AE Dixie L. Collins
President: Betty Jo Sydenstricker, ReMax On The Move
President Elect: Jessica Nilges, Realty 365
Vice President: Sherry Abbott, Abbott & Company Realty
Secretary: Kathy Richey Liddle, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Directors: Rhonda Braun, Abbott & Company Realty 2023 (1 yr)
George Buckman, Realty 365- 2023(1 yr)
Dani Little, Columbia Real Estate 2022-2024 (2 yr)
Kathy Werdehausen, IRIS 2020-2023(3 yr)
MLS Committee: Kathy Werdehausen, IRIS & Chuck Garriott, Garriott & Assoc. Co-Chairmen
Jim Niedergerke, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Christina Niedergerke, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
David McDaniel, Century 21 McDaniel Realty
Darren Adams, Adams Realty & Investments
Kathy Richey Liddle, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Marissa Lightsey, Century 21 Peak Marking & Assoc.
Dani Little, Columbia Real Estate
Rhonda Braun, Abbott & Company Realty
George Buckman, Realty 365
PR & Publicity: Griffin Anderson, Re/Max On The Move- Centralia
Legislative Contact: Kathy Werdehausen, IRIS
Education Programs: Dixie L. Collins, AE
Professional Stds: MR Handles this for us. We pay per person.
RPAC: Christina Niedergerke, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Orientation: Andy Babel, Chairman, Reece & Nichols Mid Missouri
Website: Aaron Boone
Award of Excellence: Christina Niedergerke, Chairman, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Jennifer Austin, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Christmas Party Lindsay Bailey, Columbia Real Estate & Griffin Anderson,
Committee: Re/Max On the Move, Centralia -Co-Chairmen
Dixie Collins, AE
Bailey Langworthy, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Jamie Pehle, Re/Max On The Move
Trenton Vaughn, Century 21 Peak Marking & Assoc.
Rachael Schumann, Columbia Real Estate
Jennifer Austin, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Jennah Blue, Century 21 Peak, Marking & Associates
George Buckman, Realty 365
Samuel Fair, Re/Max On The Move- Centralia
Carmen Moore, Abbott & Company Realty
Nathan Castle, Columbia Real Estate
Laine Chedwick, Century 21 Peak, Marking & Assoc.
Will Heath, Realty 365
Kathy Williams, Garriott & Associates
Hanna Rustemeyer, Central Bank of Boone Co., Hallsville
Melissa Griffith, Land Title (Last Card Standing Game)
Tronda Wathen, Reece & Nichols Mid Mo.-Decorating
Adopt-A-Family: Christina Niedergerke, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Ashley Kendrick, Simply Real Estate
Review Board Kathy Werdehausen, Chairman, IRIS
By Laws: Jim Niedergerke, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
David McDaniel, Century 21 McDaniel Realty
HS Scholarship: Kathy Richey Liddle, Chairman, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Sherry Abbott, Abbott & Company Realty
Griffin Anderson, Re/Max On The Move, Centralia
Jennifer Stoker, Iron Gate Realty
Tessa Harder, EXP Realty
Marissa Lightsey, Century 21 Peak, Marking & Associates
Sara Jeffrey, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Nominating Comm: Amanda Young, Chairman, Reece & Nichols Mid Missouri
David McDaniel, Century 21 McDaniel Realty
Terry Fischer, Coldwell Banker Niedergerke
Board Photographer : Amanda Young, Reece & Nichols Mid Missouri