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Coin Concede - Episode 180
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Coin Concede - Episode 180

Hat * Botticus * Appa* Guest*

Intro (~10 min)

Welcome to Episode 180 of Coin Concede, a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to making the competitive side of the game more accessible to you.

Joining us from Gadgetzan, New York, it’s RidiculousHat!

Also joining us - from Karazhan, California it’s Botticus!

Joining you all from the Maelstrom, Louisiana, it’s Appa!

And now live from Undercity, Pennsylvania it's Edelweiss!

Coin Concede is supported in large part by you, the listener. If you’d like to find out how you can support us and receive rewards in return, head to

Thanks to Dante VS for being our newest producer!

You can also support us by leaving an iTunes review!

How's life and ladder? -

Hat - "Do you know what Soulwarden does", he asked rhetorically

Appa - Legend after 9 times at the final boss!
Botticus - Myracle, PogoRogo

Edelweiss -

News Highlights -

Tournament Results -

High Level Recap

A ton of qualifiers have been completed and we will still jump in to those, but WESG finished and purple took the trophy over MalygosTW in a 10 day slog!! Darong took the women's finals trophy over BabyBear. Playoffs were Bo5 conquest. There was both a Grand Finals and a Women's Grand Finals played out.

In the coed division, Alex took third and JustSaiyan took fourth. Justine took third in the women's bracket.

Tournament Meta


For the coed, Purple played Togwaggle Druid, Cube Hunter, Big Spell Mage, and Zerek's Priest (the now-standard Vivid Nightmare build) and took it over Malygos's Cube Hunter, Quest Rogue, Zerek's Priest, and Even Warlock.

For the Women's, Darong played Cube Hunter, Secret Paladin, Cube Rogue, and Cube Warlock over BabyBear's Mid Hunter, Odd Mage, Odd Paladin, and Odd Rogue.

The evolving tournament meta:

3/15 - Hunter, Hunter, and Hunter. 33 of the 48 top 8 decks were Hunter - 21 midrange, 11 cube. 5 of the 6 qualifiers were won by midrange and the last was a cube. Paladin briefly became the second most place played class, with 6 top 8 spots - 5 of them odd and 1 of them Even. Rogue was right behind, then Warlock and Warrior each had 1-2. No Mage, No Shaman. There was a Taunt Druid in one top 8!

3/16 - ...actually the exact same win count - 5 and 1 for mid and cube hunter. 31 out of 48 decks were Hunter, 24 of those 31 were Midrange, and Rogue jumped back up to second place with Myracle Rogue having 5 copies represented while Odd had 2.

3/17 - A little bit more variety! 27 of the 48 top 8 decks were still Hunter and 16 of those were mid along with 9 Cubes, but there was a secret and an ODD hunter sighting… not to mention that Mid Hunter only won two of the qualifiers. We had a win from Od Warrior, one from Myracle Rogue, one from CUBE Rogue, and one from Maly Druid!

All told in week 2, Hunter is more than 50% of the meta and winning more than 50% of the time - Rogue is the second best class with a 50.3% winrate while Paladin is just behind it at 50.1%. Nothing else has a winrate over 50%, and even Priest - the second most popular class - is getting hit by Rogues down to 48%.

QUIK HITZ Anecdotes

Actual quick hit: Finals game 5 Babybear vs Darong

Secret pally vs Odd mage - what a fitting sendoff to the year of the mammoth. Darong's opener has double Divine Favor, but it also has the King himself, and he goes bananas on turn two even though he's facing down a couple of Fire Flies and punches through a Tar Creeper. The Maul unfortunately rolls Taunt, but even though Mukla can be pinged down, BabyBear elects to play a second Tar Creeper and that also gets smashed by the king of the apes. BabyBear is pretty actively emptying her hand to play around Divine Favor, and a topdecked Call to Arms walks right into a Dragon's Fury... but that just lets Divine Favor finally happen and with the mage hand being Blastwave, double Blazecaller, and Astromancer, there might be a chance here for the paladin. Tarim is very good against Astromancer and the mage's hand is looking more and more awkward... and a big Vinecleaver is very good with both Knife Juggler and applying consistent pressure! In fact, the board gets wiped, though a second Dragon's Fury was made from Blast Wave... and that clears the board, leaving behind a hand of just two blazecallers and a Zilliax.

Darong is on the quest to empty her hand, and Vinecleaver is still real good, esp with a blessing of kings coming after it. Call to Arms gets topdecked, Zilliax gets hit with a big sword, the Maul gives +1 damage to 7 minions, and then coin Divine Favor is 3 new cards. Flamestrike comes but leaves behind a 10/3 Amani Berserker that gets buffed with Fungalmancer and swings in with Cleaver for lethal!!!

Coming Soon

More qualifiers!

World cyber games! International online olympics equivalent, signups are on 

CC Not-League 2!

Decksplanations - The New Cards

We only have three new cards this week, but hey, let's dig into them - as you can hear from the schedule, we're going to have a packed few weeks, and talking about only a few might be a nice bit of calm before the storm.

Lazul's Scheme - Priest epic spell. 0 mana - Reduce the attack of an enemy minion by 1 until your next turn.

Oblivitron - Hunter Legendary Mech. 6 mana 3/4 - Deathrattle: Summon a mech from your hand and trigger its Deathrattle.

Swampqueen Hagatha - Shaman Legendary. 7 mana 5/5 - Battlecry: Add a 5/5 Horror to your hand. Teach it two Shaman spells.

Outro (~5min)

Thanks and contact!

We have many folks we'd like to thank - check out our THANKS! section on the website at, where you can also find our contact info, our show notes, and our Patreon information!

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Coin Concedes (Shout Outs):


Hat- TBen, Krispy Kreme donuts, specifically not my cohosts, Cinder, Markshire and Momosdad

Botticus- Spyvr, WashintheWind

Appa - Slizzle

Edelweiss -

Keep Calm and NO NEVER EVER

And if you see us on ladder…

“Coin Concede” Hat

“Coin Slempo” Bott

“Slempo Concede” Appa

“Coin Concede” Edelweiss