Chromebook Handbook for Students and Parents

TZHS Chromebook Program

2019-2020 School Year



The South Orangetown Central School District, as a leader in technology innovation and integration, seeks solutions to prepare our students for the world they face when they leave our halls.  We want to help them acquire the skills they need to succeed—academically, professionally and personally.  We are pleased to announce that all students will be offered a Chromebook computer to use both at school and at home as a learning tool to meet these goals.  

Parents and educators are important partners to the students and district to ensure the success of this program.  Home monitoring of technology use should be embraced and practiced.

Prior to your child collecting a Chromebook, both students and parents must read, accept and comply with the South Orangetown Central School District’s Student Use of Computerized Information Resources Policy; Internet and School Network Ethics; Computer, Internet and Email Use Agreement Guidelines and Procedures; and Code of Ethics Agreement.  They also must sign the Student/Parent Chromebook Use Agreement.  These documents are included in this packet.

Students who do not choose to take advantage of the 1:1 Chromebook Initiative should plan to bring in a device from home that allows them to conduct online research and type essays and reports, as these activities occur regularly throughout the students' academic day. This will ensure students can maximize their time in class each day and not have extra work to do in order to catch up outside of class.

Any questions or concerns about the program should be directed to your child’s principal, Mr. Rudy Arietta.

Contact Information

Tappan Zee High School      (845) 680-1600

Mr. Rudy Arietta, Principal

Ms. Melissa Luciano, Assistant Principal

Mr. Richard Neidhart, Assistant Principal

Ms. Patty Eyer, School Library Media Specialist

Use of Chromebook Computers

Distribution, Repossession and Ownership of Hardware and Data

Chromebooks will be distributed in school, once the students and parents/guardians have read and signed the Student Use of Computerized Information Resources Policy; Internet and School Network Ethics; Computer, Internet and Email Use Agreement Guidelines and Procedures; Code of Ethics Agreement and the Student/Parent Chromebook Use Agreement.  When a student leaves the district he/she will surrender the Chromebook to the District.

All data on the Chromebook is considered the property of the South Orangetown Central School District.  The Chromebook and its data can be searched at any time and no data will be saved for the student. It is the student’s responsibility to archive any data on his/her own personal removable media.

Electronic documents, network usage and all stored files shall not be considered confidential and may be monitored at any time by designated district personnel to ensure appropriate use. The District complies full with local, state or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to violations of computer crime laws.

Network Use

As part of Google Apps for Education (GAFE) all students have their own online drive that is accessible through the student’s personal log in. This drive is a safe and secure place for students to save their work. Should the Chromebook experience problems and be out for repair, the students will be able to access their files in Google Apps for Education using a computer.  Students are encouraged to save all important work to their GAFE drive on a regular basis.

Students should not loan their Chromebook to any other student, nor should they borrow a Chromebook from another student. In no circumstance should a student allow another student to log into his/her network drive, nor should any student share his/her login (user names and passwords) with any other student.

The safe and responsible use of the Internet is of utmost importance to the district.  While at school, students are protected from potentially dangerous and inappropriate content through the District’s network filter.  

Parents are encouraged to be aware of and monitor their child’s Internet usage at home. 

General Chromebook Rules and Code of Ethics
for Chromebook Program

Every student and parent/guardian must read and agree to the South Orangetown Central School District Student Use of Computerized Information Resources Policy; Internet and School Network Ethics; Computer, Internet and Email Use Agreement Guidelines and Procedures; Code of Ethics Agreement and the Student/Parent Chromebook Use Agreement before any student is allowed to use the computers in the district. In addition, the following are rules and guidelines that both the student and parent/guardian must agree to before the Chromebook is issued to a student participating in the one-to-one program:

Preparedness for School

General Usage of Chromebook and Installed Devices

No Loaning or Borrowing Chromebooks

Damage and Loss

Inappropriate Content

Care and Maintenance of Chromebooks

Installing Programs/Deleting Files/Downloading & Streaming

Transporting and Storage of Chromebooks


Music, Games and Other Programs

Students agree that violation of the Student Use of Computerized Information Resources Policy; Internet and School Network Ethics; Computer, Internet and Email Use Agreement Guidelines and Procedures; Code of Ethics Agreement and the Student/Parent Chromebook Use Agreement for the Chromebook program may result in disciplinary action, the revoking of Chromebook and network privileges and appropriate legal action.

Table of Estimated Repair/Replacement Costs

As outlined earlier in this packet, all equipment is covered by limited warranty.  However, if the Chromebook must be replaced / repaired due to negligent loss or damage, the following charges will apply:



Age of Chromebook


1 Year or less


1 - <2 years


2 - <3 years


3 - <4 years


* Fair Market Value is currently $329.00


Repair or Replacement

Loss, Damage or Neglect

Broken/Cracked Screen (LCD)


Keyboard Replacement


Power Adapter + Cord


Chromebook Case


Lost/Damaged Chromebook


South Orangetown Central School District


Computerized information resources can motivate student learning, expand opportunities for individualized instruction, provide new learning resources, and make abstract concepts more concrete.  The Board of Education provides computers and Internet access as tools to enhance its mission to teach the skills, knowledge, and behaviors students will need as successful and responsible adults.  


Student use of school computers shall be limited to work related to their academic program and their school-sponsored extracurricular activities. Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the district's computer network. The Student Code of Conduct rules for behavior and communications shall apply.  

The use of the network is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked if abused. The student is personally responsible for all activity that originates from his/her account while accessing and utilizing the school's computer resources. These rules are intended to help ensure that students use school computers and the Internet in a safe and appropriate manner.  

The Board of Education also provides students instruction in the proper and effective use of these resources.  Generally, the same standards of acceptable conduct that apply to any school activity shall apply to use of the district's computer system. Students are expected to act in a respectful, responsible and legal manner.  


Although the district exercises professional judgment in selecting computerized information resources, the nature of the Internet makes it impossible to control this resource fully. Access to the Internet will be granted for all students and all students agree to abide by the Student Code of Conduct and the district’s Acceptable Use Policy.  A parent or guardian my explicitly request their child not have access to the Internet.  A formal written request must be submitted to the district  


Electronic material that users transmit or store is not private. The district reserves the right to monitor use of its computer system to assure that it is being used in compliance with Board of Education policy and administrative regulations as well as applicable state and federal laws.  

Misuse of the computer system can result in disciplinary action, including restriction of computer privileges. Illegal actions will be subject to police investigation and action.  

Administrative regulations will further define guidelines of appropriate use of the district's computer system.  

Adopted:  April 28, 2011  


Access to the Internet and the school computer network is a privilege, not a right.

BE SAFE – Passwords are secret.  Don’t share your password or use anyone else’s password.  It’s like stealing a key and is an invasion of privacy.  Never reveal personal information including your or another’s personal address and telephone number.  Never transmit credit card information.

BE YOURSELF – Never use anyone else’s name or account.  Do not post anonymous messages.

BE HONEST – observe copyright laws.  Be certain to cite sources properly.  Do not transfer any commercial software onto school computers.

BE POLITE – Do not insult or lie about anyone or use offensive language, not even in private messages to friends.  This includes materials created off-school and accessed at school. Do not send or access pornographic materials or files containing racial, ethnic or minority slurs.  Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks and other antisocial behaviors are prohibited.

BE FAIR – Use the Internet, which includes email and IM for schoolwork only.  Do not use for commercial purposes or political lobbying (excluding student government).

BE CONSIDERATE – Do not waste time on-line.

BE CAREFUL – Do not download or transmit any file with a computer virus.  Do not violate federal, state, or local laws.

BE ALERT – Report any security problems, violations or abuses to your teacher.

BE RESPONSIBLE – Users shall not intentionally seek information about, obtain copies of, or modify files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users.  Hardware or software shall not be destroyed, damaged, modified or abused in any way.  Users are not allowed to install software from any source without permission from a system administrator.

Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be suspended or revoked and disciplinary action will be taken. 

Computer, Internet and Email Use

Guidelines and Procedures

The South Orangetown Central School District provides extensive computer and Internet resources to its staff, students and community at large as part of its educational mission.  When used appropriately and responsibly, these resources provide a wealth of information and access to state-of-the art technologies that have become fundamental to the everyday educational experiences of our staff and students.  

The district has the right and responsibility to monitor the use of its equipment and network for compliance to policies and procedures. Violation will result in disciplinary action.

Students and staff in the South Orangetown Central School District are expected to adhere to the following guidelines and procedures:

Student/Parent Chromebook Use Agreement

Student Name: _________________________     ____________________      ____________________

                        Last Name                           First Name                        Student ID #

Parent Name:  __________________________     ____________________    

                        Last Name                            First Name                        

Terms:  You will adhere to the Student Use of Computerized Information Resources Policy; Internet and School Network Ethics; Computer, Internet and Email Use Agreement Guidelines and Procedures; and Code of Ethics Agreement before taking possession of the property and will comply at all times with these agreements.  Any failure to comply may terminate your rights of possession effective immediately and the District may repossess the property.  By signing this agreement you also agree to allow your child permission to use Google Apps for Education.

Title:  Legal title to the property is in the District and shall at all times remain in the District. Your right of possession and use is limited to and conditional upon your full and complete compliance with the Student Use of Computerized Information Resources Policy; Internet and School Network Ethics; Computer, Internet and Email Use Agreement Guidelines and Procedures; Code of Ethics Agreement and the Student/Parent Chromebook Use Agreement.

Loss or Damage:  If the property is damaged, lost or stolen, you will report the incident to the District immediately or by the next school day if the incident occurs out of school.  Normal wear and tear is covered by the District’s insurance. In the case of theft, vandalism and other criminal acts, a police report must be filed by the student or parent within 48 hours of the occurrence. Incidents happening off campus must be reported to the police by the parent and a copy of the police report be brought to the school.  We will then report the loss to our insurance company.  The parent/student will be responsible for payment of our deductible to replace the computer, per the pricing table listed in the Chromebook Handbook for Students and Parents.

Repossession:  If you do not comply fully with all terms of the Student Use of Computerized Information Resources Policy; Internet and School Network Ethics; Computer, Internet and Email Use Agreement Guidelines and Procedures; Code of Ethics Agreement and the Student/Parent Chromebook Use Agreement, the District shall be entitled to declare you in violation and can take possession of the property.

Term of Agreement: Your right to use and possess the property terminates no later than the completion of Grade 12 or by your withdrawal from the District, and you will be required to provide your device for visual inspection near the completion of each school year.

Appropriation:  Your failure to return the property on time and the continued use of it for non-school purposes without the District’s consent may be considered unlawful appropriation of the District’s property.

Users’ Signatures:

__________________________                __________________________           ______________

Parent or Guardian Signature                Student Signature                            Date