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A Translated XingQiu Handbook
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A Translated
XingQiu Handbook

5186.5% Multiplier Support - XingQiu [1] (Dated Oct 18, 2020)
Making Use of a 4* Special Support: XingQiu [2] (Dated Oct 17, 2020)

Translated by IonFox#8887, GRZ#4782, Folie #3334 & Azri K.#6137 from

Please direct all feedback, incorrect information and recommendations to IonFox#8887

In order to accommodate the rise in the number of viewers, we have moved to the link below. Thanks! 


1) Character Talent Evaluation


2) XingQiu’s Role in the Team


3) Suggested Level and Talent Investment


4) Evaluating XingQiu’s Power

[T/N: This is from [1], and the damage reduction calculation has been covered earlier so this will only look at the “5186.5% multiplier” on his burst. Moreover, some of the information here is conflicting so this section will be supplemented by the translator’s findings and organised in a sensible manner to reach a conclusion.]

[T/N: Sorry to disappoint but while the concept is correct, all of the above numbers are wrong. I will be posting my own analysis of the above here:

Translator has no idea where the author acquired his numbers, but the ones here are those presented in-game with testing.]


5) Choice of Weapons

At level 80/80, this weapon has an attack of 401 and gives 55.9% extra energy recharge. Special attention must be given when using XingQiu’s skill with this weapon in case the cooldown is reset, epscially since you have two chances to do so. An important test finding is that if you want to get elemental particles from both skills, you MUST wait for the first animation to finish before starting your second use, otherwise your second use will not generate energy.

So what else does Sacrificial Sword do besides doubling skill damage? Well, lets take a look at a doublecast of XingQiu’s elemental skill. From the use of his E, Xingqiu can get: 2.7*4 to 5*(100%+55.9%)*2 = 42.04 (whichever is larger). From here, Xingqiu only needs an additional 38 energy before he can use his burst again. Currently, a double E proc generates 8-10 elemental particles, and according to the elemental particle test comparison, this is about 27 energy (the maximum value). However, this is assuming he is active for both sets of particle pickup, when in reality he may only pick up the first set, and the particles from his second E cast will be picked up by your DPS, and all calculations were done with XingQiu as the active character. Therefore, if XingQiu is purely used as a backline Hydro applier, he would need 296% recharge to completely cover the cost of his burst alone, which shows it is obviously not feasible to expect him to charge his skills on his own. (C6 XingQius can completely ignore this comment)
[T/N: The translator is unsure of the above math, but agrees with the conclusion. Moreover, the section and math on using Mona DPS to generate more hydro-aligned particles is not covered here, but it definitely shows that a Mona DPS would be the best case to recharge XingQiu’s burst when he is in the support role.]

In conclusion, when running XingQiu as a support, going for 296% energy recharge is totally wrong. Rather than doing that, the author personally prefers to use another character to make up for Xingqiu's fundamental flaw, as there are very few ways of getting energy. [1]

A good thing to note is that an R3 Sacrificial Sword passive (Every 22 seconds) matches up almost perfectly with XingQiu’s skill cooldown (21 seconds) [2]


6) Artifacts

[T/N: The majority of this is taken from [2], where the author strongly prefers investing into crit stats (hydro swords can crit) over EM for reaction damage, reason in conclusions]


7) Team Composition/Partners

Note: When using pyro characters, it is possible to utilize both components of the electrocharged status to create vaporize and overloaded reactions. You must apply electro first, then hydro, and finally pyro - any other sequence will not work. See image below for proof. [T/N: Works in line with elemental gauge theory]

[T/N: While this does not affect Sacrificial Sword still being the best weapon for XingQiu, testing has shown that Lion’s Roar passive will still be active even if he is not active, making it a reasonable alternative weapon to equip in a Keqing team as Raincutter will do bonus damage to enemies afflicted by Electro/Pyro. The same logic applies to enemies affected by pyro with a DPS like Diluc.]


8) Conclusions

[T/N: A final disclaimer, almost everything shown in this document is translated from the Chinese sources, based upon their ideas and testing. While some areas have been tested over in, it is still very possible that points presented here be inaccurate. The handbook will be updated as testing continues on our end.]



“This is a great piece of work, translator person! But what if I just want a quick and dirty guide on how to actually build him?” Fine.

Investment: Minimum A4, level 60, raise his skill and ult talent levels as much as possible, but the more you invest the greater his returns, he scales extremely well. XingQiu is perfectly good at C0, but scales well with further constellations too.

Weapon: Sacrificial Sword

Artifacts: 4 piece Noblesse Oblige

If you have questions about his mechanics or alternative choices, please read further into the relevant sections. Thank you~!

Bonus: (XQ support vs WL6 Electro Hypo) (XQ support vs WL6 Dvalin)

Some footage from during XingQiu testing, credit to BaoSheng (Disclaimer: The above videos do not use the Barbara bug to boost Hydro damage) (Gameplay of XQ support by u/Rubber_Moose)