PMN Hybrid Winter Convergence

February 10-12, 2023

The People’s Forum (TPF), 320 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018

The following schedule is provisional.  Final schedule may include changes, cancellations, and additional offerings.

(REC)=recorded or partially recorded


[Zoom Only]

Participants from around the world join exclusively by Zoom.

[In Person @TPF]

Event takes place in person at The People’s Forum, WITHOUT option to join by Zoom.

[In Person @TPF + Zoom]  

Event takes place in person at The People’s Forum, WITH option to participate by Zoom.

[Simultaneous Activities]  

Activities happening In person at The People’s Forum have a parallel Zoom-only option.

Friday, February 10, 2023

4:30PM - 6:00PM (ET)

Welcome New and Old Members [Zoom Only]

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: TBA

6:30PM - 10:00PM (ET)

Round Robin [Zoom Only]

To perform in this event, register your song for the Virtual Round Robin @Virtual Winter Convergence.

  • Emcee: Eric Law
  • Tech Support: Lucas Meyer, Ben Grosscup

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Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Ben Grosscup <>

Saturday, February 11, 2023



Early Risers Song Swap [Zoom Only]

  • Host:  Joanie Calem and Steve Deasy

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Steve Deasy <>

10:00AM -


Registration Opens [In Person @TPF]

Enjoy coffee and browse the sales tables on the ground floor of The People’s Forum.



Opening Ceremony [In Person + Zoom] @Violeta Parra Stage (REC)

Music, movement, and introductions to get the day started.  Get oriented to the structure of the Convergence.

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host:

Zoom Host: Ben Grosscup <>

Wrksp #1:


-1:00PM (ET)

A) Violeta Parra Stage

–Ground Floor

B) Paul Robeson Room

–Lower Level

C) Media Lab

–Lower Level

D) Claudia Jones Room








1A) How & Why Activist Ensembles Organize, Play & Sing (REC)

Savitri D

Gale Juhkol,

Luci Murphy,

Meli Strova Valencia,

Cara Schwarz,

Josh Feintuch,

Adele Rolider

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Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host:

1B) New Songs,

Old Styles

Steve Suffet

1C) Song Collab:

Harnessing the Combined Power of Spoken Word, Poetry and Music

Ruben Gonzalez,

Harriet Chapple,

Mario Cancel

1D) World Music Rhythms

Nick Russo

Betina Hershey

Miles Griffith

1.Z.1) If I had a Song

Eric Law

Steve Deasy

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Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Eric Law <>

1.Z.2)  Young Artists in the Movement (REC)

Jane Sapp

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Lucas Meyer <>

Simultaneous Activities


2:15PM (ET)

Lunch  [In Person @TPF]  6

We will set up lunch tables on the main floor and on the second floor in the Michael Ratner and Josina Machel Rooms.   See the menu.

Meet and Greet and Schmooze with members of PMN Steering Committee  [Zoom Only]

   While the in-person Convergence folks are having lunch, online participants can connect via zoom to schmooze with the amazing, diverse and resourceful members of the PMN Steering Committee.  Share your passion and concerns with them.  Learn about how our network functions and how the organization supports its members.  

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Eric Law <>

Wrksp #2:




A) Violeta Parra Stage

–Ground Floor

B) Paul Robeson Room

–Lower Level

C) Media Lab

–Lower Level

D) Claudia Jones Room





 –Zoom Only

2A) Song Collab:

Super Ensemble


& Song Share (REC)

Black Workers Center Chorus,

Sing in Solidarity,

Rude Mechanical Orchestra,

NYC Labor Chorus,

DC Labor Chorus

Stop Shopping Choir

The Raging Grannies

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Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host:

2B) Musicians Organizing a Musicians Union (REC)

John Pietaro,

Hannah Kuhn,

Aaron Fowler,

Carolann Solebello,

Marc Ribot

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Chris Owens <>

2C) Co-Create An Earth Song Medley for Saturday Performance

Judy Gorman

Lindsey Wilson

Liz Taub


2.Z.1) Hands Across the Hills: Song Swap on Dialog (REC)

Sarah Pirtle

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Eric Law <>

Simultaneous Activities

3:45PM- 4:30PM: 

Networking Break/Rehearsal Break   [In Person @TPF]

For the Saturday Night Collaborative Concert, we’re encouraging artistic collaboration in the performances.  Use this time to prepare for the show, jam in break out rooms, visit the sales table, or whatever else you wish to do.

Schmooze  [Zoom Only]

Join us in an open social via Zoom.  This will be time to check in, catch up with friends, make new friends. For the second half (if not before) we will break out into smaller groups within Zoom.  This is a welcoming space for catching up, meeting new people.  Come and go as you please.

For Zoom-Only Participants:

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host:Rebecca Pomerantz <> 

4:30PM - 9:00PM


Collaborative Concert  [In Person + Zoom]  (REC)

@Violeta Parra Stage

The performance line up for this event prioritizes artists participating in person at The People’s Forum.  We’re also prioritizing groups that are performing as ensembles.  An effort will be made to include as many participants in the performance line up as possible.

Dinner [In Person @TPF]

We will serve dinner on the main floor during the program.   See the menu.

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host:


End of the In-Person Event

Everyone must be out of the building at The People’s Forum.



Late Night Informal Schmooze and Song Share [Zoom Only]

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Lucas Meyer <>

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Wrksp #3:

11:00AM -

12:45PM (ET)


Zoom Workshop

 –Zoom Only


Zoom Workshop

 –Zoom Only


Zoom Workshop

 –Zoom Only

3.Z.1) Songs of the Spirit

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host: Rebecca Pomerantz <>

3.Z.2) Use Music and Activism to Better Your World (REC)

Pete Kronowitt

Laura Sue Wilansky

Join Zoom Meeting:



Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host:

3.Z.3) Guitar Workshop (REC)

Barry Kornhauser

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Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host:

2:00 - 3:30 PM


PMN Membership Meeting & Closing

Chair: Erland Zygmuntowicz

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Passcode: PMN

Zoom Host:

(Back to main registration page for the 2023 PMN Fall Hybrid Convergence)

Workshop Descriptions

Saturday, February 11, 2023, Workshop #1:

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (ET)

1A) How & Why Activist Ensembles Organize, Play & Sing

Paul Robeson Room–Lower Level

   In this participatory workshop, representatives from different activist music ensembles will share how they organize – both internally and with allies in the movement – to create performances that move the hearts and souls of participants in rallies, marches, and other social justice events.  Through a collaborative exchange, we’ll learn how to:


Additional Panelists:

1B) New Songs, Old Styles

Claudia Jones Room –Mezzanine

Let’s share newer songs that are consciously written in older traditional styles, such as Appalachian, maritime, Dixieland, ragtime, Delta blues, Gospel, or country swing, to name just a few. In Ireland and Great Britain this is known as “writing in the tradition,” and it is something that political singer-songwriters on both sides of the Atlantic have done. Think of the SNCC Freedom Singers, Tommy Sands, Peggy Seeger, Ewan MacColl, Jean Ritchie, Big Bill Broonzy, Huddie Ledbetter, and Woody Guthrie, as well as many PMN members.

Facilitator: Steve Suffet is best described as an old fashioned folksinger in the People’s Music tradition. He is a member of the People’s Voice Cafe Collective in New York City and a long-time member of PMN. Except when covid-19 made international travel problematic, Steve has been performing regularly in folk clubs throughout the United Kingdom since 2008, sometimes taking another PMN member with him on tour.

1C) Harnessing the Combined Power of Spoken Word, Poetry and Music

Media Lab –Lower Level

In this participatory workshop we explore the relationship between spoken word, poetry and music. Together, we will create musical backgrounds to spoken word, and set music to poetry. As part of the workshop, the presenters will also perform examples of these art forms both in English and Spanish.  Among the questions addressed:

We will rely on our collective wisdom to answer these questions. Come prepared to make music and to be creative together!


1D) World Music Rhythms

Claudia Jones Room–Mezzanine

In this workshop, Members of The Scooches will explore how world music rhythms & sonorities in our music can be a step toward community that fully includes diverse cultures. We will explore scales, harmony, rhythms, polyrhythms, and hemiola from India, Brazil, Latin America,

Gullah-Geechee, West Africa as well as Ostinato patterns, clave, and call and response. How can we incorporate these devices from other cultures into our own original music in ways that show respect to the people who created them? We will discuss how to position ourselves as a world community of diverse artists. Participants are welcome to bring samples of their own original music that incorporates world music.

1.Z.1) If I had a Song

Zoom Room

Songwriters in People's Music Network strive to write songs that wake people up, challenge the status quo, and reach people’s hearts and minds.  We don't believe it takes larger-than-life talent to create powerful songs.  Rather, the craft of songwriting involves skill, practice, hard work, and the willingness to listen to how our words and music land with others.

Through our monthly “If I Had a Song” workshops, PMN is building a loving and supportive creative community that provides songwriters with the honest listening we need.  Participants present a song-in-progress to like-minded songwriters, and then receive constructive feedback. We’d love to have you join us.

This is NOT a song swap.  We share original material and always benefit from the insightful feedback and suggestions that we receive from fellow songwriters.  We learn to listen non-defensively.  You are responsible for your own song, and can decide what – if any – of the feedback you choose to use.

Come join us at the convergence for a sample of our monthly online sessions!  Come to observe and/or present and get feedback on a song you’re working on.  We will get into break-out rooms, and will likely have time to work through 2-3 songs per breakout room.

Facilitators: Eric Law, Steve Deasy

1.Z.2) Young Artists in the Movement  

Zoom Room

Jane Sapp is an educator and mentor with decades of experience supporting the artistic development of young artists.  This panel workshop will feature a number of young artists involved with the Encampment for Citizenship, a youth program for which Ms. Sapp is the Education Director.  Arts and culture is at the heart of the Encampment, and these panelists are all involved in using music and spoken word for social change.


Saturday, February 11, 2023, Workshop #2:

2:15 PM - 3:45 PM (ET)

2A) Super Ensemble Rehearsal & Song Share

Violeta Parra Stage – Ground Floor

This workshop is open to all musicians and singers! We will create a “PMN Super Ensemble” composed of members of the Black Workers Centers Chorus, Rude Mechanical Orchestra, Sing In Solidarity, the NYC Labor Chorus, the DC Labor Chorus, the Stop Shopping Choir, and other folks wanting to join. We have asked these ensembles to work together to teach the songs they perform on the street to the other groups. Together, we will raise our voices and instruments to form one big sound!  

Featured Ensembles:

2B) Organizing Musicians: The Labor Movement’s Next Unexpected Battle

Paul Robeson Room – Lower Level

Can independent musicians be organized?  Is there a place within the labor movement for them?  Is there a place for members of the American Federation of Musicians in the People’s Music Network?

This panel discussion, a first for the People’s Music Network, will tackle these pressing questions from historical and philosophical viewpoints as well as within current real-time campaigns and actions.  A new generation of activists unafraid to speak out for workers’ rights in the language of radicalism is reinvigorating the Labor Movement across the country: the union drives by staff of Starbucks and Amazon not only speak back to “the boss” but the corporate power elite as a whole.  The impact within the houses of the AFL-CIO has been great.  Independent musicians have felt the bite of joblessness following the worst of the pandemic, particularly in the forum of clubs, bars, galleries and still smaller spaces, making organizing an urgent need.  Our discussion will encompass all of this as well as seek to overcome past organizing efforts that were riddled with racism, sexism, homophobia and cronyism.  New organizing for musicians must be universal in scope and vision.


2C) Co-Create An Earth Song Medley for Saturday Performance

Participants will share songs on the theme chosen.  Then, we’ll lead a discussion on choosing the songs from which to excerpt a verse/chorus.  We’ll sequence them as a montage and all rehearse them to share at the Saturday evening collaborative concert.



Claudia Jones Room –Mezzanine



2.Z.1) Hands Across the Hills: Song Swap on Dialog

Zoom Room

Do you have a song that speaks about dialogue or healing that you'd like to share? What's involved when we're trying to choose songs that promote connection and understanding?

In the first thirty minutes, we'll hear a song brought to Sandy Hook after the shootings. Then, we’ll hear from dialogue leaders who are also songwriters. Songs will be presented that are used in two long-standing dialogue groups. These are Hands Across the Hills, which links local networks in Western Massachusetts and Eastern Kentucky.  The second is Bridge4Unity, whose members are equally BIPOC and of European descent.  

We'll have a full hour to combine song swap and conversation.  We’ll consider what is involved in writing a song that conveys a spirit of unity and how songs sometimes unconsciously leave out certain people.  In the culture at large, songs that exclude portions of our beloved community are common.  They even appear in the open and generous space of the People’s Music Network.  We’ll hear about two examples from past PMN Round Robins when interventions were made to promote dialogue and re-assert values of inclusion, following such appearances.  Sometimes, even songs consciously intended to convey a spirit of solidarity can make assumptions.  We’ll consider the complex question: when does a song truly embrace solidarity and when does it usurp someone else’s voice?  The maxim —“Nothing about us without us” — will lead us into discussion.

PMN Steering Committee member, Eric Law, will lead us into the song swap section.


2.Z.2) Open Song  Swap

Zoom Room



Sunday, February 12, 2023, Workshop #3:

11:00 AM - 12:45 PM (ET)

3.Z.1) Songs of the Spirit [Zoom Only]

Zoom Room

Come join us in this shared experience of Community and Heart.  You're invited to enjoy a (digital) community circle where inspirational and empowering songs from many traditions rise up from the group.  Singers offer a song one by one without instruments or song sheets.  These are songs that people know or can learn easily without requiring a lot of teaching.

In this online event, we are drawing upon the tradition of Songs of the Spirit, which has been a consistent feature of PMN/SFS Gatherings since 1977.  One person will sing and others will sing along.  We ask everyone to mute themselves while the one person is singing, allowing all of us to at least see each other as we fill our separate physical spaces with music.

Between songs, we pause, breathe and feel the energy and connection of the group. We are sustaining this rich tradition during the pandemic, despite the inherent limits of Zoom.  One part of our tradition is recognizing that the silence is sacred.  In avoiding the urgency to fill a space with song, once we finally do fill a space with song, that song sinks in more deeply.  This is a wonderful opportunity to build community and to harmonize (in your own home) and to start the day with some grounded sacredness.

Facilitators:  TBA

3.Z.2) Use Music and Activism to Better Your World

Zoom Room

Learn how to use live performances to not only raise awareness, but also effectively engage, recruit, and activate volunteers to take meaningful action. The workshop will provide guidelines for organizing standalone shows and tours, as well as how-to instructions for a proven volunteer recruitment technique called "barnstorming."  Barnstorming is a long-standing method used by grassroots activists to encourage audience members to pledge and take immediate action(s). The workshop will also discuss how to select potential partners (causes, candidates, etc.), media and promotion strategies, and tactics for getting people to the performances.


3.Z.3) Guitar Workshop

Zoom Room

This workshop is aimed at all motivated guitarists.  Having a degree of playing facility and musical experience will be helpful.  I promise to be supportive as possible to all who attend while working through a full agenda.  We will play through a series of facilitated workouts (charts provided) addressing the following two fundamental and complimentary guitar/music aspects:

1. Fingerboard Knowledge – It is hard to get where you are going if you are unsure of where you are, your immediate surroundings and the layout of fingerboard regions beyond.  We improve by consciously searching for and finding note combinations that are meaningful to the music we are driven to create.

2. Expanding Chordal Knowledge – Exploration of harmonic language as applied to guitar through the study of chord families, chord voicings, inversions, progressions and voice leading filtered through the following perspectives:

a.  Mechanical - what shapes are physically possible to play

b.  Sonic (by ear) – following the dictates of our inner hearing

c.  Descriptive - theory both formal and personal
