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RSU 19 Curriculum: Social Studies

Standards and Indicators

Key to Abbreviations

Social Studies Standards

MELDS: Maine Early Learning and Development Standards

MLR: Maine Learning Results

CCSS: Common Core State Standards

RH: Reading in History/Social Studies

W: Writing; WH: Writing in History/Social Studies

SL: Speaking & Listening

  1. Process and Skills in Social Studies
  2. Enduring Themes and Systems
  3. Role of the Citizen


Process and Skills in Social Studies: Students will be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the research process.








Students will be able to ask and answer questions about an informational text read aloud. (MELDS, 45)

Students will be able to identify questions related to social studies. (MLR A1 a; CCSS W 2.7-8)

Students will be able to identify and select questions related to social studies. (MLR A1 a, b; CCSS W 4.7-9)

Students will be able to propose research questions related to social studies. (MLR A1 a, b; CCSS WH 7-9)

Students will be able to propose and revise research questions related to social studies. (MLR A1 a, b; CCSS WH 7-9)

Students will be able to develop appropriate research questions. (CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WH.11-12.7)


Students will be able to identify the purpose of using simple maps,globes, and other geographic tools (MELDS, 82)

Students will be able to locate and collect information for a specific purpose from sources provided including maps, photographs, charts, and graphs. (MLR A1 b, c; CCSS W 7-9)

Students will be able to locate and collect information for a specific purpose from sources. (MLR A1 c, d, e; CCSS W 4.7-9)

Students will be able to locate and select information from multiple primary and secondary sources. (MLR A1 c, e, f, g, k; CCSS WH 7-9)

Students will be able to locate and select credible information from multiple primary and secondary sources. (MLR A1 c, e, f, g, k; CCSS WH 7-9)

Students will be able to select appropriate information and resources from a variety of primary and secondary sources. (CCSS.RH.11-12.1; CCSS.WH.11-12.8, 11-12.9)


Students will be able to represent or act out concepts learned from hearing an informational text read aloud (MELDS, 45)

Students will be able to read informational texts for a purpose. (MLR A1 h, l; CCSS

RH 2-5, 9-10)

Students will be able to read and comprehend informational texts for a purpose.(MLR A1 h, l; CCSS

RH 2-5, 9-10)

Students will be able to read and comprehend informational texts to determine the central idea. (MLR A1 h, l; CCSS

RH 2-5, 9-10)

Students will be able to read and comprehend complex texts to determine the central idea. (MLR A1 h, l; CCSS RH 2-5, 9-10)

Students will be able to determine the central ideas of sources. (CCSS.RH.11-12.2; CCSS.RH.11-12.3; CCSS.WH.11-12.8)


Students will be able to recall important facts from an informational text after hearing it read aloud. (MELDS, 45)

Students will be able to summarize facts.(MLR A1 h; CCSS

RH 8.2-5, 8.9-10)

Students will be able to categorize findings. (MLR A1 h; CCSS

RH 8.2-5, 8.9-10)

Students will be able to interpret and summarize information. (MLR A1 h; CCSS

RH 8.2-5, 8.9-10)

Students will be able to interpret and evaluate information. (MLR A1 h; CCSS

RH 8.2-5, 8.9-10)

Students will be able to synthesize information. (CCSS.WH.11-12.7)


Students will be able to present information appropriate to purpose. (MLR A1 i-l; CCSS WH 8.1-2, 8.4-6, 8.10, CCSS SL 8.4-6)

Students will be able to present information appropriate to purpose and audience. (MLR A1 i-l; CCSS WH 8.1-2, 8.4-6, 8.10, CCSS SL 8.4-6)

Students will be able to produce writing appropriate to purpose and audience. (Informational, narrative, argumentative.) (MLR A1 i-l; CCSS WH 8.1-2, 8.4-6, 8.10, CCSS SL 8.4-6)

Students will be able to produce coherent writing appropriate to purpose and audience. (Informational, narrative, argumentative.) (MLR A1 i-l; CCSS WH 8.1-2, 8.4-6, 8.10, CCSS SL 8.4-6)

Students will be able to produce coherent writing which is appropriate to purpose and audience.



Students will be able to identify information that needs to be cited.

Students will be able to produce a citation. (MLR A1 j; CCSS WH 8)

Students will be able to apply a discipline specific citation format. (MLR A1 j; CCSS WH 8)

Students will be able to apply a discipline specific citation format to avoid plagiarism. (MLR A1 j; CCSS WH 8)

Students will be able to apply discipline specific citation format and avoid plagiarism.



Enduring Themes and Systems: Students will be able to make informed decisions based on historic, geographic, economic, and government/civic themes and knowledge.








Students will be able to explain the reasons for rules in the home and classroom and for laws in the community. (MELDS pg 80)

Students will be able to tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.


Students will be able to report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace. (CCSS.SL.3.4)

Students will be able to report on a topic using appropriate facts and descriptive details to support a main idea. (CCSS.SL.5.4)

Students will be able to support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources.

Students will be able to develop arguments based on knowledge of historical issues, trends, and events (MLR A1,CCSS.WH.11-12.1a and 1b).


Students will be able to distinguish and discuss differences between needs and wants. (MELDS, 81)



Students will be able to introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly. CCSS.W.6.1.A

Students will be able to analyze claim(s), recognize alternate claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically. CCSS.W.8.1.A

Students will be able to develop claims and counterclaims supported with evidence. (MLR A1,CCSS.WH.11-12.1a and 1b).


Students will be able to describe physical features of the community. (MELDS, 82)

Students will be able to explain how groups share aspects of history and traditions. (MLR E2)

Students will be able to describe unity and diversity in history. (MLR E2)

Students will be able to analyze how unity and diversity have played important roles in history. (MLR E2)

Students will be able to evaluate the influence unity and diversity had on major historical eras. (MLR E1, E2)

Students will be able to evaluate various perspectives and make an evidence based decision (argument).



Students will be able to recall events that happened in the past, such as a family or personal history. (MELDS pg 83)

Students will be able to work collaboratively to share ideas (MLR A2 a; CCSS SL 8.1, 8.3)

Students will be able to contribute equitably to collaborative discussions and work cooperatively to share ideas (MLR A2 a; CCSS SL 8.1, 8.3)

Students will be able to make and present individual and collaborative decisions related to civic issues, by applying relevant information. (MLR A2 a; CCSS SL 8.1, 8.3)

Students will be able to develop individual and collaborative decisions by contributing to discussions, listening to ideas of others and examining alternative views (MLR A2 a; CCSS SL 8.1, 8.3)

Students will be able to participate in discussion referencing texts and other research. (CCSS.SL.11-12.1)


Students will be able to identify history and key historic figures and events. (MLR E1)

Students will be able to categorize major historic events. (MLR E1)

Students will be able to analyze how history has helped make informed decisions about the past and present. (MLR E1)

Students will be able to explain how history can help us make informed decisions about the present and the future. (MLR E1)

Students will be able to identify enduring themes by applying patterns of continuity and change, cause and effect, or comparing and contrasting based on eras in history.

(MLR E1)


Students will be able to describe economics. (MLR C1)

Students will be able to identify the principles of economics. (MLR C2)

Students will be able to explain the principles of economics. (MLR C2)

Students will be able to explain the principles and processes of economics and the influence of economics on their personal life and businesses. (systems; supply and demand; macro and micro; financial literacy; currency) (MLR C1)

Students will be able to explain the relationship between economics and community and government.

(MLR C2a and C2b)


Students will be able explain the basic concept of geography and how it applies to their neighborhood and community. (MLR D1, D2)

Students will be able to describe the geography of the community, Maine, the United States and various regions of the world. (MLR D1, D2)

Students will be able to explain the geography of the community, Maine, the United States and various regions of the world using geographic tools and resources. (MLR D1, D2)

Students will be able to explain how geography influences life in the past, present, and future using geographic tools and resources . (MLR D1, D2)

Students will be able to analyze geographic features that have impacted the United States and other regions.(MLR D1a D2b))


Role of the Citizen: Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and document participating in the rights, responsibilities, and duties of citizens (in local, state, national, and global.)








Students will be able to participate in developing classroom rules and decisions. (MELDS 80)

Students will be able to identify the structure of a democratic government (MLR B1, B2)

Students will be able to examine structures and processes of a democratic government. (MLR B1, B2)

Students will be able to explain the purpose, principles, and structures of a democratic government. (MLR B1, B2)

Students will be able to describe the structures and processes of government and explain how they are framed by primary sources. (Structures and processes include separation of powers, balance of powers--checks and balances, federalism) (MLR B1, B2)

Students will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of political systems.

(MLR B1a, B1b and B1e)


Students will be able to understand and discuss why responsibilities are important. (MELDS 80)

Students will be able to identify the influence of economics on individuals and groups in the United States and the world. (MLR C2)

Students will be able to identify the rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens within the class, school, or community. (MLR B2 a, c)

Students will be able to explain the rights, responsibilities, and influence of citizens within the class, community, state, or country. (MLR B2 a, d)

Students will be able to explain the constitutional and legal status of “citizen” and provide examples of rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens. (MLR B2 a, d)

Students will be able to identify the rights of a citizen in local, state, national and/or global settings.

(MLR B2a and B2d)


Students will be able to assist with support and guidance, in developing and participating in activities designed to care for the environment and/or community. (MELDS 80)

Students will be able to describe economics. (MLR C1)

Students will be able to explain democratic ideals. (MLR B1 b)

Students will be able to explain examples of democratic ideals and constitutional principles. (MLR B1 b)

Students will be able to analyze examples of democratic ideals and constitutional principles in historic and current events. (MLR B1 b)

Students will be able to analyze the relationship between citizens and the government in laws or cases.

(MLR B2b B2c)


Students will be able to explain how school and classroom rules promote the common good.

Students will be able to identify documents that establish government and protect the rights of United States citizens. (MLR B2)

Students will be able to examine documents that establish government and protect the rights of the individual United States citizen. (MLR B2 b, c)

Students will be able to describe how the powers of government are limited to protect individual rights and minority rights. (MLR B2 b, c)

Students will be able to analyze the interconnections of social and/or civic institutions (i.e. media, governmental, financial, technological) on societal issues, trends, and events.

(MLR B3a, B3b)


Students will be able to plan and implement a civic action or service-learning project based on a community need or issue. (A3)

Students will be able to plan and implement a civic action or service-learning project based on a community need or issue. (MLR A3)

Students will be able to plan and implement a civic action or service-learning project based on a community need or issue. (A3)

Students will be able to plan and implement a civic action or service-learning project based on a community need or issue. (A3)

Students will be able to evaluate the degree of influence the individual has in the decision making process in a political system.

(MLR B2e)


Students will be able to plan and implement a civic action or service-learning project based on a community need or issue.

(MLR A2e)