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(published) Server rules
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

(manually mirrored in discord)






To become a member, you must agree to the rules and have read the guidelines. You will receive member status once you have posted an introduction to the #member-introductions channel. You will not be able to post in some channels until you do and will need to be approved by Staff.



Removal of Toxic Players

As toxic players come and go, there is a rule in place to deal with them. Toxic behaviour is defined as: “anything that poisons a relationship and could limit another person's growth.”

This consists of any behaviour that causes a negative impact on the overall community, even if it doesn’t strictly break other server rules.

 As the staff of the server are guiding the general direction of the server on behalf of the community, we needed a rule set in place to terminate and prevent toxic behaviour. We all know you can't please everyone, as such some players simply will not integrate with the community.

Players that negatively impact the community will be considered for removal.

Requirements needed to remove such toxic or unintegrated players:

  1. Private staff meeting. It will not be taken lightly.
  2. Warnings or a conversation with player prior
  3. 4 Staff votes
  4. HR vote