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[SIS TeacherPortal] Grading Filers and views
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Filters and Options

Filters and Options configure the display and sort settings for the grade book. The chosen settings apply to all grade books, regardless of the class shown in the Focus.

  1.  Hover over the Grade Book menu and click Grade Book Main:

  1. Click the ‘Filters and Options’ button. A new window opens.


  1. Assignment Date will limit the displayed Assignments to the chosen date range.
  2. Assignment Types will only display Assignments of the chosen type in the Gradebook Main screen.

NOTE: The Assignment Type choices only  includes those types for which actual assignments have been created. For example, If you have not entered any ‘Lab’ assignments, that Type will not be part of the drop-down list.

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  1. Show Dropped Students will add the names and grades of withdrawn students to the Grade Book. Use this if you need to enter scores for such students after they are dropped from your roster.  Dropped students are shown in the roster with the note ‘drop’:

(Note: If this is not checked, students who get dropped will be hidden from your Grade Book, along with their scores.)

  1. Hide Class Grade removes the ongoing summary grade column from the Grade Book.
  2. Show Total Missing adds a column with the total missing assignments for each student.
  3. Show Grades By Type adds a summary score column for each Assignment Type in use.
  4. Show Comment Codes  shows any entered Grade Book  Comment Code  in the score entry box.
  5.  Assignment Note Entry adds a pop-up window to the score entry box, where note can be added:
  6. Show Student ID lists the Student ID along with the student name.

  1. Show Comments: This changes the display of individual scores in the Grade Book:
  1. Normal: displayed the score as entered
  2. Percentage: displays the score as a percentage of the  total points
  3. Points: displays the score as equivalent points, based on the Grade Book Score Type used.

(NOTE: If this is chosen, Letter grade scores will display as points, but scores still must be entered using letter grades.)

  1. Late/Absent/Missing/Incomplete: highlights in orange any scores with the selected comment code.

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  1. Analysis Bands: These highlight student scores with colors assigned to score ranges, as defined by the selected Band.

(Note: The District has set up default analysis bands that cannot be edited at this time. This setting simply turns the display on and off.)

  1. At Risk Highlight: Highlights  the student class grade in red  and assignment score with an arrow  for any  grade at or below the entered value:

  1. Sorting: Changes the list order of students and assignments according to the selections.

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