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Metro IFO FA unit minutes CNHS March 2023.docx
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Metropolitan State University

CNHS IFO Faculty Association (FA) Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: March 2, 2023        Time: 11:15 AM-12 PM        Location: Zoom

Convener: Brian Goodroad

Recorder: Brian Goodrad

Present: Brian Goodroad, Robin Johnson, Kerry Johnson, Pat Schoon, Brenda Merrill, Carol Reid, Karen Gutierrez, Manisha Shah, Tracy Bergstedt, Michelle Palmborg, Amy Harding, Bridget McMahon, Andi Jordan, Fatuma Kotile, Miriam Nkemnji-Enohnyaket

To aid in council packet formation, please indicate when a topic was discussed, and no motion was made so that we can differentiate these from topics which were not discussed (or not discussed adequately) due to lack of time.




Call to order

The meeting was called to order by Brian Goodroad at 11:15 AM.

Report from Executive Session held from 10:30 am to 11:15 am.

Packet Announcements for review:

See the packet for the general announcements.

  1. Motion from Council regarding Dean issues.

Discussion on motion of “No Confidence” vote on Interim Associate Dean”

The council motion and information in the packet were reviewed. Questions from faculty were answered.

CNHS Unit Motion (informational)


Motion for a vote of No Confidence in the CNHS Interim Associate Dean Dr. Julia Ugorji.


Per the Job Description upon hire of the Associate Dean Role, Dr. Ugorji is no longer fulfilling those roles and responsibilities defined by her contract.

1. Chief Nurse Administrator: The CCNE requires the CNA “provides effective leadership to the nursing unit in achieving its mission, goals, and expected program outcomes...He or she consults, as appropriate, with faculty and other communities of interest to make decisions to accomplish the mission, goals, and expected program outcomes. The chief nurse administrator is an effective leader of the nursing unit”.  This standard is not being met, as evidenced by the following:

  • Raising her voice in department leaders’ meetings and being belittling and condescending in communication.
  • Retaliating against and gaslighting faculty regarding a letter of concern regarding previous job performance
  • Making broad statements questioning faculty professionalism if questioned about decisions.
  • Failure to collaborate with program coordinators on complex issues or accept information/suggestions regarding the complex processes.
  • Lack of involvement in initial accreditation work, such as the self-study, despite direct direction from the CNHS dean.

2. Acting department chair: The job description is not being met, as evidenced by:

  • Making independent decisions on student issues/petitions without consultation, resulting in negative student outcomes. Many petition decisions have been reversed by the CNHS Dean.  This action has been ongoing despite multiple requests for collaboration.
  • Demonstrating a lack of understanding of DON programs and not consulting/engaging with faculty regarding program structure and operation regarding decision making
  • Ineffective and inaccurate management of workload assignments for Resident Faculty
  • Using role power and belittling communication to assert control creates a hostile work environment.

Current DON Actions:

The CNHS dean, faculty, and staff have needed to pick up additional work to compensate for the ineffective job performance of the Interim Associate Dean.

  1. The CNHS Dean directed the Evaluation Coordinator to work only with her on accreditation tasks, such as the resource room.
  2. The CNHS Dean is verifying all CCNE accreditation actions and communication, such as the site visit agenda, and will be present at all leadership meetings during the accreditation site visit.
  3. Dr. Kerry Johnson and Dr. Karen Gutierrez have taken responsibility for establishing community and resident faculty workload for FY 24 and will interview potential Community Faculty with Dean Hill.
  4. Due to the hostile work environment, Program Coordinators and the Evaluation Coordinator will not be required to meet with the Associate Dean for the rest of the spring semester.

Motion made. Seconded. Approved.

Motion to support the adjusted motion from the council. Seconded. Passed

  1. Program Approval: Teaching ESL.  

  1. At-large representation on committees.  

Carryover Motions:

  1. COM motion: $500 for food and beverage at unit IFO meetings.

  1. CNHS motion: CF in Metro State/Minneapolis School of Anesthesia can teach up to 22 credits per fall and spring semester.  

  1. CLA New Motion: ALL fixed term positions in CLA position should be permanent tenure-track positions.

New Business:


  1. CFC Motion: $300 increased funding for a CF social.

  1. COM Motion: IFO supports that the Faculty Personnel Matters document is updated and approved by the FIC annual with IFO FA packet process held intact.

  1. DLIP Motion #1: deans and chair/program directors create a consistent, measurable instrument for the assessment of syllabi.

  1.  DLIP Motion #2: Provost includes intellectual property protection language or the consent form she helped develop in every call for faculty syllabi.

  1. DLIP Motion #3: Clarification from Provost asked regarding course outline versus course syllabi in repositories.

  1. E & D Motion: Center for Faculty Development written into E & D committee charge as a standing member.

  1. E & D Motion: Grievance Committee has an E & D representative as a standing member.

  1. E & D Motion: University-wide Strategic planning group includes an E & D committee member.

  1. Method for CF to respond to dean’s comments on PDRs.

  1.  Increase the number of Instructional designers.

Program details reviewed.

Discussion ensued.  

CNHS supported in past. No need for update.  

No discussion is needed.

Update: Minneapolis School of Anesthesia decided to stop moving forward on this issue.

CNHS is unclear the meaning of this motion and its implications for the contract. Unable to support at this time.


Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

CNHS recommends that we continue to have a unit specific list at first to try to ensure unit-wide representation, but if a unit does not put someone forward, the position should be able to be filled by a person with interest “at-large”.



Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved

Motion: M/S. Supported/Approved


Meeting adjourned at 12:10 PM

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