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Eating Together Literature/Article Review- short
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Article Analysis

Name of article:                                                       Source:  

THESIS, AUTHOR’S CLAIM, or MAIN IDEA: What is main idea of this article, or the claim that the author is trying to make?  

(Do not simply restate the title)  (Usually an opinion that is backed with reason and facts)




SUPPORT: Identify evidence (at least 3 quotes) from the text that provide proof that this is the author’s claim







INTERESTING FINDS:  List at least 2 other information pieces of information from the text that are thought provoking  




THE OTHER SIDE: Does the author present information about the other side of the argument?  Why or why not?




CONCLUSION: What is the author’s ultimate finding?  What does he/she conclude?


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________REFLECTIVE QUESTION:  What question can you ask about the article that would be challenging and encourage class discussion.  

