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CC Ep 423
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Coin Concede - Episode 423 TBD

Edelweiss* WickedGood* Magesa* Guest*

Intro (~10 min)

Welcome to Episode 423 of Coin Concede, a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to making the competitive side of the game more accessible to you.

It is Thursday, November 30th, 2023 in the evening!

Coming to you from Gnomeregan, Ohio, it's me, Edelweiss!

From Northrend, Massachusetts, we have WickedGood!

From Teldrassil, California we have Magesa!

And from all around the world we have you, dear listeners.


Thanks for reviews

How's life and ladder? -

Edelweiss -

Wickedgood - Reno Shaman, lost to the stupidest Tony deck ever, finished Trails of Cold Steel

Magesa - T-day fun, lots of explaining HS and streaming. Lots of paladin but also enrage warrior (PSA kill the gold panner), reno shaman, rainbow mage, and naga dh coachings. Saw a snake warlock and hero power druid. I was extremely frustrated with the climb until I remembered that actually this wasn’t longer than usual to legend, especially for a new expansion; I just started 2 weeks late!

News Highlights -  

Some of the other new spells revealed today by Shadybunny:

Worst card of all time - Challonge


You compete individually but choose to represent either Coin Concede, Vicious Syndicate, THL, or Tierras de Fuego.

Format is Standard, Conquest, open decklists, swiss day 1 and top 16 single elimination day 2. There are prizes of a pre order or packs for top 4.

Players of all levels are encouraged to participate, and there’s a server reward for the winning server also! Come represent CC!

You can register up until Dec 2 at battlefy, see the show notes: 



POST SHOW NOTE: WiRer posted an updated list:

Reno Shaman


Outro (~5min) - Thanks and contact!

We have many folks we'd like to thank - check out our THANKS! section on the website at, where you can also find our contact info, our show notes, and our Patreon information!

-You can monetarily support our show at

-Join us every week live, by following us on twitch at

-Join our community chats in our Discord at

And write in to our email at

-Follow us on Twitter @coinconcede as well as like, share, and follow us on Facebook at

-If you would like some CC swag, head on over to our shop at

BIG THANKS to our producers nmbrthry, Kresh, Beefsquatch, David P,  Waalou, Jeremy T, bottlecaps, GrumpyMonk, TheBurgerClub, KercReagan, 4given1, ChrizzleyBear, and TheGrandArcanum!!!

Coin Concedes (Shout Outs):



Edelweiss - Clark, Celestalon, My mother

WickedGood -

Magesa - Minmon top 200 and drum druid guide, Doctor3

Keep Calm and…

And if you see us on ladder 

“Coin Concede” WickedGood

“Coin Concede” Edelweiss

“Coin Concede” Magesa