World war 1 truce

During christmas 1914, some German and British soldiers agreed to stop fighting each other for a day or two. They chatted, sang and even played football together.

Early christmas morning guns stopped firing.A deadly Silence rose a man the the

Soldiers in the trenches would spend their days doing chores, firing at the enemy, playing cards and writing letters home. Incredibly, nine out of ten men survived!

The trenches were more than just holes in the ground. They were six to eight feet deep and four to six feet wide. Wood beams supported the sides, and in some places, a roof.Soldiers would eat, sleep and drill in these trenches.



Over all we have lean’t about the Germans & the Europe at the world war 1 truce


                      Trench: a long, narrow ditch.

                Incredibly: to a great degree; extremely.            

 "World War 1 facts for kids | National Geographic Kids." Accessed 24 May. 2021.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Introduction is very brief.

The introduction is clear and sets the scene.

The introduction is clear, hooks the reader, introduces your topic, sets the scene.

The report only has one long paragraph or there are 2-5 paragraphs, but it is not clear what the introduction and body is.

There are 5 paragraphs, but they do not have a topic sentence.

The report has at least 5 interesting paragraphs. The body paragraphs have a topic sentence that is eleaborated on.

The report has opinions,

The report is factual but does not have technical, scientific or appropriate language.

The report is factual, has technical, scientific or appropriate language

Spelling is correct.

All capitals and full stops are correct but there is no more punctuation. Spelling is correct.

All punctuation and spelling is correct and uses capitals, fullstops as well as a combination of commas, exclamation marks, question marks and speech marks.  

The report has 1-3 words.

The report has 3-6 words in a glossary.

The report includes an extensive glossary

The report has a conclusion

The conclusion sums up the report.

The report includes a well thought out conclusion which sums up the rest of the report.

Cites one source.

Cites some sources

Cites all sources thoroughly.

