9/11 & The War on Terror - Context in The Dark Knight

Significant Event in Politics / Society


Relevance to The Dark Knight

Extraordinary Rendition

Usually occurs when people go to a different country to do something illegal that is legal over there.

Chinese accountant guy goes to Hong Kong to escape American Law - Goes to a place where what he does is legal


New concept for the world

Joker doesn't care about dying to get what he wants, and what he wants is chaos and to see the world burn.


Allows surveillance of citizens

Batman watches over people, hacks into telephones, this system destroyed at the end.


Was banned, yet they allowed ‘extreme persuasion’

Batman beats Joker up to get information from him - beats his face in, kicks him

=[‘Turner, P., 2013. Dark Knight Dark Ideas. The Ideology of Nolan's Batman trilogy,  37-41

CrashCourse. (2019). Terrorism, War, and Bush 43: Crash Course US History #46. [Online Video]. 30 January 2014. Available from: https://youtu.be/nlsnnhn3VWE. [Accessed: 9 December 2019].