Relationships and Health Education Policy 2023-2025
Monitoring and Review of Policy: Approved by Principal
Agreed following consultation with
To be reviewed September 2025
Rationale and Development of Policy |
This policy has been developed based on the needs of the children and school community. Consultation with children, staff, parents and governors formed the foundation of this policy. This is a statement of the aims, objectives and strategies for the teaching of Healthy Relationships.  Relationship Education is statutory in primary schools from September 2020.  Guidance for this policy has been provided from the 2019 DFE document ‘Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’ . Within this policy, there also needs to be an awareness of issues such as: Honour-based abuse such as FGM, trafficking, child marriage, child-on-child sexual violence, sexual harrassment, child sexual exploitation (CSE), child criminal expolitation (CCE) and counter-terrorism and radicalisation, following the DFE document: ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education' (September 1st, 2023).  |
Aims and Objectives |
‘Healthy Relationships’ is lifelong learning about physical, social, moral and emotional development. They should support children in managing adolescence and preparing them for adult life, helping them to understand themselves, to respect others and to sustain healthy relationships of all kinds. At Billesley, we believe that helping pupils to develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy is crucial. We aim to ensure that we provide a positive culture around issues of relationships, and prepare pupils for puberty and body changes. Healthy Relationships aims to support children throughout their time at the school so that they are able to:
Equal Opportunities |
It is intended that the school's Healthy Relationships policy and programme will reflect the ethos of the school, by providing a secure, inclusive, non-judgemental environment in which to learn. Therefore, no child or family will be discriminated against on grounds of race, gender, health, ability or sexuality. In support of our equal opportunities policy staff will challenge discrimination and stereotyping. Staff will support children to understand that people hold different points of view and that there is not always one clear and correct answer. Healthy Relationships is taught within the context of family life, taking care to ensure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their home circumstances. |
Teaching Healthy Relationships |
Before teaching any  unit of work, staff will consult with the school PSHE coordinator. Parents and carers need to be informed, but all communication must be agreed through the SLT. Two adults need to be present in all sessions. All staff must ensure they view all teaching materials before beginning the unit. Lesson Delivery
Healthy Relationships will be taught by the appropriate staff, with the support of the school nurse, if necessary. All staff will be supported in this work, with opportunities for team teaching, which will need to be planned and agreed in advance. The teaching of Healthy Relationships will be flexible enough to take into account the needs of individual year groups. Single sex teaching will be used for some Healthy Relationships lessons.  However, both boys and girls will receive the same curriculum content. Staff are aware that parents will need to be informed before these sessions take place. Billesley Primary follows the Jigsaw scheme of work for RSE. All visitors from external agencies will work within the policy framework. A teacher will be present at all times.  Any external services must have an Enhanced DBS check and be pre-approved by the Principal. Lessons  will be observed in the normal programme of monitoring teaching and learning. Children’s views and attitudes will be accessed through our ‘pupil voice’ Pupil Book Study opportunities to help inform our policy. The delivery of Healthy Relationships is coordinated by Miss Stephanie Cole. |
Content of the Curriculum |
Healthy Relationships is taught within both Science and Personal Social Health Economics Education (PSHE). Any topics covered as part of the science curriculum are statutory. This includes: KS1:
Healthy Relationships are covered within the main strands of PSHE:
Please see topic coverage for further information (appendix 1). |
Provision for Pubertal Pupils |
Confidentiality and Child protection |
Working With Parents and Carers |
The school seeks to work in partnership with parents and carers, through consultation and support. The school recognises that parents and carers play a vital role in providing education about relationships and growing up. We aim to support parents in this role. Parental views were integral to the development of the policy and schemes of work.  All children will receive their statutory entitlement to RSE which is covered within  the national curriculum. This includes all relationships education lessons, and RSE subjects that are covered within the science curriculum. If parents wish to discuss Healthy Relationships further, then they need to make an appointment with the Principal and PSHE Lead. Parents will receive a letter to inform them when Healthy Relationships lessons are taking place and they will be provided with the opportunity to view resources and discuss the specific teaching content. If a parent wishes to withdraw their child from the non-statutory element of any RSE lessons, they must complete a withdrawal request form. Please see Appendix 2. |
Appendix 1 : Content Coverage
Year group | Term | Topic | Coverage |
R | Spring 2 Summer 1 | Jigsaw Puzzle 6 Changing Me Jigsaw Puzzle 5 Relationships |
Y1 | Summer 1 Summer 2 | Jigsaw Puzzle 5 Relationships Jigsaw Puzzle 6 Changing Me |
Y2 | Autumn 1 Spring 1 Summer 1 | Jigsaw Puzzle 1 Healthy me Jigsaw Puzzle 6 Changing Me Jigsaw Puzzle 5 Relationships |
Y3 | Autumn 1 Summer 1 Summer 2 | Jigsaw Puzzle 1 Healthy me Jigsaw Puzzle 5 Relationships Jigsaw Puzzle 6 Changing Me |
Vocabulary- male, female, penis, ovaries, egg, womb, vagina. |
Y4 | Summer 1 Summer 2 | Jigsaw Puzzle 5 Relationships Jigsaw Puzzle 6 Changing Me |
(Separated into gender groups).
Vocabulary: Puberty, male, female, testicles, sperm, penis, ovaries, egg, womb, vagina.menstruation |
Y5 | Autumn 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 | Jigsaw Puzzle 1 Healthy me Jigsaw Puzzle 6 Changing Me Jigsaw Puzzle 5 Relationships |
Vocabulary: Puberty, male, female, testicles, sperm, penis, ovaries, egg, womb, vagina,menstruation
Y6 | Autumn 2 Summer 1 | Jigsaw Puzzle  6 Changing Me. Jigsaw Puzzle 5 Relationships |
Appendix 2: Parent Form for withdrawal from sex education within RSE
Parent to complete: | |||
Name of child: | Class: | ||
Name of parent: | Date: | ||
Reason for withdrawing from sex education (non statutory element): | |||
Any other information that you would like the school to consider: | |||
Parent Signature: |
To be completed by school:
Agreed actions from discussion with parents on (date): | |||