ave  Max


Ave  Max

20200508 - 20200630

5.4  7.5

42.1  52.9

5.5  7.5

20200701 - 20200930

5.4  7.9

41.9  60.3

5.4  7.9

20201001 - 20201231

5.2  6.9

39.9  55.9

5.3  7.0

20210101 - 20210331

5.5  8.0

42.3  59.9

5.5  8.1

20210401 - 20210415

6.1 15.5

46.4 112.7

6.1 15.7

20210601 - 20210719

         6.6   9.2

         50.5   73.0

            6.6  9.2

20210908 - 20211005

7.6 14.9

         59.3 121.7

7.7 15.0

20211101 - 20211231

6.7 9.1

52.4 71.4

6.8 9.2

20220208 - 20220311

6.6 15.2

53.5 114.8

6.6 15.3

20220412 - 20220521

7.2 14.5

52.6 103.7

7.3 14.6

20220717 - 20220831

7.3 13.3

46.3 86.1

7.3 13.4

20220714 - 20230313

7.8 11.7

51.1 77.4

7.8 11.7

20230910 - 20231013

6.8 11.7

39.4 74.3

6.8 11.8

20230323 - 20231231

6.3 9.2

37.0 56.5

6.4 9.3

NB: The units for Src and Total Ave and Max are Gbps (gigabits per second), and the units for Dst are Mbps (megabits per second).

Strategic Focus Areas

We support the following goals described in Unidata Strategic Plan:

  1. Managing Geoscience Data
    The IDD project demonstrates how sites can employ the LDM to move and process data in their own environments.  

  1. Providing Useful Tools
    The freely available LDM software and the IDD project that is built on top of the LDM have served as a demonstration for distribution of real-time data for a variety of organizations including the U.S. National Weather service.

    The cluster approach for LDM/IDD data relay that Unidata  pioneered has been adopted by several Unidata university sites, and is currently being implemented at U.S. government sites.

    Unidata’s NOAAPort ingest package, which is bundled with LDM-6, is being used by a variety of university, U.S. government, and private sector entities.

    Both the LDM and NOAAPort ingest packages are bundled with AWIPS.

  2. Supporting People
    The IDD is the primary method that core Unidata sites use to get the meteorological data that they need.  Providing access to data in near real-time is a fundamental Unidata activity.  The IDD-Brasil, the South American peer of the North American IDD, and IDD-Caribe, the Central American peer of the North American IDD, are helping to extend real-time data delivery throughout the Americas

Prepared  April 2024