❖ Appetizer

Region: Rainbow Metropolis

Hubert Draplosion

Guild: n/a

‘’Lychee Explosion’’ Starburst

Anatomy Details

  • 5 Vents on his tail, on each side.
  • ’’fracture’’ vents on two horns (middle one has none) and shoulders
  • No visible irises or pupils, but can see normally. Well, other than the need for glasses to see things close to him. (He DOES have pupils, which are vertical slits, but only visible under certain light angles. Think of a rat or a dark eyed bird)
  • Teeth are naturally very dark colored, almost black. Has a very subtle pink tint to them.
  • Crystals constantly burns from his vents and fractures.
  • Like any starbursts, he can go through all combustion levels. (See more here : Starburst species infos)
  • While vents and fractures can be somewhat ‘’closed’’ depending on the level of combustion, the tail tip one will never stop burning.


‘’Hu’’, Sir














Elementary school Teacher


Taken by Ringo


 Main Course


Hubert is a man who can be trusted to keep your secrets, arrive on time, complete what he started. Once he sets his mind on something, you can be certain he will do anything to accomplish his goals, no matter if they are as trivial as reaching the top shelf in a store for a specific pillow or as serious as a life changing choice. He can often be seen sipping some coffee, enjoying a good book every once in a while. He’s secretly quite the romantic. He lets his actions talk more than his words, but that doesn’t stop him from being sincere and telling you what he truly thinks if he feels it’s needed. He doesn’t smile often, having a mostly stoic, serious expression, but when he does, his smiles are as warm as the crystals constantly burning from his cores. Don’t take it personal if he doesn’t smile at you, however. His face might not show his happiness, but inside, he could be as ecstatic as a child on christmas. However, he is known to hold grudges if you piss him off enough. His memory is good, as much for the good things as for the bad things.

Positive Traits

Neutral Traits*

Negative Traits












Holds Grudges



  • Coffee
  • Animals
  • Teaching
  • Reading
  • The sound and smell of rain

  • Cold water
  • Overly loud people
  • His scars
  • Wearing satin. He thinks it sticks too much to him.


Born in a warm, loving family, Hubert had a nice childhood. His parents were accepting, caring and supportive. Any choice he'd make, his parents would be behind him, cheering him on. Once his reached adulthood, the young man joined the army, wanting to protect those he loved and the world around him. However, the starburst got into an unexpected accident, one he still doesn't talk much about even years later. An accident which almost took his life, leaving him with large scars across his chest and unable to serve any longer. Back in the family home, Hubert went back to school and took studies to become a teacher, wanting to follow in the steps of his father who himself used to be a teacher in university. However, rather than teaching adults, Hubert graduated and started teaching in primary schools. The man wanted to give a solid base to children, be there for those who needed him and give a little push to those who doubted in themselves. He wanted them to follow their dreams. He bought a house in the Rainbow Metropolis, got a more stable post in one of the schools there and has been working there ever since. He absolutely adores his job and wouldn't give it up for anything.


Key Possessions/Accessories


  • Scarf
  • Glasses
  • House keys
  • Pocket size romance novel (he read it at least a dozen times, yet never gets tired of it)

  • None yet
  • _
  • _


Extra Notes

  • Without his glasses, his view is good for things that are far away. However, he cannot read or clearly see things close to him. He always keeps his glasses on instead of bringing them up every time he needs them. Says it saves him some time.
  • Only tells about his scars to people he is very close with. Otherwise, he’ll avoid questions directed towards them.
  • Drinks his coffee from special coffee bowls. He only drinks it in mugs if he goes to a place where a bowl option isn’t available.


  • Ringo - Girlfriend. He loves her deeply and would do anything to see her gorgeous smile.
  • TBD
  • TBD



  • Parents | Extremely close to them. Still visits them from time to time, tries to call them at least once a day.
  • Name | Details
  • Name | Details

  • Kole | Crookie, his pet and closest companion.
  • Name | Details
  • _


  • Character Design by OkiRose
  • Character Art by OkiRose