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Padstow day 1 Sunday 8th September

A good start to the day. Had scrambled egg on toast with fried tomatoes. Got packed and left just before one.

Traffic was all clogged up near us as M had said after her annual trip to the bottle bank but cleared and got away OK.

Listened to Baxter Dury but then changed to my In Tray playlist. Great selection. Kept me going all the way down.

No problems apart from turn to the narrow lane that leads down to the place. Got there in just about 4 hours exactly.

Met enthusiastically by Davy and Charlie. Howie and Harry out digging for lug worms. Eddie and Annette chilling. Great place.

Unloaded, chatted and had beers. Davy was cooking a roast. Very nice. Washed down with lots of wine.

Then played nomination whist. Slightly different version as start with 7 cards, go down to 1 then back to 7. Annoyingly came last.

Then went fishing in the dark with Howie, Charlie and Harry.

Caught a bass but it wasn't big enough to keep. They need to be 40 cms long. As we were all casting off the same side of the slipway there were lots of tangles.

Charlie caught another small bass even though he was lying down seemingly asleep. Started spitting with rain so called it a day.

Went for a walk listening to music on my headphones. Got locked out but fortunately Harry was still up and let me in.

Padstow day 2 Monday 9th September

Woke up about 9. Grabbed a cup of tea and went back to bed.

Got up about 10 30. Had toast, homemade marmalade and coffee for breakfast.

Had quite a long chat with Annette, she's doing an MA in script writing.

The tide was out and Howie had walked out on the beach to fish the channel. Decided to walk out and see how he was doing but as I was walking out he packed in. He'd caught another small bass but said as the tide was coming in we would soon be able to fish from the slipway.

Decided to walk into Padstow. There were bits I still remembered from previous visits like the open window by the harbour where an old woman used to shout from.

Lots of Rick Stein places, chippie, restaurant, shop and cooking school. Found the bike hire place for future reference.

Walked back. Howie was fishing from the slipway. Charlie set me up with a rod. I had used one of Eddies the previous night. It all started coming back to me even managed to tie the rig on.

Eddie joined us and the 4 of us fished until about 4 without a single bite.

Went for a walk in the other direction. Very dramatic on the sea side and sharp contrast to the estuary which was a lot calmer.

Walked back a slightly different way via the coastguard look out station.

The wind suddenly got up. Fortunately it was blowing off the sea otherwise it would have been quite hairy.

There was a rainbow on the other side of the estuary.

Got back and chilled. Davy and Harry were doing a jigsaw. Waited til 6 before having a beer. Chatted to Eddie and Annette. The wind had got up in the estuary by now and it was quite rough but good to watch the wind and kite surfers out there. One chap came ashore with a problem with his sail. We considered offering to help but he got away again without too much trouble.

Charlie made a really good Jamie chicken casserole with lots of garlic, basil, tomatoes and cannellini beans.

Played nomination whist again. This time came second. Annette won for the first time. It seemed the established order had been disturbed.

Persuaded Howie, Charlie, Davy and Harry to play Shithead. Some realised they had played before once we got going. After a promising start and being down to 2 face down cards I lost.

Davy went to bed and I persuaded the others to play Come Up. Lost at that as well.

Decided on some night fishing again. Charlie went out first but soon came back to tell us it was too windy. His chair and a bucket had blown into the sea. He had jumped in to get them back. It wasn't as dramatic as it sounded though as only up to his knees. Howie and Charlie went to bed. Although it was windy it was quite mild so me and Harry stood outside chatting for a while. Hope I didn't bore him too much.

Went to bed with the sound of the sea. Made a recording of it on my phone. You can just about here it if you put your ear right up against it.

Padstow day 3 Tuesday 10th September

I was woken up by my alarm at 6 30. I have now switched it off. I felt surprisingly perky if anyone can believe that so instead of going back to sleep I did my blogs.

Got up just before 8 to make a cuppa. Annette had just returned with Peggy. That's their very cute and friendly little black terrier. Nobody else was up so went back to bed for a bit.

There had been talk the previous evening of hiring bikes as Harry was cycling to Bodmin along the Camel Trail to  get a train. However over breakfast it seemed nobody else was interested. Howie and Charlie were planning a fishing trip to Trevose Head and Davy was looking after Peggy as Annette was also going back today. Eddie wasn't planning to come anyway. So I decided to go anyway as it was likely to be the nicest day.

I walked in.

Spotted a boat that said you could have a Doom Bar over the Doom Bar, it’s a sand bank in the estuary. Would be a nice idea if the beer was any good.

 Probably set off set off on the bike  about 10 30.

The Camel Trail is a really nice disused railway line and the weather was perfect.

The tide was out and there were lots of wading birds out on the sand but I had unfortunately left my bins behind. Did spot an egret and a curlew though.

There were also some odd platform like structures in the river and I wasn’t sure what they were. 

After Wadebridge the river becomes a lot narrower and the trail is more enclosed by vegetation which limits the views to a certain extent as is the nature of all such cycle ways. 

Quite a slog up to Bodmin and got there just before 12. Too early for a pint so had coffee and a nice fresh scone with clotted cream and jam. The plan was to head back down the trail and take the other leg to Wentfordbridge.

I thought I'd read in the trail literature that there was a pub there but worryingly there was no blue glass on the OS map.

Got there to find that OS was correct, only a cafe but there was a helpful sign showing a pub at St Breward a mile and a half away so headed for that. (You can just make out the blue glass under the red pointer on the map)

Unfortunately there was a very steep hill at the start which was a real struggle on the hired bike. It didn't end there. More up hill and no sign of a pub in what I thought was the village centre. It seemed I was going out of the village but I could see a church even higher up and a friendly local woman confirmed the was also a pub near it.

Had a well earned pint of Tribute and the obligatory bag of nuts.

Sat outside as it was quite warm. The good news was I had a lot of down hill to come.


There are some big folk around there judging by the deckchair.

It turned out that the trail literature did mention a pub but it was at Blisland

Headed off back. Although the vegetation means you cant see much in parts you do get nice dappled light.

When I got on the main leg back to Padstow it was quite busy.

The tide was up so everything looked different. The odd platforms I'd seen were now floating.

There was a bit of a headwind. Got back to the hire shop about 3 30. Padstow was very busy with an amazing number of dogs. Found the tackle shop and bought some frozen sandeels and mackerel to supplement the bait stocks. Eddie had been using bait elastic to secure such things so I asked for some of that too to which the man behind the counter said 'Good call' and then 'Tight lines' when I left so the elastic had obviously fooled him into thinking I knew what I was doing.

When I got back Eddie was fishing from the slipway. He said he'd caught 4 small bass but it had gone quiet so I decided not to bother.

It turns out the others had hired bikes and accompanied Harry for part of the way back to Bodmin.

Howie and Charlie had just set off for Stepper Point to try and catch some mackerel.

Plotted my route and I'd done about 40 miles that I thought was pretty good given the terrain and the bike. There had also been a 2 mile walk at each end.

Played my guitar in the little beach shack near the front door. The song Lazy Bones by Leon Redbone had been going round my head after listening to it in the car on the way down so learned that.

Howie returned. He had caught 2 mackerel and brought one back for his lunch the next day. Charlie had caught some pollack but they aren't good to eat so stayed to catch some mack. Later returned empty handed.

Eddie cooked some pork chops with pommes boulangeres. They're spuds cooked in the oven with onions. They idea was you took them to the bakers and he would cook it for you. There was also cabbage with bacon. All very tasty.

The plan was to watch the second half of the England game after. I tried to record it but there didn't seem to be a way but as a result we did see them concede in the first minute. It was an enjoyable game we won 5 3 but lost the second half 2 0. Some players I hadn't seen before. Chillwell from Leicester, Rice from West Ham and Sancho from Borussia Dortmund.

Everyone went to bed pretty much straight after. I think the cycling had had its effect plus you normally need an early night on one of these holidays.

I opted for strumming my guitar on the balcony and whatsapped M. Then listened to music on my headphones for a bit as I was worried about disturbing people.

Padstow day 4 Wednesday 11th September

Woke up just after 7, made a cup of tea and did my blog. Got up about 9. As low tide was about 11 the plan was to go out and fish the channel round about then.

There was a bit of a kerfuffle as Peggy had eaten some of the jigsaw.

As it was my turn to cook I needed to go to the Tesco's to get supplies. I was planning a curry. Couldn't get lamb so went for beef instead. When I got back Eddie and Howie were already out. Charlie told me what I needed to take and off we set. A rucksack seemed to be required so took my laptop one.

If you are Eddie or Howie when you fish the channel you wear waders. This means you can go out a bit and dont have to worry about getting wet and cold. If you are me or Charlie you wear sandals and shorts and do get wet and cold. It wasn't that bad though. We found Eddie and he had caught 3 small bass. We fished near him but it had gone quiet. Howie came past on his way back and he had caught a bass that was a keeper. Stayed out a bit longer but nothing doing so went in.

Unfortunately although my rucksack has never contained a fish it now smells as though if has been used to transport them on a daily basis.

Got changed and figured out how the washer dryer could dry my shorts but took about 3 hours.

Howie cooked the bass and the mackerel he had caught the previous day for lunch. Just baked in the oven and eaten with bread and butter. It was very good and just enough for the 5 of us.

The plan after lunch was to fish from the slipway as the tide came in but Davy and Howie were going to Wadebridge to look at antiques.

Decided to play my guitar for a bit. Noticed the jigsaw had been packed away. Joined Eddie and Charlie on the slipway and had a pleasant afternoon untroubled by fish.

Stopped about 5 15 to start on the curry.

Did my standard meat curry with tomatoes, a Madhur Jaffrey cabbage with peas dish and the dahl with roasted veg. Very well received.

Played nomination whist again. This time starting with 10 cards as there were only 5 of us, going down to 7 and up again. Came 4th. Didn't have the rub of the green. Lost a trick with the 4 of spades which wasn't a trump but then the same happened to Charlie with the 3 of hearts. I've come to the conclusion they are all good card players but Eddie is not that keen.

I asked if there was a bluetooth music player as no music had been played. Came to the conclusion there isn't and in any case the quiet life is preferred.

Talked about gambling anecdotes for a bit but all agreed the advertising and things like Bet365 are very bad.

Everyone went to bed by 10 30 so played my guitar on the balcony again. Recorded a bit of it on my phone along with the sound of the sea and birds.

Whatsapped M who was watching a program about Tudor accidents.

Went to bed and watched a youtube clip about Billy Strings and his guitar set up. He plays with quite a high action and uses 13s. He must have strong fingers.

Fell asleep.

Padstow day 5 Thursday 12th September

Woke up just after 7,made a cuppa and went back to bed to do my blog. 

Finished off apple pie from the night before for breakfast.

We needed lug worms to catch bass so me, Charlie and Howie set off with forks, gloves and a bucket.

They are buried in the sand but you can spot where they are as there will be a worm cast and a blow hole about a foot apart. The worm will be somewhere between the 2 about 6 inches to a foot below. The technique was for all 3 of us go in together. We probably had about 50% success rate and ended up with about 20.

Having got the worms the plan was to fish the channel again. I had spotted some wet suits so decided to try wearing one. I chose one where the leg bits ended just above the knee.

At low tide it’s probably a 10 minute walk to the channel. It was nice and sunny, I'd baited up with a fresh lug and was feeling confident. Disaster struck though as I made my first cast the line snapped for some reason and the rig went flying off. So it was a 10 minute walk back to get a new rig.

Fortunately Eddie was still there listening to the cricket and he set me up with a new rig. Then it was another 10 minute walk back.

The three worm diggers were all fishing for a couple of hours but without a single bite.

Went back in for some lunch and Davy had cooked sausages and bacon which was very welcome. Eddie had gone by thus time.

The plan after lunch was to drive to Trevose Head to catch makerel for tea.

When we got there we had to walk down a narrow path and then clamber down the rocks until we found a precarious ledge to fish from. It was probably 30 to 40 feet up.

The see was a bit rough and it was quite windy even though we were sheltered.

Charlie set me up with some feathers to start with and showed me how to fish with them. This involved casting and then pulling the line in and then reeling in the slack. This was quite stressful as with each cast there was a strong chance you might accidentally throw yourself in.

He then set up a float rod that we fished with sandeels. This was better as less casting was involved.

Howie was fishing from another ledge. He came to tell us he had lost his rig in some lobster pots. He was also getting wet with spray.

I think I had a bite but it was the only one and the weather was getting worse particularly the wind so it was almost unfishable.

We decided to cut our losses a go back to fish from the slipway. Climbing back up was harder as it had got quite slippery and as on the way down I was carrying the rods.

They used to take their kids fishing there. I dont think I would have done.

The slipway was another fishless encounter so Howie went to get fish and chips.

After that we played nomination whist starting with 13 cards and going down to 1. I was doing OK to start with but ended up coming last although it was a close game. We then played shithead and come up. Charlie did a very good Yorkshire come up impression. There was then some discussion about Howie's hair as he doesn't wash it apparently.

Howie and Charlie went off to bed so ended up chatting with Davy til about midnight. Then strummed the guitar on the balcony as usual but was a bit pissed so soon hit the hay.

Padstow day 6 Friday 13th September

Woke up just after 8 feeling as though I'd over done it on the wine. Made a cuppa and went back to bed til about 8 30. We had to be out by 10 so it was full on packing and tidying up.

Grabbed a couple of slices of toast and a coffee for breakfast.

Set off about 10. Not sure the route I took back was the same as on the way down as I ended up going through Bodmin which I didn’t remember. In fact passed signs for most of the places I’d been though on the bike ride.

The traffic was a lot heavier, even the M5 to start with. Needed gas so made a pit stop at some services near Exeter.

The M4 was a lot better but I started to feel a bit drowsy so stopped to pick up a coffee at Leigh Delaware.

It was so hot I didn't finish it until after the Newbury turn off.

Spotted Davy and Howie just before the Reading turn off but they didn't see me.

When I got back the tiling of the hallway was in progress. Its going to look great when its finished.

As the tiler's van was on the drive thought I'd take the hire car straight back.

Did a bit of a debrief to M.

She had stopped working. She had a bath and then we sat outside and had drinks and nibbles including homemade hummus.

She had cooked a really nice greek lamb stew that was finished off by cooking pasta in it topped with feta and mint.

We watched the new scandi drama Darkness then some British rock from the 70s some of which I had not seen before like Man. Then started to watch a prom that was a tribute to Nina Simone but I was feeling a bit tired so went to bed.