October 21, 2021
Public link to this toolkit:
On Latina Equal Pay Day, help us raise awareness about the wage gap and its impact on Latinx women and their families.
Presented by Justice for Migrant Women and Equal Pay Today! In partnership with The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, MomsRising/MamasConPoder, Equal Rights Advocates, Center for American Progress, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, National Partnership for Women and Families, National Women’s Law Center, and AAUW.
This toolkit includes: 3 planned activities, sample social media, images/graphics, products,
Hashtags: #LatinaEqualPay #LatinasCantWait
1. Seeding Change & Demanding More: 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET
2. Social Media Storm: 11:00 a.m. PT / 2:00 p.m. ET
3. Essential Women Workers Virtual Summit: 11:00 a.m. PT / 2:00 p.m. ET
TO POST ON OCT. 21 - including during the social media storm:
Equal Rights Advocates
Today is #LatinaEqualPay Day, when the average Latinx woman's pay finally catches up to the average white man’s pay from last year--57 cents per $1. Take a stand against pay discrimination & occupational segregation! We need #LatinaEqualPay for #trabajadoras everywhere
A guide to #LatinaEqualPay:
💪 support Latina leadership
🗳️ vote for equity-based legislation
🗣️ invite Latina women to the table when making policy decisions
How does your state measure up when it comes to #LatinaEqualPay? Track what's happening by searching for #equalpay laws on @equalrightsadv ‘s Policy Hub:
Moms Rising / Mamas Con Poder
Right now, Latina moms have to work PAST age 100 to catch up to what their white, male counterparts make by age 60 😱 #LatinaEqualPay
En la actualidad las mamás latinas tienen que trabajar hasta que tienen MÁS de 100 años para ganar lo que gana un hombre blanco hasta los 60 años 😱 ¡ #LatinaEqualPay
Over a 40 year career, Latinas typically each lose over ONE. MILLION. DOLLARS. because of unfair pay. Enough is enough! #LatinaEqualPay
Durante 40 años de vida profesional, las latinas usualmente pierden más de UN. MILLÓN. DE DÓLARES. debido a la injusticia salarial. ¡Ya basta! #LatinaEqualPay
On #LatinaEqualPay Day and year-round in the fight for pay equity, we must center Afro-Latinas, LGBTQ+ Latinx workers, Latinas with disabilities, and undocumented Latinas.
Hoy Día de #LatinaEqualPay y todo el año mientras luchamos por equidad salarial debemos enfocarnos en las trabajadoras afrolatinas, LGBTQ+ y latinx, en las latinas con discapacidades y en las latinas indocumentadas.
The prison industrial complex targets the poor & disabled. Bail & legal fees & incarceration all add up to worsen poverty for families. “Latinx children are 2.5x more likely than white children to have an incarcerated parent.” @PrisonPolicy #LatinaEqualPay
Los pobres y discapacitados son más afectados por la industria carcelaria. Fianzas, gastos legales y el encierro hacen que las familias sean más pobres. “Niños latinx son 2.5 veces más propensos que los niños blancos a tener un padre en prisión”. @PrisonPolicy #LatinaEqualPay
With Latinas overrepresented in low-wage work, the #RaiseTheWage Act would give 29% of working Latinas a significant raise! #LatinaEqualPay
Como las latinas están sobrerrepresentadas en los empleos de bajos salarios, ¡la Ley #RaiseTheWage daría a 29% de las latinas trabajadoras un aumento salarial significativo! #LatinaEqualPay
#PaidLeave4All would help achieve #LatinaEqualPay! 75% of Latinx workers don’t have access to #paidleave & when women take 1 year of unpaid time off from work for things like medical/family leave, they see 39% less in later annual earnings than women who stay in the workforce.
¡#PaidLeave4All nos ayudaría a tener #LatinaEqualPay! 75% de los trabajadores Latinx no tienen acceso a #paidleave; si las mujeres toman un año de tiempo libre no pagado por razones familiares/médicas ganan 39% menos al año que las mujeres que permanecen en la fuerza laboral.
Those who sexually harass women w/ impunity also damage women's earning potential. Harassed women are more likely to change work schedules, cut down work hours, & quit their jobs completely. Lack of protections for women hurts families #LatinaEqualPay #MeToo
El acoso sexual impune afecta el poder adquisitivo de las mujeres. Las mujeres acosadas son más propensas a cambiar horarios y reducir horas de trabajo y a renunciar. La falta de protecciones para las mujeres afecta a las familias. #LatinaEqualPay #MeToo
Justice for Migrant Women
Latinas make just 57 cents, on average, for every $1 made by white, non-Hispanic men. Over the course of a 40 year career, Latinas stand to lose more than $1 million. And, many Latinas aren’t reflected in this number, making the pay gap worse for undocumented, non-binary, transgender, Afrolatina, Indigenous & community members. #LatinasCantWait any longer for #LatinaEqualPay. I'm outraged. Are you? Tell Congress it’s time to join us to #BuildBackBetter for Latinas and our future. On #LatinaEqualPay Day we are DEMANDING more. Join us! Take action at:
Today is #LatinaEqualPay Day, when Latinas are paid, on average, what white, non-hispanic men were paid in 2020. This means that it took Latinas 22 months to be paid the equivalent of what white men were paid in just 12. Latinas are paid just 57 cents, on average, for every $1 a white man is paid, resulting in lost pay amounting to over 1 million dollars over the course of a 40 year career. This is not just a “Latina problem.” If a Latina is not paid fairly this hurts her, her family and our entire country. Latinas are not alone in experiencing this problem either. I am joining @mujerxsrising in solidarity because #LatinasCantWait to be paid equally, and they shouldn’t have to wait! Join us! Take action at:
Las latinas ganan solo 57 centavos, en promedio, por cada $1 que ganan los hombres blancos. En el transcurso de una carrera de 40 años, pueden perder más de $1 millón. Y en esta cifra no están incluidas muchas latinas por lo cual la brecha salarial es aún peor para personas no documentadas, no-binarias, transgenero, afrolatinas, e indígenas. ¡No podemos esperar más! Exígele a Congreso que es hora de unirse a nosotros para #BuildBackBetter para Latinas y nuestro futuro.
Hoy es día de #LatinaEqualPay - cuando a las latinas finalmente se les paga, en promedio, lo que se les pagó a los hombres blancos no hispanos en el 2020. Esto significa que las Latinas deben esperar 22 meses para ser pagadas la misma cantidad que los hombres blancos recibieron en un año. Las latinas ganan solo 57 centavos, en promedio, por cada $1 que ganan los hombres blancos. Y en el transcurso de una carrera de 40 años, pueden perder más de $1 millón. Pero esto no es solamente un problema que impacta a las latinas. Si a las latinas no se les paga de manera justa, esto las impacta a ellas, su familias, y nuestro país. Y no son solamente las latina que experimentan este problema. ¡Únete a nosotros! Actúa en:
Las Latinas pueden perder más de $1 millón en el transcurso de una carrera de 40 años debido a la brecha salarial, lo cual afecta su capacidad para generar seguridad económica. ¡Tenemos el poder de crear cambio para las generaciones futuras! #LatinaEqualPay #LatinasCantWait
¿Sabías que por cada dólar ganado por los hombres blancos las Latinas solo ganan 57¢? Las Latinas trabajan en todas las industrias y aún cuando se comparan los mismos trabajos, la brecha salarial persiste. Por eso #LatinasCantWait! Únete a exigir #LatinaEqualPay el 21 de octubre.
Al menos 1/3 de trabajadores Latinx reportan haber experimentado discriminación en el proceso de contratación, lo cual les niega oportunidades de obtener trabajos y puestos mejor pagados. Esto debe terminar para cerrar la brecha salarial. #LatinasCantWait #LatinaEqualPay
Latinas ganan solo 57¢, en promedio, por cada $1 que ganan los hombres blancos. Exígele a Congreso que es hora de unirse a nosotros para #BuildBackBetter para Latinas y nuestro futuro. En #LatinaEqualPay Day EXIGIMOS más. ¡Únete a nosotros! Actúa en:
A Better Balance
Latina women make $.57 for every dollar made by white, non-Hispanic men. We must continue fighting for the supportive work-family policies urgently needed by women of color in particular, like #PaidLeave, if we want to close this wage gap. #LatinaEqualPay
Pregnancy discrimination leads to many women, disproportionately Latina women in low-wage jobs, being pushed out of the workforce at a critical time for their families' financial health. We must #ProtectPregnantWorkers to achieve #LatinaEqualPay.
In order to advance #LatinaEqualPay, we must fight for more flexible, safe, and equitable workplaces through policies like #PaidLeave, a #FairWorkWeek, and laws to #ProtectPregnantWorkers.
National Women’s Law Center
Spanish Tweets:
The wage gap means less money for necessities like groceries and rent. Latina women can't wait any longer to close the #WageGap. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
6 in 10 Latinx workers have children under 18. They need #EqualPay. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Can you imagine what the world will be like in 2206? We can’t either. But that is the year Latinas will reach pay parity with their white male counterparts...Let's make this a reality sooner! #LatinaEqualPay
It’s #LatinaEqualPay Day, and this year, Latinas had to work nearly 22 months in order for their pay to match white men’s pay in 2020 alone. That’s more than 46 additional weeks, 324 days or 7,776 hours.
Today is #LatinaEqualPay Day and while Latinas nationally are typically paid just 57 cents for every $1.00 paid to white men, in states like N.J. and C.A., Latinas earn as low as 42 cents! That is not OK. We must demand more for #trabajadoras everywhere!
Did you know the average Latina loses over $1.1 million to the wage gap over the course of her career? And that’s not even including factors like state location and motherhood, which increase the wage gap even more. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Latinas account for nearly $1 trillion in US buying power, but earn on average only 57 cents to the dollar paid to white men. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Latinas would have to work 33 more years to earn the same amount as white, non-Hispanic men earn over a 40-yr career. Help close the pay gap. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Disaggregated data shows Central American, Mexican and Dominican women face the most severe wage gap among U.S. Latinas. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Latinas experience a wage gap at every education level. The #WageGap is not circumstantial, and it’s not a myth. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
The #WageGap exists for Latinas of all ages, but it’s widest for working women nearing retirement. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
A lack of workplace policies that support family caregiving – including #paidleave – contributes to the gender #wagegap. An inclusive, comprehensive, paid family and medical leave policy would help to close the gap. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Without the annual wage gap, the typical Latina would earn enough for:
✔️Almost 37 more months of child care;
✔️Three additional years of tuition at a public university; or
✔️Nearly 20 additional months of premiums for employer-based health insurance.
#LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
The #wagegap cannot be explained away by education, experience or perceived choices. Even in states with large populations of Latinas in the workforce, rampant wage disparities persist, with devastating consequences for Latinas and their families. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
If the annual wage gap were eliminated, a Latina working in the US would have enough money to pay for almost two additional years of tuition and fees for a four-year public university, or the cost of tuition and fees for a 2-year community college. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Latina Moms
Latina moms are up against racism, sexism AND the maternal wage gap, making just 45¢ for every $1 paid to white dads. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
It’s time for #LatinaEqualPay! 40% of Latina mothers bring in 40% or more of their families’ income. #Trabajadoras
More than half of Latina mothers are breadwinners in families with children under 18. Eliminating the #wagegap would provide much-needed income to Latinas whose wages sustain their households. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Pregnancy Discrimination
Betzaida Cruz was fired when she needed to avoid heavy lifting while pregnant. "When women like me are pushed out of their jobs because of pregnancy, it drives down wages for their entire family." The #PWFA will help close the wage gap. #LatinaEqualPay
It's #LatinaEqualPay Day, and we know that pregnancy discrimination is a driver of the wage gap. That's just one reason the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is long overdue! #PDA42 #protectpregnantworkers
Collective bargaining raises wages, esp. for women and people of color. We are stronger together. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Institute on Women’s Policy Research
Latinas working full-time, year-round are paid just 57 cents for every dollar paid to White, non-Hispanic men—or $28,911 less per year, on average. Read IWPR’s new brief #LatinaWomenCantWait #EqualPay
NEW IWPR STATE DATA: In ten states, Latinas’ median annual earnings were half of White non-Hispanic men’s or less. In all states, their median annual earnings were less than 70 percent of White men’s. #LatinaWomenCantWait #EqualPay
Latinas have the LARGEST PAY GAP of any group, with hardly any improvement over the last decade. #LatinaWomenCantWait #LatinaEqualPay
It will take until 2206—ALMOST 200 YEARS—for Latinas to reach equal pay with White men if progress continues at the same rate as it has since 1985. Read IWPR’s new brief. #LatinaWomenCantWait #LatinaEqualPay
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
A report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that Latina union members were paid $955 per week in 2020 as opposed to nonunion Latina workers who made $684 during the same period of time. My union fights for equal pay! #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
The weekly earnings for Latina unions members was $955, higher than Latinas who were not part of a union. Through unionization and collective bargaining we can close the gender wage gap. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
The union difference means more $$ in Latina workers' pockets to meet their basic needs and succeed. Learn more about the wage gap at: #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Unions help raise wages for Latina working women and lessen racial wage gaps. Unionized Latina workers earned approximately $49,600 a year; $14,000 more than non-unionized Latina workers, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2020. The union difference matters! This October 21, let’s reaffirm our commitment to closing the wage gap. #LatinaEqualPay
#Trabajadoras who are members of a union make $271 more per week than Latina workers who are non-unionized. As a proud union member, I fight for equality and economic security for all women. Let’s all come together to advocate for improved wages and working conditions for Latinas. To learn more visit: #LatinaEqualPay
#LatinaEqualPay is about celebrating Latina working women and recognizing their contributions to the country. #Trabajadoras deserve more than 57¢ to the $1 white, non-Hispanic men earn for the same work.
The wage gap exists across every occupation and education level. Today, we join #Trabajadoras across the country who demand equal pay for equal work. To learn more visit: #LatinaEqualPay
This October 21, let's reaffirm our commitment to end the wage gap that affects Latinx workers. We are proud to stand with our sisters on #LatinaEqualPay Day.
Many Latinx #LGBTQ workers face unequal pay and sexual harassment in the workplace. We demand respect for all #Trabajadoras! #LatinaEqualPay
Collective bargaining is an important tool to close the gender wage gap. All workers deserve the right to join a union to be afforded better working conditions & equal opportunities. Organize, mobilize, resist! #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Latina workers’ rights are under attack. They are currently making 57 cents compared to the white, non-Hispanic man’s $1. Today, we join #Trabajadoras across the country who demand equal pay for equal work. Latinas’ potential and success should not be limited by their gender. Take action and stand with them to advocate for fair pay. To learn more visit: #LatinaEqualPay
Among all women, Latinas represent the group that are most affected by the gender wage gap. Latinas’ wages have been historically below those of their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts. Latinas would need to work for 73 years to make what a white, non-Hispanic man makes in 40 years. #LatinaEqualPay
Women of color have played a critical role during the pandemic as they make up an estimated 60.3 percent of domestic workers and housekeepers, 50.3 percent of nursing assistants and 45.7 percent of personal care workers. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
LGBTQ Community
The combination of unequal pay, transphobia & structural racism is especially devastating to queer and trans people of color. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
To combat economic insecurity among #LGBTQ families, we need #paidsickdays, #paidleave, & #LatinaEqualPay. #Trabajadoras
Black & Latinx #LGBTQ women are more likely to be living in poverty & raising kids than white counterparts. We need #LatinaEqualPay! #Trabajadoras
On top of discrimination, many Latinx #LGBTQ women face unequal pay and sexual harassment in the workplace. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
The same forces that deny #LatinaEqualPay to #LGBTQ Latinas also deny workers #PaidLeave and #PaidSickDays. #Trabajadoras
LGBTQ rights are human rights! Let’s begin by demanding equal pay to combat economic insecurity among LGBTQ families. We need paid sick days, paid leave, and the closing of the wage gap, among other critical worker rights to achieve equality. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Healthcare and Reproductive Justice
Low wages force many Latinas to make impossible choices between putting food on the table or paying for life-saving healthcare. Latinas need #EqualPay. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
For Latinas to live healthy & with dignity and justice, we must close the wage gap. Economic Justice = Reproductive Justice. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Pay inequities impact Latinas’ access to reproductive healthcare. The time is now to close the wage gap. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Closing the wage gap would provide much-needed income to Latinas whose wages sustain their households. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Too many Latinas are working without #equalpay and #paidleave. Our nation can do better by our workers. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Low wages force many Latinas to make impossible choices between putting food on the table or paying for life-saving healthcare. This should not be a choice that has to be made, as health care is a human right. We demand equal pay and closing the 57 cent wage gap that exists between Latina women and white, non-Hispanic men. #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Poverty and Economic Security
Latinas are the breadwinners in over 3 million households, and they are the decision makers that account for $1 trillion in buying power in the United States. Unfortunately, 38% of those households live below the poverty line. It’s time to make equal pay a reality for all #Trabajadoras! It’s time for #LatinaEqualPay!
Paycheck Fairness Act
Latina women lose $1,121,440 over the course of a 40 year career. #PaycheckFairness is a step towards correcting this inequity. #LatinaEqualPay
The #PaycheckFairness Act would help close the #wagegap by giving workers stronger tools to combat wage discrimination. #LatinaEqualPay
Women are overrepresented in low-wage jobs and underrepresented in high-wage jobs. And even in the jobs where they make up the majority of the workforce, they’re still underpaid relative to men. Women deserve #paycheckfairness NOW. #LatinaEqualPay
Disability Justice
Barriers to transportation worsen the wage gap for Latinx people with disabilities. We need more comprehensive transportation modes so folks can get to school, job interviews, & work. #LatinaEqualPay
Ableism & racism keeps the 8% of Latinx who are disabled in poverty with:
✔️discrimination in education & employment
✔️predatory financial services targeting poor POC
✔️ lack of healthcare
✔️inaccessible transportation & workplaces
“About six-in-ten Afro-Latinos reported family incomes below $30,000 in 2013...” This income inequality and wage gap for Latinas is unacceptable! We need #LatinaEqualPay #Trabajadoras
Latina Immigrants
It’s true! The average Latina earned only 57 percent of White non-#Latino men’s earnings. But that number is even more daunting for #Latina immigrant women.
We must remember this #LatinaEqualPay Day not to forget about #Latina immigrant women in the call for #EqualPay for #Trabajadoras.
Latina Farmworkers
Latina farmworkers represent some of the most economically disadvantaged people in the U.S. They often lack access to critical workplace benefits like fair wages, worker’s compensation, occupational rehabilitation, or disability compensation benefits.
As we call for #genderequity this #LatinaEqualPay, we must also uplift the voices of our Latina farmworker #Trabajadoras.
Of our nations estimated 900,000 farmworkers, many of whom are Latina, most have no health insurance, and struggle with limited access to health care, making them and their families particularly vulnerable to environmental and occupational health hazards, including the coronavirus #LatinaEqualPay
Among the unique challenges faced by #latinafarmworkers, they are more likely than their male peers to be employed seasonally, rather than year-round. #LatinaEqualPay is the first step in improving the
Domestic Workers
The Latina pay gap means that Latina domestic workers were already under financial strain when the pandemic hit. Most are mothers, and are the primary breadwinners in their home. This pandemic has made it even harder for them to keep their families safe. #LatinaEqualPay [add graphic]
.@domesticworkers has been surveying Spanish-speaking domestic workers since the pandemic began in March. The intersection of COVID & the pay gap is devastating. Too many have spent months worrying they won't be able to feed their families. #LatinaEqualPay
Latina domestic workers like Antonia care for our homes and families. The pandemic has shown us how essential their work is. It’s time to value their work by ending the Latina Pay Gap and including them in pandemic relief! #LatinaEqualPay [by including the link in your tweet, you’ll share the video below].
Research Products
IWPR Report: Latinas Projected to Reach Equal Pay in 2206
Op-Ed: Here’s What to Know About Latina Equal Pay Day This Year (Latina Magazine, Mónica Ramírez)
NowThis Video: Mónica Ramírez Breaks Down the Pay Gap
(all graphics downloadable here)
Center for American Progress