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AWIPS and GEMPAK October 2017
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Status Report: AWIPS and GEMPAK

April 2017 - October 2017

Michael James

AWIPS Training

In lieu of the annual training workshop held in Boulder, Unidata conducted three regional workshops during the summer of 2017, two of which (Millersville University and the University of Wisconsin in Madison) featured AWIPS sessions covering CAVE and python-awips (via Unidata Python Training Workshop Jupyter Notebooks).  Using virtual python environments created by Conda installed alongside the awips2-python RPMS, we were able to manage two versions in the workshop (Python 2.7 for CAVE/python-awips and Python 3 for MetPy/Siphon) without any conflict for users.

The Unidata AWIPS User Manual, which is the basis of Unidata training workshops, continues to be regularly updated and expanded. Additions to the manual during this period include a walkthrough of the refactored WarnGen tool, supported GOES-16 products, a detailed account of a distributed EDEX network, an overview of the AWIPS Development Environment, and python-awips examples copied from the python-awips “ReadTheDocs” site.

Software Releases

AWIPS 17.1.1-1 (July 2017) Major Release

AWIPS 17.1.1-2 (July 2017) Minor Release

AWIPS 17.1.1-3 (August 2017) Minor Release

AWIPS in the Cloud

Unidata continues to provide access to real-time AWIPS data in the cloud thanks to the XSEDE Jetstream grant outlined in the Cloud Activities status report.

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OS X Support

Unidata has supported CAVE for OS X since 15.1.1. In last year’s status report I outlined three obstacles which were being addressed to make the Mac client more functional, and all three have (mostly) been fulfilled

  1. Jep and PyDev configuration has not worked correctly in previous versions (15.1.1, 16.2.2).  Fixing this will allow for derived parameter functions to be run from CAVE (which is running locally-installed Python) - Complete: Jep has been bundled in all 17.1.1 releases and is correctly rendering derived parameters and wind representations
  2. GEMPAK and NSHARP libraries should be built without static gcc references, we should not expect users to have installed libgfortran via homebrew or macports in order to plot GEMPAK-like grids - Partially Complete: CAVE now uses pure Java for the NSHARP plugin, no longer dependent on GEMPAK/NAWIPS libraries.  AWIPS GEMPAK-like grid rendering is still dependent on legacy GEMPAK/NAWIPS libraries.
  3. CAVE for Mac Sierra (10.12) must now be signed for distribution outside the App Store, otherwise the application will be quarantined by Gatekeeper Path Randomization, which prevents applications delivered outside of the store from running by normal means (taskbar icon or finder)  - Complete: Unidata CAVE for macOS is now signed with the UCAR developer certificate and able to install and run without being quarantined (though you will still be warned about its origin since it is downloaded outside of the App Store).

Python Data Access Framework (python-awips)

The standalone Python Data Access Framework (DAF) for retrieving data from an AWIPS EDEX server has been updated with changes from Vlab 17.1.1 repositories, and a Python 3-compliant version has been made available by PyPI (installable via pip) and integrated into the Python Training Workshop.

However, irregularities have been noticed in what datasets and parameters are available via the Python DAF between EDEX versions 16.2.2 and 17.1.1.  Further changes coming in 17.3.1 may resolve these issues but it’s ongoing work to figure out how AWIPS Java and Python correctly communicate.

Material Design Documentation Framework

I maintain a Material Design documentation package called mkdocs-unidata (a fork of mkdocs-material, which converts markdown files (including partials and includes) to HTML with a Material Design rendering, hosted seemlessly on GitHub Pages.


GEMPAK 7.4.1 (September 2017)

GEMPAK 7.4.0 (August 2017)

GEMPAK 7.3.2 (June 2017)

Activities Ongoing/In-Progress

New Activities

In the next 3 months

Further past 3 months


AWIPS Downloads

AWIPS Cloud Server Usage Metrics

Strategic Focus Areas

We support the following goals described in Unidata Strategic Plan:

  1. Enable widespread, efficient access to geoscience data
    Both AWIPS and GEMPAK are freely available, and both incorporate LDM/IDD technology for accessing geoscience data.  The cloud-based EDEX data server continues to see widespread use and growing adoption. More and more datasets continue to be added to the server as Unidata deploys more decode/ingest nodes.

  1. Develop and provide open-source tools for effective use of geoscience data
    Both AWIPS and GEMPAK are open-source, and while GEMPAK is now in maintenance mode, AWIPS is continuously being developed.  

  1. Provide cyberinfrastructure leadership in data discovery, access, and use
    Unidata is the only known entity to provide a freely-available and non-operational version of the AWIPS software package.  Unidata continues to find and make available new datasets through the AWIPS project.
  2. Build, support, and advocate for the diverse geoscience community
    Using LDM/IDD technology to provide access to real-time meteorological data; providing visualization tools for data analysis.

Prepared  October 2017