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AWSP News for April 3, 2020
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AWSP News for April 3, 2020

Hello and welcome to another special edition of AWSP News as we work to keep you up-to-date with a rapidly changing landscape in public education.

Before we jump into the important updates within this message, please remember that we are here for you every day. Please check our website daily for updates and you can always reach out to us directly. At 2 pm on Fridays, we will host weekly Zoom Office Hours for open discussion, Q & A, virtual hugs and principal therapy.

You know what else we’re doing virtually next week? High fives, especially for our amazing assistant principals in honor of National Assistant Principals Week. So principals and district leaders out there, use next week to highlight and thank all the incredible assistant principals across our state. Tweet with the hashtag #APWeek20 to show your appreciation, and check out our Facebook page to highlight your AP. Once we’re back to the office, we’ll even send out some of our famous AWSP-branded Amazon gift cards to some of our favorite posts.

I have to say how much I’m loving seeing and hearing of all the incredible leadership moves principals are making across the state to keep hope alive for kids and families. Academics are important, don’t get me wrong, but focusing on maintaining strong relationships with your students, staffulty, and school community has never been more important. If you are struggling with creative ideas to connect with stakeholders in our new reality, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We can help.

This week we hosted a Zoom meeting about high school graduation and some of the questions hanging in the balance regarding the Class of 2020. Over 400 school leaders from across the state jumped into this Zoom and provided feedback about how to support the Class of 2020. Thanks to all of you who showed up. If you missed it, check out our blog to find the draft graduation waiver rules from the State Board of Education as well as other resources.  

The graduation zoom meeting was so successful that we are planning similar conversations for Elementary and Middle Level principals in the future. Want to talk with colleagues about supporting Kindergartners right now? Struggling with continuous learning at the middle level? We’ll organize the gathering, you bring your best Zoom-self. Keep checking our website, emails, and social media for announcements for upcoming virtual gatherings.

We do have one webinar you can register for right now, and that’s a webinar on child care. AWSP is teaming up with OSPI, the Department of Children, Youth and Families, and a school leader currently in charge of creating a child care program in the Seattle Public Schools. The webinar is designed to provide support, ideas, and help you avoid pitfalls. Register in Principal Matters.

If you’re looking for resources to help students learn, beginning this week, your local public television station has partnered with OSPI to offer educational programming for students in grades 6 – 12 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm daily.  These educational programs – like NOVA and The American Experience –  have curriculum and discussion guides available for students, teachers, and families. See Principal Matters for more information.

Maintaining equitable systems for student-learning during the COVID shut down is challenging. Districts don’t have the same resources, and neither do parents and families. You might not have all the answers, but make sure you’re discussing where your inequities lie and do the best you can to ensure gaps are not widened. OSPI’s Continuous Learning Guidelines are filled with resources to help schools and districts prioritize equitable systems.

The Association of Washington Student Leaders, AWSL, is continually updating its 2020 Resources page on the AWSL website. Create hope in your kids by signing them up for our Summer Leadership Programs – deadlines have been extended or removed for confirmations. We will be communicating with all advisers as we get more information, but for now, reservations are still open.

Lastly, we know mental health for you, your staff, your students, and your families is being challenged and put to the test right now. Make sure you’re checking out our blog and resource page for webinars, articles, and more resources to help us all get through this together.

Well, that’s it from all of us here at AWSP. As always, keep up the great work for kids, and remember...we are here for you.