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All Quests TPS Notes
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As normal

Serenity’s Waste

Grab oz kit like normal check chest for white guns, SQ

Turn in, grab quests, do land among the stars, keep echo up

Grab three janey stories, echo after opening door to second, grab third, SQ

Turn on printer, turn in, grab quest SQ NG Glitch?


Give dude posters, rebind e to scroll wheel, hit deadlift trigger, place posters

Trip breaker, grab chest for white guns, kill deadlift, digistruct key

Skip red chests, always green ars, grab Thorson’s quest, do skip, finish story quest

Regolith Return

Drive back, turn in quests, grab quests, SQ

Equip shield, drive to second Regolith entrance

Drive to security room, echo before entering, nova at second line, grab password

Grenade jump to waystation to inform Zarpedon, kill Squat, nel’s a dick, go to chest, echo before entering, turn in, SQ


Entire split as normal, NG Glitch on (potentially) every save quit

Buy a bunch of backpack sdu and grenade sdu, buy a bunch of white guns

Triton Flats

Entire split as normal

Red Belly

AS Echo before peepot, kill kraggons, echo before peepot, skip his dialogue, turn in

Open shortcut, take slow way to red belly, death warp into arena, proceed as usual

Meriff’s Office

Pretty straightforward

Tritons Quests

Go to Janey, turn in, grab quest, SQ

Grab scrambler, graby Nina quest, SQ

Pick up dill, SQ

Travel to Triton Flats

Drive to Lunestalker, grab quest, kill grinder buggy, search buggy, grab part, wait at start line

**maybe try testing out QS “Grinders” somewhere**

Do race, stop before finish line and echo, drive to bounty board

**to arms for dialogue skip**

Donate weapons, kill cars, head to speeshel ice area, do quest, kill giant shuggarath, grab ice, drill, SQ NG Glitch

Buy more white guns, donate, pick up Zapped, SQ

Travel to crisis scar, area travel back, head to island for trigger, kill scavs w/laser, collect guns, SQ

Area travel to crisis scar, ft to triton flats

Buy more white guns, do story quest, detour to stanton’s liver after stingray

Stanton’s Liver

Echo before entering valve room, center, far right, keep skipping, kill torks

Go on top of valve room, grenade jump to grinder area, grinder echo, finish quest, SQ

Travel back to triton flats

Outlands Canyon

Same as any%

Outlands Spur

Same as any%


Turn in speeshel ice to Nina, head to Triton Flats to farm for weapons DON’T SELL ICE SCREAM

Pity’s Fall

Merge infinite ammo and probe, any% route, try to avoid bosun save, maybe kill bosun w/shotgun?

Turn in, grab secret chamber, death warp if skipped save, sequence skip before door

Grab 3 echos, skip door dialogue again, turn in, SQ

Travel to Triton Flats

Meriff’s Office 2

Grab cosmo wishbone, SQ

Travel to Concordia, get janey’s checkmark, grab bounty board, try to grab janey’s quest finish grinders, turn in, go to meriff’s office, do quest, echo skip the whole way, sequence skip when possible, SQ when grabbing echo

Outlands Spur Quests

Infinite ammo

Go over garage thing and hit the save point, go to the other story area, grab flow regulator, death warp, head through nothing is never an option area

QS w/Zapped 2.0 an option upon arriving, finish fight, turn in, 2nd option for shield, SQ

Go straight to tony slows area, sequence skip before entering, keep skipping, get recorder, SQ

Area travel to Outlands canyon

Outlands Canyon Quests

Grab quest from pickle, SQ NG Glitch? sure

Grab shovel, travel back, FT to Outlands canyon

Take jump pad, grab stingray boost up to space jam area, grab toilet, grab space jam quest

Grab basketball, QS Space Jam before giving basketball, turn in, space jam, sequence skip interview, turn in

Go through camp, dig up treasure, kill thresher, drive to x marks the spot, SQ

Go to camp on the left and grab dynamite, SQ

Go back to x place dynamite, kill rabid adams, SQ

Travel to outlands spur, travel to pickle, turn in, second reward for launcher

Go back to outlands spur ft, go to concordia

Recruitment Drive

Pick up Nina’s quest, pick up bounty board, grab flowers, take triton flats area travel

Pick up bounty board, SQ

Pick up bounty board, drive to deirdre area, grab gyroscope, hit deirdre checkmark

Pick up posters, place one at to arms area, donate weapons

Go back to sanctuary travel, poster next to bounty board, kill 2, head towards fast travel

Shoot poster, kill shuggarath w/car, pancake to get echo, boob area, shoot next poster

Activate train, hit abbot trigger, place last poster, sequence skip before giving flowers

Go back to train, shoot last poster, melee abbot, travel to titan

Titan Industrial

Infinite ammo and healing

Any%, kill torks during wave fight w/zapped 2.0 laser

Skip gladstone with “To Arms” maybe



More Outlands Canyon Quests

Turn in zapped 2.0, do zapped 3.0

Give echo to DJ in moxxi’s bar, turn in, grab vibrapulse, like usual, SQ

Go to Meriff’s statue, get checkmark, SQ

Go to Meriff’s statue and shoot the head, grab it, SQ

Go towards rocket, echo before getting there, skip jack’s line, place head, skip lines, press console, SQ when quest completes

Go to outlands canyon, go towards camp on right, echo 6 times before drongo bones, kill, echo 4 more times

Grab moon zoomy, boost into camp, boost onto catwalk thing, complete timber longwood

Get car and boost over canyon to thresher cave, kill threshers, freeze threshers, SQ

Go towards camp on right to get to rocket, complete thresher quest, SQ

Hyperion Hub

Infinite ammo & healing on spawning in

Same as Any%


Same as Any%

Jack’s Office

Same as any%

(use Ayyyc’s quest thing for skipping w/out grinders)

(pick up echo, sequence skip with hot head, pick up boarding party & urgent message, pick up voice over when hot head ends)

**new QS, “Boarding Party” “Hot Head” “Voice Over” “Urgent Message” “Infinite Loop**

Hyperion Hub Quests

Save Nakayama, turn in, grab quests

Do Handsome AI, skip like all of the dialogue (maybe see if a quest swap works?), turn in, SQ

Grab Cleanliness Uprising and spray paint can, SQ

Knock over trash can, grab robot, SQ

Go to Jack’s office, give paint to claptrap, SQ

Travel back to hub, go towards Meg pit, go over field, grab echo head straight, grab flowers, SQ

Place flowers, go towards fast travel, grab echo, SQ

Shoot flowers, stack vibrapulse third echo at claptrap area, go back to nakayama, turn in Paint Job, grab Meg

Run towards Meg (don’t SQ), kill meg w/ railgun (maybe quest swap w/Kill Meg although might not work)

Leave trash compactor, open hot head door, kill lost legion at voice over, grab 3 books, freeze dean, scan books, SQ when finished


Infinite ammo & healing & snipers


**TBD: how many axes to farm for, either here or during the veins rerun**

Lunar Launching Station


QS w/Infinite Loop when jack enters command center

Still use the usual “Things That Go Boom” and “Red Then Dead” QS

After starting laser, backtrack to pizza quest, then do things that go boom/first 2 in red then dead

Zarpedon/Eye of Helios


(maybe find quest swaps, maybe just use echo)

Lunar Station Cleanup

Progress through story as usual

Kill last courier after turning in story quest, grab busted eye, SQ *NG Glitch?*

Start moonshot loader quest, grab pieces of eye, fire moonshot, turn in quest, SQ

Turn in bounty board, travel to R&D if skipping Sub-Level 13 or Titan Robot if not

R&D Quests

Echo before grabbing rocket science quest, kill torks, go to langois’ office, kill stalkers, do quest, grab blood, SQ

Grab nearest stalker blood, SQ

Grab nearest stalker blood, turn in at spara, progress rocket science to progress first rocket

Backtrack towards X-STLK-23, hit infinite loop trigger, kill lost legion w/razorback crits

Get restraining bolt, pick up mini destroyer quest, try to fix the eye, shoot eye and fucking run

Sequence skip before picking up scientist echo, SQ when finished

Activate console when spawning, Sequence skip before entering infinite loop, suppress left one for mining laser

Echo before entering lab 19, hit console, run back for code, enter code, kill destroyer, SQ

Finish rocket science, keep echo active for most of it, turn in, SQ

Crisis Scar Quests

Travel to Concordia, area travel to Triton Flats, turn in bounty board, donate guns, SQ and buy guns if needed and drive back

Defend donation center, donate remaining weapons, SQ

Travel back to Concordia, Echo when spawning in, hit “To Arms” trigger skip it all

Travel to Triton Flats, drive towards Crisis Scar, get eliza echo before travel, travel to Crisis Scar

Take lame way to red belly area, echo 5 times before hitting eliza, wave fight, SQ when done


AT to Triton, take jump pad

Turn into Deirdre, grab flow regulator, go to Vorago Solitude, fast travel to jack’s office, bounty board, jack, SQ

Travel to hub, turn in cleaning bot, turn in nakayama, go to veins

Do any% route to get to room thing, press buttons, don’t fail, turn in, enter tunnel, wait for bot

Enter quarantine area, echo 3 times in airlock, kill workers, echo twice, get Lazlo, echo twice

Freeze infected, pick up chunks, give chunks, turn in, echo, wait for Lazlo, do quest, echo before slamming last one, ventilation, echo, console, kill Lazlo, turn in, SQ

Veins Quests

Travel out, death warp, travel to Jack’s office, bounty board, SQ

Head back to veins, infinite ammo?

Go straight from airlock, blue jump pad, laser drill, bottom pad and blue jump pad, left jump pad, try to echo, button, do don’t get cocky

Echo before shipment gets in, echo afterwards, turn in quest, take next 3 blue jump pads

Grab cranial interface, grenade jump off, take blue jump pad, land on platform, sensor array

Go to central maintenance, scan parts, hit console, enter quarantine zone, kill eghood, turn into console, SQ

Travel back to hyperion hub


Death warp, travel to jack’s office, travel to Vorago Solitude

**split from wr run, don’t do iwajira, no real need to**

4 axes for this section, infinite ammo, healing, razorback, sniper

Go through vorago, rk5, tycho’s ribs, sentinel as normal, find a quest to replace urgent message with

Pick up z3n-tp & zarpedon quest in tycho’s ribs, do z3n-tp on opha superior

Stack vibra pulse as usual, kill first sentinel phase w/ moonface i guess (maybe just kill everything w/moonface?)

SQ after touching symbol

Triton Flats Cleanup

Turn in to z3n-tp, SQ

Travel to triton flats, complete cosmo wishbone, sequence skip before talking, kill shugguraths

Keep skipping audio, turn in, SQ

Drive to messenger quest, complete captain chef, SQ

Travel to Outlands Spur, turn in, get Pickle’s quest, SQ (NG Glitch?)

**potential re-route**

Travel to Titan Production, travel to Titan Industrial, go to sub-level 13 and complete it until pt 2 for e-gun

Iwajira Farm

Travel to Serenity’s waste, jump gap, hit zapped checkmark, get light reactor, get beacon, echo 3 times before placing beacon, hit jump pad, drive car to location, hit trigger, go farm iwajira

Kill Iwajira 6 times, just get infinite ammo for each kill

“Raid Boss”

Travel to Jack’s office, turn in bounty board, turn in jack, SQ


Travel to concordia, bounty board, moxxi’s bar for messenger, turn in, SQ

Travel to eleseer, go to vault, sequence skip before approaching, moonstones, i guess just kill with moonface, definitely merge probe, SQ after kill

Vorago Solitude Quests

Travel to concordia, turn in bounty board, SQ

Travel to vorago solitude, echo before approaching droid quest, skip dialogue, grab quest

Grab snicket quest, go back to droids, wait at jump pad, shoot overcharger before they launch, follow them

Kill enemies where you land, grab snicket ball, go back to droids and clear area, return snicket ball

Super jump pad, go back to droids, kill enemies, hit droid trigger

Grab pokeball quest, get fire wraith, do chef quest, turn in, finish pokeball quest in vorago

Deliver to poacher, turn in pokeball, turn in droids, SQ

Eleseer Cleanup

Merge infinite ammo and healing

Travel to eleseer, grab pokeball quest 2, do first 3, SQ

Grenade jump to get last opha, SQ

Turn in, SQ


Travel to Serenity’s Waste

Deliver reactor to Janey, turn in bounty board

Travel to titan robot, travel to titan industrial, finish sub-level 13