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DAO Research Hub
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DAO Research Hub


DAOs currently spend $10s of millions on fragmented governance research. What if we could substantially increase the quality of DAO governance research while reducing the cost by 10x?

We propose that DAOs pool capital in non-profits through which they can collectively procure and open source research that impacts all DAOs.

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Introducing DAO Research Hub

We believe that, by 2032, DAOs and other net-native organizations can organize more assets and production than traditional corporations, and enable more equitable and innovative forms of organization. But today’s DAOs are generally less efficient than comparable corporations and cooperatives, largely because their governance and operational systems are still immature and ad hoc.

DAOs are starting to research and improve their governance systems, but that research is scaling slowly and much of it is siloed within individual DAO communities. Most teams running DAOs lack the funding, human resources, and specialized expertise to conduct rigorous, pathbreaking research on governance—research that can make DAOs, as a whole, more competitive with traditional organizations.

The clock is ticking for DAOs. As policymakers turn their attention to this novel form of organization, now is the time to demonstrate DAOs’ robustness, compliance, and compelling governance features. If DAOs don’t demonstrate that they deserve special status, regulators will box them in with legacy corporate rules and eviscerate their potential.

That’s why DAO Research Collective (DRC), the Metagovernance Project (Metagov), and the Smart Contract Research Forum (SCRF) have combined forces to establish and run the DAO Research Hub. The Hub will accelerate governance research through grants and fellowships; distribute the burden of funding research across many DAOs; bring together academia, industry, and governments; create more targeted research opportunities sponsored by industry organizations, and make long-term investments in a new science of DAOs that can translate fundamental research into practical technologies that DAOs can use today.



DRC is a non-profit organization committed to accelerating the functionality of DAOs by procuring and open sourcing information foundational to DAO operation, with a particular focus on governance and legal research. Our work is supported by the Ethereum Foundation and Uniswap, Aave, and Compound grants programs.

DRC was launched in June 2021 to host a DAO Summit (video, speakers) with Stanford Center for Blockchain Research, the Ethereum Foundation, and Bankless, and has since focused on hosting events and producing/funding research critical to effective DAO operation, including research contributed by Andrew Hall, David Kerr, 0xKydo, Kelsie Nabben, and Jacqueline Radebaugh and Yev Muchnik.


Metagov is a non-profit research collective building standards and infrastructure for online governance. It is led by a number of well-known researchers, including Lawrence Lessig, Nathan Schneider, Primavera De Filippi, Ellie Rennie, Michael Zargham, Joshua Tan, and others.

Metagov was launched in August 2019 as a collaboration between researchers at Oxford, Harvard, and MIT, and was organized as an independent research institute in January 2020. Since launching, we have produced peer-reviewed research on modular governance, technical standards for DAOs, large industry surveys and other governance data sets, an API gateway for online governance tools, political research published in industry media, and several open-source software projects. Our work is supported by the Henry Luce Foundation, One Project, the Grant for the Web, the University of Oxford, EPSRC, the Stanford Digital Civil Society Lab, the Filecoin Foundation, the Ethereum Foundation, GitHub, Aragon, Radicle, MetaCartel, NEAR, Gnosis, and Gitcoin.


The Smart Contract Research Forum (SCRF) is a not-for-profit public benefits organization dedicated to advancing research focused on serving the web3 space. In support of the mission, SCRF distributes grants, facilitates resources, and provides operational support to organizations and independent researchers who create actionable research. The company was founded in early 2021 by Richard Brown, former Head of Community at MakerDAO, and Sergey Nazarov, the Co-founder of Chainlink.

Since its inception, SCRF has sponsored several research projects. Notables include Professor Seth Frey’s literature review on building culture across disciplines, Metagov’s Govbase open database project, Professor Nathan Schneider’s CommunityRule and Modpol projects, and TalentDAO for exploring leadership patterns in DAOs. SCRF has also provided support to the CMU Cryptography Seminar, helped organize a mini-conference on DeSci with Foresight Institute and OpSci at ETHDenver 2022, and is co-organizing the first DeSci Day in Amsterdam in April 2022 with DeSci Labs/Foundation, vitaDAO, Molecule, LabDAO, Foresight Institute, and Science Coins. The SCRF Interviews podcast grapples with web3 questions and has featured Ariel Gabizon, Professor Nathan Schneider and Abbey Titcomb, Professor Seth Frey and Livia Deschermayer, Zach Anderson and Professor Ellie Rennie, Professors Darcy Allen and Chris Berg, Scott Moore and Professor Jason Potts, and Kelsie Nabben and Daniel Ospina.

Benefits to DAOs

Use of Funds

We intend to raise a total of $5.7M for DAO Research Hub in two tranches: a first tranche focused on building research networks and academic infrastructure, and a second tranche focused on seeding scientific projects to run on that infrastructure. The below is an explanation of how we intend to use the funds raised. The specifics of these initiatives are subject to change based upon our experience during rollout.

TRANCHE 1: up to $2 million in funding

Fellowships - $1.2M

We will fund ten academic fellowships for a number of high-performing researchers across computer science, economics, political science, business, and the law. Each fellow in the cohort will be co-hosted and physically-based at one of two initial Centers for DAO Leadership, to be located at two major research universities across the world. Further, each grant sponsor will be able to send fellows to be based at these Centers for DAO Leadership, fostering industry-university collaborations across the ecosystem.

DRC, Metagov, and SCRF already host several fellows and have a number of existing connections with universities such as Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, MIT, Berkeley, CNRS, RMIT, and others. We will evaluate and place these Centers for DAO Leadership in partnership with these select universities.

Research Support Roles - $800K

The grant will provide funding for 1-2 years of new research support roles that will help run DAO Research Hub via Metagov and the DRC, the length of time depending on the role and whether either organization has already received funding. These roles include:

TRANCHE 2: $2-5.7M in funding

Towards a Science of DAOs: Benchmarks and Other Projects - $2M

DAOs need to prove that they are operationally better than traditional companies. But without a rigorous validation mechanism, progress will only ever occur in fits and starts. In this initiative, researchers at Metagov, DRC, and those supported by SCRF will lay the groundwork for a rigorous science of DAOs by producing comprehensive benchmarks, curated data sets, standard metrics for measuring engagement and contribution level across multiple DAOs, and standard governance “scenarios” for evaluating, comparing, and testing DAO governance systems—imagine ImageNet for online governance.

Metagov has substantial experience collecting and curating such data sets, having produced several ethnographic data sets, a large database of projects and tools in online governance, industry surveys of blockchains and DAOs, a data set of DAO constitutions, and a forthcoming data set on the contract parameters of common DAO frameworks. Further, as the host of DAOstar One, a leading industry body in the DAO ecosystem, Metagov has the experience and leverage to implement and disseminate such measurement standards.

Additionally, SCRF has experience organizing operational and amplification infrastructure around research projects in both academia and industry.

Open Research Grants - $1.5M

We will encourage and enable more high-quality research on governance by providing academics and operators with grants when they complete and open-source relevant research, as well as supporting those researchers with our network and distribution capabilities. These targeted research grants, ranging all the way from $3,000 to $200,000, are not intended to resolve all questions related to DAOs but to jumpstart research agendas and encourage academic careers focused on DAOs and on related subjects. A portion of these funds will be reserved for small grants emitted for already-completed research papers, to support researchers continuing their work in the space.

Providing targeted research grants for DAO governance, legal, and treasury management research is one of the key focuses of the DRC, and you can view their research so far here. Metagov funds a number of qualitative DAO research through its MetagovDAO program, while SCRF has been funding a wide variety of long-term and industry-sponsored governance research projects. All three organizations have strong academic and operator networks, which will help us solicit work from leaders in the field.

Conferences - $200K

We will organize two large academic conferences focused on DAOs and to be hosted at two of our Centers for DAO Leadership. The conferences will initialize the field of DAO research, host a range of pure and applied research, and serve as a touchpoint for leaders from industry and academia to come together on the future of DAOs.

DRC, Metagov, and SCRF have collectively organized several conferences and workshops to date, including the DAO Summit, the Open Web Governance Challenge, DeSci Day, and the Building Blocks of Web 3.0 conference at Harvard Law School.

Funding Logistics

The fund will be handled by Metagov, a US-based 501(c)(3) non-profit. Metagov, DRC, and SCRF will coordinate on research funding decisions.


DAO Research Collective

The DRC is run by Connor Spelliscy (Executive Director) and Tony Douglas (COO):

The DRC network includes Fellows, who contribute to the DRC through writing, mentorship, or other support. They include:



Metagov is led by Joshua Tan (Executive Director).

Metagov’s research is led by a set of principal investigators, including:


SCRF is led by Richard Brown and Eugene Leventhal.