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Status Report: AWIPS and GEMPAK

October 2017 - March 2018

Michael James

Questions for Committee Members


Unidata continues to maintain an EDEX data server on the Jetstream cloud,  serving real-time AWIPS data to CAVE clients and through the python-awips data access framework (API). The distributed architectural concepts of AWIPS allow us to easily scale EDEX in the cloud to account for the size of incoming data feeds. We continue work using Jetstream to develop cloud-deployable AWIPS instances, as imaged virtual machines (VMIs) available to users of Atmosphere and OpenStack, and as docker containers available on Docker Hub and deployable (soon) with the xsede-jetstream toolset.

Jetstream AWIPS EDEX Standalone VMI

This EDEX image can serve either as a full standalone server or as a database/request server.

Jetstream AWIPS EDEX Ingest Node VMI

This image contains all AWIPS Python and EDEX software, but nothing database or http-related. This VMI makes it easy to deploy datatype-specific ingest nodes (Grid, Radar, Satellite, etc.) with simple edits to ldmd.conf and modes-ingest.xml

AWIPS 17.1.1-5 released January 2018


Python Data Access Framework (python-awips)

An early version of the AWIPS Data Portal has been published at, including EDEX Server Inventories, Forecast Models, NEXRAD level 3, and instructions on how to build a GeoJSON API.

0.9.12 released March 9, 2018

0.9.11 release Feb 11, 2018


Docker Container

GEMPAK 7.4.1 (September 2017)

Activities Ongoing/In-Progress



New/Future Activities


AWIPS Downloads

Strategic Focus Areas

We support the following goals described in Unidata Strategic Plan:

  1. Enable widespread, efficient access to geoscience data
    Both AWIPS and GEMPAK are freely available, and both incorporate LDM/IDD technology for accessing geoscience data.  The cloud-based EDEX data server continues to see widespread use and growing adoption. More and more datasets continue to be added to the server as Unidata deploys more decode/ingest nodes.

  1. Develop and provide open-source tools for effective use of geoscience data
    Both AWIPS and GEMPAK are open-source, and while GEMPAK is now in maintenance mode, AWIPS is continuously being developed.  

  1. Provide cyberinfrastructure leadership in data discovery, access, and use
    Unidata is the only known entity to provide a freely-available and non-operational version of the AWIPS software package.  Unidata continues to find and make available new datasets through the AWIPS project.
  2. Build, support, and advocate for the diverse geoscience community
    Using LDM/IDD technology to provide access to real-time meteorological data; providing visualization tools for data analysis.

Prepared  March 2018