End of Year Reports

Student Reflection

This year in Takutai I have really enjoyed learning about art. The work I am most proud of this year is my camp recount because I put a lot of effort into it. I want to learn more about animals so I can do more stuff to practice my vet skills. My best memories of this year are when I did my swimming lessons. My favourite experience/event this year was camp because we learnt more about each other. The kindest thing someone has done for me this year was when I didn't have my grandparents on grandparents day and my friend's made me feel nice. I feel I have improved the most in maths  because now I know more about fractions. I have been the most creative when we do Art. Paroa school is an awesome school because they let the students have a say. Next year I am looking forward to moving to Ngahare.

Note: This is the first school I have ever been to in NZ. I love it here and it makes me feel at home.