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Stray Cat
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                                                Stray Cat

New school.

New teachers

Same shit

The cold water splashed in your face makes you flinch and gasp, as the five girls surrounding you cackle and mock you like you are some kind of freak in the freakshow.

Except instead of a freakshow, its the cold and sterile white bathroom of St.Elena’s boarding school, where our motto is “Excellence and Discipline”

It only took a fucking week before that was proven wrong.


One of them delivers a kick in your ribs and you let out a high pitched yelp as the cackling continues. Someone comments on your sweater, two sizes bigger than it should because you bought it in a second hand store. Your fingers close into an impotent fist

And for what? You are not gonna hit them, you don't have the balls. You never did, it's why you don't even have friends in the first place. If you had some dirt on them you could spread that shit on the internet and anger them so much they lose control.

But that works on dumb and new bullies,these ones are pros. They know not to hit visible places and instead focus on sharp comments and hitting where it hurts, unlike Tanimura who got caught once he busted your lip.

Great.  You escaped him and his lackeys just to land here? After your dad had to beg your mom to help him cover your scholarship?

And what’s your fucking crime huh? Being poor? Having divorced parents? Being a late bloomer?

What a sick joke

Another strike to your ribs extracts another whine and you cower on the floor, trying to avoid curling up. That usually makes them gang up.

One of the girls comments on your glasses and how the frame has tape.

Stupid, redundant.

Another joins the pile up and tells you to go back to the homeless camp.

Stupíd, nonsensical

Manicures fingers dig in your scalp and yank your head back, trying to get you to scream. You bite it down and hold on to your glasses. Those are expensive

Don't react, don't give them anything. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. Someone spits on you and follows it with a blow to the stomach that drives the air away from you.

Weak, half assed.

One of the girls, outside your vision, comes out of the stalls holding a trash can.

Good. Trash usually means they are done with.

She lifts the trash can, as the others jeer and laugh like monkeys in the jungle. Cleaning your hair is always a hassle.

The trash can tilts

You close your eyes. Think about how proud your dad was after you got in St.Elena, how that’s the only thing that matters

At the last possible second, you manage to hold back your whimper and the tears. Good, you are getting better.

Just two more years of this shit


A single sound breaks through the chaos, commanding the room into silence. You open your misty eyes, and look in direction to the entrance.

A duo of girls is standing there, both sporting the St Elena uniform of a White Shirt and grey pleated skirt.

One has leg warmers and orange hair. The other a bomber jacket, a choker and pink hair.

The orange one shares a class with you. That's all you know.

The trash can girl lowers it, while the leader of the pack addresses them


Orange girl snorts and points with her head in direction to the door.

“I want to use the bathroom. You should leave if you are done.”

Her voice has a weird accent, and her tone is nonchalant.

Bored even. One of the girl growls at her


“Up up! I didn't give you permission to address me, failed abortion.”

Takanashi? From the Takanashi Food conglomerate? What the fuck.

She checks her nails,not even sparing a glance at her

“Come back when your name is worth remembering, random.”

Your bullies exchange furious glances. One of them steps up.

And pink does too. Her hands come out of her bomber jacket and You can spot a bunch of rings on them.

They are not a fashion choice.

The girl who stepped up freezes, while the one insulted has her eyes darting from left to right.

One of the girls comes near the first one and whispers. They forgot you are even there, and so is easy to listen

“That's Mori Calliope! The one who fought Emma”

“Fight is a strong word,considering all she did was cry and piss herself”

The girls flinch at the girls' voices. Like startled animals, they back down.

Orange, or Kiara, tilts her head once more. The bullies all exchange looks before one of them nervously steps in direction to the door.

And just like that, they all crumble. They walk past Mori and Kiara, not even attempting to pick a fight with them. The leader of the girls is the first to come out.

Leaving the three of you alone.

You stand up and dust yourself off a bit. The other two have their eyes on you, but they are clearly waiting for your input

Without a word, you go to one of the sinks and open the tap, letting the cold water pool in your hands before you drink it.

It's a good way to regain your composure and to prevent you from crying. You are not out of the woods yet

“Thanks” you croak, still one step away from the waterworks “What do you want?”

Kiara whistles and closes in, eyes analyzing you as she cracks a smile

“I like this one! Feisty even though it's about to cry! Your name is Anon, right?”

You grit your teeth. Perceptive bitches like her are the worst.

“Yeah yeah…Homework? An upcoming project?”

Her guffaw fills the room, and the other girl just rolls her eyes as Kiara closes in, circling around you like a vulture. You have to fight back the tears.

This one is just as dangerous as the others

“Puh-lease! I already have someone doing my homework.”

“So what then? You don't seem to be doing this out of the goodness of your heart.”

She stops in front of you, arms crossed with a smirk. Its like every time she lays her purple eyes on you, she’s seeing straight through each one of your bluffs

“You got here through the scholarship program. All of those skanks picking on you had parents with deep pockets, but you got here on merit alone. That’s good”

Is that…praise? You can't help but be confused at her angle.


“Just stating a fact, darling”

She once more starts pacing, continuing her monologue

“Long story short. I need someone with a sharp mind that doesn't owe loyalties and won't betray me. Last one tried to sell some of my dirt and paid the price”

Once more, she closes in, and you feel yourself gulping as she smirks at you.

Like a kid who just found a new toy.

“You,darling, are a poor stray kitten with no money, no friends, no street cred and no ambition. In short, you are out of luck”

Before you can even open your mouth, she puts one of her manicured fingers on top of your lips.

Does everyone here spend so much time on their nails?

“But  i just LOVE kitties. That’s why i'm adopting you”


She smiles

“Work for me, obey my orders and reap the rewards. Easy”

You furrow your brow. This is…weird. You are used to being exploited by your bullies. But if she doesn't need homework done then what’s her angle?

“Wh-What’s in it for you? And for me?”

She rolls her eyes

“Gosh, we need to work on that stutter. Anyway, for me? I get one head that thinks outside the box, wont betray me  and helps me get my way”

Seemingly out of nowhere, she produces a handkerchief and you stare in disbelief as she hands it to you. Were you too focused on her eyes that you missed her hand movement?

“And you? Well aside from the honor of hanging around me and worshiping the floor I walk on..”

She points at Mori

“ friends become your friends”

The pink haired girl just nods, as you mull over.

If Mori is tough enough to have five girls avoid a fight with her… then that means…

You gulp. There has to be a catch. It's way too good to be true. If Kiara (and Mori) are being true to their word then that means your social status will effectively change.

What if Kiara is a taskmaster? What if she forces you to do illegal shit?

But then again…what would it feel to walk a hallway without being picked on?

You stare once more into those purplish eyes, and they stare back smugly.

She knows your answer before you even take the handkerchief.

“Wonderful!” she clasps her hands “Now lets go over some pointers”

You nod, using the handkerchief to wipe your face a bit

“First of all. I'm Kiara. Takanashi is my father. Got that?”


“Yes what?”


“Good kitty!”

You cringe a bit at her nickname, but she continues

“Like a good kitty, you will obey my orders. You can yap and Meow all you want, as long as what i say is done. Deal?”


She sighs dramatically and closes in. Violating your personal space, her hand reaches your back and pushes you forward, earning a yelp from you as she straightens her back

“No more Stuttering! Correct posture! If I hang around a shrimp my image will take a hit! We’ll work on that!”

You nod. She’s way too close now, leaving you kind of nervous

“Fourth point! Dress Code. We are getting those glasses fixed, maybe some contact lenses and going over your wardrobe. We saved Mori, we can save you”

Said girl coughs in her fist, clearly pitying you but not moving to interfere.

Kiara’s hand starts fixing your shirt’s collar peeking under your sweater and you gulp. Her fingers dance and flutter over your skin

“I…I dont have money to f-fix-”

“Stutter! Again!”

You nod and breathe. Getting your thoughts in order despite the vanilla scent wafting over from the girl. She’s just as tall as you.

“I dont have the money…to fix my glasses”

She rolls her eyes and curses in what you assume is her mother language

“I know that. What kind of owner won't cough some cash for their new pet? A new pair of glasses and some clothes is pocket money”

That terminology is making you weak on the knees. Does she intend for it to sound so weirdly sexual?

She takes a step back, analyzing you with her eyes, before she shakes her head

“Arms up”


“Arms up i said!”

You lift your arms, confused, as Kiara closes in. Her fingers take the hem of your oversized sweater and yanks it up, the wool going over your face for a second as she restricts your arms with your own clothes.

In a second, her hands are under your dress shirt as you yelp. What the hell is she doing? Does she have no concept of personal space? Why is she touching your stomach?

Your yelps are accentuated as her perverted hands touch it

“Huh. Though you’d be a fattie. Nothing bad with a big of meat though”

Her hands shoot upwards and you wince as her thumbs go over your ribs. You almost wish the pain was the predominant thing you were feeling.

Kiara’s hand dont dwell on it too much as they move to the  back, bringing her closer and making your head hurt from the intense blush.

Your eyes shoot to the other side of the room, Where the tough as nails Mori calliope is conveniently turned around. Despite the fact you can see her red ears.


You freeze. You feel her hands extricate a piece of very important cloth from your body and examine it with a frown, before throwing it in the floor

“Ugh!Bargain bin bra!. We need to get you some real lingerie”

You choke a scream, as you try to shake off this weirdo. However, a pair of hands in your chest stop you dead in your tracks.

Kiara’s eyes are wide open

“Holy shit! What’s with cows like you or Mori and small bras with baggy clothes? Don't your puppies hurt? We’ll see if some of the ones she rejected work for you”

Her hands squeeze and you bite back a whimper. This is weird! This is wrong! You two are girls!

Coming to a girl’s only boarding school was a fucking mistake! Now you have to deal with this weirdo.

Her hands finally let go of your chest and then fixate in your long hair, which makes you finally take off your sweater. Kiara feigns wiping off a tear

“All these split ends…oh girl dont worry. My stylist will get you fixed in no time”

You gather all your willpower in a sentence, hoping that you don't stutter. Trying to ignore how close she is and how your chest is touching her is taking all your brainpower

“Is this really necessary?”

Your voice comes out in a pathetic squeak as she lifts your bangs, taking a good look to your face as she absently runs her fingers over your lips.

“Of course. You are one cute kitty and it would be a shame to leave you so dirty”

You hate how that comment makes your heart skip a bit. This is the worst.

And yet, it's not over. She lifts your glasses up, exposing your eyes. ITs not like you are blind with them, but focusing on distant things becomes hard.

Kiara’s face, right in front of you, is not a problem. In fact, its a bit too clear for your taste, specially her supple lips

“Damn. You are actually kinda beautiful”

Beautiful. That word shakes you to your very core

Something snaps inside of you, breaking a dam and flooding your body straight from your hips to your chest.

It's dense, like mercury, and you feel it slowly advancing in direction to your chest. Its looking for an outlet.

The wise thing would be to push Kiara away before she realises, but you are paralyzed. Your face acquires a new tonality of red as you feel the feeling settle and react in your body.

And Kiara feels it too, as her eyes descend. Her smile grows as you avert your eyes.

After all, your hardened nipples are touching her boobs.

“Oh…you swing that way”

Rather than push away, she pushes in. Your brain squeezes that into the part of your memory that forever remembers things

Her forehead is almost touching yours. You can feel the mercury go down your body and straight in between your legs

Her smile is completely different. Predatory even

“That makes things sooooo much easier”

Her hands go down your back and settle in your butt. It feels like your brain has given up

“See. I adopt a lot of kitties…but not all of them get to be inside”

She squeezes and you feel the mercury riot inside of you

“An inside Kitty has to be well behaved, Very loving and like other kitties. Cant have them fighting over my attention”

Your gulp is audible and she directs your face to Mori as she buries her face in your neck.

The big girl has turned around once more, and you can tell that aside from the blush, her eyes seem to be devouring the scene. You are part of the scene.

Was that cat bell always in her choker?

“See? Even a feisty little kitty like Mori can get inside! Now she sleeps with Mommy every day”

Your head spins. Why are you imagining a sandwich with you as the main ingredient? Why do you have the certainty that everyone in this bathroom is imagining the same thing?

“And you can too! All you need is to show you are a good kitty. Can you do that?”

She blows some air in your ear and the mercury shoots up,causing irreparable damage to your brain. Probably fried forever in the shape of Takanashi Kiara

Even if you wanted, you don't think you could get away from this deal.

And so, with your filters completely destroyed, you let out the most honest and pathetic response your fried brain can muster
