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Agenda Board Meeting
September 15, 2016

Participants: André, Andreas, Barnaby, Catherine, Christian, Friede, Hannes, Martin, Matthias, Oleg, Muriel

: Alexandre, Antoine (participating online)

Absent: -

  1. Strategy

  1. Organizational regulations
  1. Make sure to fulfill our association’s purpose
  2. Transparency as a challenge: The “Open” takes us up on our promise
  3. Good Governance: Matthias informs about the E-Mail which he sent to the entire board. Requirement: Inspection duty.
  4. Urgency can not be an argument to rush. Feedback André/Hannes: There is no urgency!
  5. Points which have to be clarified in detail (collected by Christian): Transparenz (keine Verschleierung!),  Not for Profit, Hohe Massstäbe, IK-Vermeidung, Open Platform, Regeln, Good Governance, Reputation schützen, Vorgehen, Costs




Andreas: This does not solve our problem, does it?

Matthias: Control and execution are separated and normally these decisions are being subject for decision at the general assembly?!

Hannes: How can we assure our positive reputation while becoming bigger? Communication is key! It needs to be a communication strategy which serves the purpose of providing answers from the very early start.

Matthias: A potential approach to take a decision on the oragnizational form of is an exceptional general assembly.

Christian: Let us separate the questions of the “organisation” and the “execution”

a) Board calls committee (Ausschuss) into life whose members are composed of board members (e.g. Christian, Hannes, André & Friede) and non board members (in our case Muriel).

b) Board delegates operative management to executive director/executive committee

(-> see drawing further below)

André: The entire discussion results from the need of having a professional committee, which takes over the work which today exceeds the capacity of voluntary board members.


Addendum Christian: Important fact -> Both discussed organizational models require the same standard of transparency, etc. (Not for Profit, Hohe Massstäbe, IK-Vermeidung, Open Platform, Regeln, Good Governance, Reputation schützen, Vorgehen, Kosten)

According to the bylaws, the board must decide over this subject (organizational model). The General assembly normally has no legitimacy to decide over this.

Input Matthias: There is no need for organizational change

Input Andreas: Biggest challenge of model 2 is that the board loses its power when losing the 4 most active board members. To conclude: Andreas agrees with Hannes that it is all about communication!

Hannes: Engagement Migros erteilt uns nicht einen Auftrag, sondern einen FÖRDERBEITRAG

Matthias Stürmer verlässt die Sitzung

Catherine asks what happens if the majority of members of the board are at the same time members of the executive committee (and would always be in majority with regards to votations).

Feedback Christian: Entweder regeln wir, dass

 -> [GL-&Board-Mitglieder] < [Nicht-GL&Board-Mitglieder] ODER

die Mitglieder der GL treten in Ausstand wenn Vorstand wählt

Input Christian: The composition of the Executive Committee is open and

Input Barnaby:

a) Decide in a first step that an acting committee is in place and then

b) Decide on the composition and the organizational regulation

Input Oleg:

We act as a leading example.

Let’s stay close to the community and our associations purpose.

What happens with the swiss chapter of Open Knowledge?
        André: This is not a subject for extended discussion at the moment but certainly is an important

Input Catherine: Some members of the board have “eyes” and “hands” - others only have “eyes” -> This will be clarified in detail in the organizational regulations


Traktandum 1 (Traktandum mit Beschluss: Formelle Delegation): 
Beschluss / Antrag: Der Vorstand delegiert die Geschäftsführung bis zur kommenden Vorstandssitzung an den folgenden provisorischen Ausschuss/comité réduit: André, Hannes, Christian, Friede & Muriel.
Das Organisationsreglement, das die Abgrenzung zwischen Ausschusses/comité réduit und Gesamtvorstands im Einzelnen beschreibt, ist in Zirkulation. Dieses Organisationsreglement konkretisiert die Aufgaben des Ausschusses/comité réduit und des Gesamtvorstands.

Ziel ist, das Organisationsreglement in der kommenden Sitzung zu bereinigen und zu verabschieden sowie über die definitive personelle Zusammensetzung des Ausschusses zu entscheiden.


Für: 9

Gegen: 0

Enthaltung: 1

FYI: Employment with Florian Wieser, as project leader for the food project. Hannes supervises the project.

Motion Andreas:

(de) Der Vorstand beauftragt den Ausschuss/comité réduit, eine professionelle und langfristige Partnerschaft mit Engagement Migros einzugehen. Der Vertrag und seine Beilagen sowie die Verträge mit Unterlieferanten für dieses Projekt werden dem Vorstand zugänglich gemacht.


Für: 9

Gegen: 0


Barnaby Skinner verlässt die Sitzung

Traktandum 2 (ohne Beschluss): Information: Christian führt durch das Organisationsreglement. Auf Basis des Dokuments, das zirkuliert wurde, bitte Vorbehalte formulieren. Ziel ist, ein abgestimmtes Dokument zu bekommen.

  1. Exchange of information
  1. Introduces the background and the motivation of engagement migros, our partner for
  2. Migros Engagement introduced a new focus “data”, which was seen as opportunity by Hannes, André & Marcel Salathé. They presented an approach to incubate the prototypes which result from Hackdays.
  3. Result: Plan for 3 years with 3 phasis: Hackdays, accompanying research, Incubation -> all with the purpose of increasing our impact and utility
  4. The Hackdays will presumably take place in February. Time until then will be used to open up as many data-sets as possible to grant ideal starting position for the project.
  5. Important parts of the collaboration with Migros Engagement are:
  1. Ziel-Matrix
  2. Budget
  3. Communications

  1. biographie en allemand et/ou français
  2. photo (au moins 150x150px)

  1. Next steps