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Summer 1 Overview
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Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6



Children will explore toys from the past which their parents, grandparents and great grand parents would have used and make comparisons to today’s toys.

Significant Local Heroes: John Cadbury & Family.

Children will study a significant local individual, John Cadbury, how he supported locals and how the industrial revolution helped him to build his empire, including Bournville Village.

Early Civilisations and Ancient Egyptians

Children will study the earliest civilisations and will then focus on the achievement of the Ancient Egyptians

The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.

Children will learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain at the time and the legacy it left us 

A non-European Early Civilization Study

(Indus Valley)

A non-European Society (Early Islamic Civilisations - Indus Valley): This topic gives children the opportunity to study an early civilization. They will apply new skills and previous knowledge to create a compilation of self guided research.  

Crime and Punishment throughout time

By providing pupils with a broad chronological sweep of nearly a thousand years, it makes a significant contribution to pupils’ grasp of the long arc of time. Children will develop a deeper understanding of crucial historical concepts: change continuity, turning points.




To gain some experience of weaving.


To gain some experience in matching and sorting threads and fabrics; stitching two fabrics/materials; twisting fabric etc.


To dye fabrics, explore using resist paste and batik.


To gain experience in straight stitching, running stitching, cross stitching.


To gain experience in quilting and padding.


To gain experience in using a number of techniques on a single piece of fabric, e.g. dye fabric, decorate it with stitches and other materials.


Remembering Roots

The origins of the celebration of Eid ul Fitr

Being Hopeful and Visionary

Hajj rituals

The story of the Banyan Tree and the story of Salt in water

Being Attentive to the sacred as well as the precious

The importance of quiet reflection:

Quaker worship

Buddhist shrines

Being Reflective and Self Critical

The story of Zacchaeus

The story of the speck and the plank

Prophet Muhammad and influencing others

The story of the man in Madinah

Being Open, Honest and Truth

The story of Naboth’s Vineyard

The Story of the King’s three children

Kirat Karni


Being Attentive to the sacred as well as the precious

The story of Elijah

Silent attentiveness

Living by rules

The Ten Commandments

Jesus summary of the 10 Commandments


Being Temperate, Self-Disciplined and Seeking Contentment

The life of a historical person in relation to their religious views

Livity and ital diet

Living a monastic life

Being Temperate, Self-Disciplined and Seeking Contentment

Turning the other cheek

Jesus’ reaction to injustice

Practice of meditation

Accepting personal responsibility

Restraining from criticism of others


Being Accountable and Living with Integrity

Story of Jesus and the woman

Robert Ingersoll – making others happy

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

The story of Qarun

Expressing Joy

Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha

Appreciating Beauty

The Lord’s Prayer



Bowl underarm and overarm. Practise accurate throwing and consistent catching. Know


Learn skills for playing striking and fielding games. Position the body to strike a ball. Begin to use and understand the terms attacking and defending.


Develop a range of skills in striking (and fielding where appropriate). Practise the correct batting technique and use it in a game.


Use a bat to hit a ball with accuracy and control. Throw and catch balls at different speeds, directions and heights.


Bat effectively using different types of shots and knowing when they are best used. Retrieve, intercept and stop the ball when fielding with some accuracy.


Develop and adapt their fielding skills such as catching, throwing, bowling and intercepting with growing control and consistency. Use and adapt rules, strategies and tactics, using their knowledge of basic principles of batting and fielding.


Families, stories and conversation

Pupils will be introduced to vocabulary on different

family members and how to describe them. Pupils will then build on

what they have learnt in previous units by learning larger numbers and

new questions, before using new vocabulary to hold longer and more

complex conversations. Pupils will also learn how to conjugate the verbs

‘to be’ and ‘to have’ in the present tense.

Families, stories and conversation

Pupils will be introduced to vocabulary on different

family members and how to describe them. Pupils will then build on

what they have learnt in previous units by learning larger numbers and

new questions, before using new vocabulary to hold longer and more

complex conversations. Pupils will also learn how to conjugate the verbs

‘to be’ and ‘to have’ in the present tense.

Weather and transport

Pupils will learn the vocabulary for the weather and

different items of clothing. Pupils will build written sentences and

present on what clothing is appropriate for what weather. Pupils will

also be introduced to different methods of transport. Pupils will play a

range of games and work through reading and writing tasks to

consolidate their learning.

Weather and transport

Pupils will learn the vocabulary for the weather and

different items of clothing. Pupils will build written sentences and

present on what clothing is appropriate for what weather. Pupils will

also be introduced to different methods of transport. Pupils will play a

range of games and work through reading and writing tasks to

consolidate their learning.



Children will learn about different plants and their structure. They will identify common and wild plants.. Children will identify and classify trees. They will understand the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees.


(bulbs and seeds)

Children will understand that plants can be grown from bulbs and seeds. Children will identify the differences between a bulb and a seed.

Growing up

Explore a range of life cycles and the role of the mother and offspring. Are there patterns between the life cycles of different animals?


Identify parts of a plant and its functions. Explore water transportation in plants and reproduction of plants.

Data Collection C

Collect and analyse data through experiments.


Children will explore how environments change and the impact of humans on habitats.


What is deforestation and how does it impact the UK and the rest of the world?


Identifying and exploring reproduction in plants and animals. Can plants be cloned?


Children will explore how living things have changed over time. They will also learn how offspring can vary.


Children will explore  how living things have adapted to their environment.



Design, make and evaluate a weaved paper blanket or fish for display


Design, make and evaluate a puppet by stitching two pieces of materials together and adding finishing designs.


Design, make and evaluate tie-dye t-shirts to sell.  Use the skill of dyeing fabrics using the batik method.


Research, design, make and evaluate cushions, taking into account the end user and the functionality.  Use stitching to join pieces of cushion.


Research into, design, make and evaluate a padded or quilted blanket or jacket, using research to support final decisions and designs.


Research into, design, make and evaluate a waistcoat designed for adults or children, that will be showcased during an Assembly.



Children will know about the

importance of, and how to, warm up and cool down. They will know the fundamentals of

singing such as posture, breathing properly and diction. Pupils will also know some vocal

techniques such as singing scales and using call and response.


Children will know about the importance

of, and how to, warm up and cool down. Pupils will know the fundamentals of singing such as

posture, breathing properly and diction. Pupils will also know some vocal techniques such as

singing scales and using call and response.


Through listening, pupils will become aware of the sounds of selected Indian music, and learn about its components, for example raga, tala and drone. Pupils will perform a piece of raga music, then learn to improvise melodically on a raga.


Through listening, singing and performing, pupils will understand how the structure of the song is formed. Pupils will also learn to sing and play the song they will learn with feelings.


We will be able to play 3 finger chords such as g. We will start to represent different pitches using musical notation. We will be able to listen to a piece of music and describe what we hear with reference to different features of the music.


We will be able to play more complex musical notation. We will be able to compose our own ukulele pieces using pitch and rhythm notation. We will think about different features of music we expect to hear in different types and genres of pieces from different parts of the world.


Grouping and sorting

Children will sort various items offline and online using a

variety of criteria.

Creating pictures

Children will explore a variety of art techniques including pointillism and impressionism. They will use Purple Mash software 2Paint to create art in these styles.


Children will understand the safety measures we take when emailing. They will understand the dangers of emailing. Children will open an email and respond to it. They will also learn how to attach documents to emails.

Audio Production

Children will identify the input device (microphone) and output devices (speaker or headphones) required to work with sound digitally. Children will discuss the ownership of digital audio and the copyright implications of duplicating the work of others.

Children will use Audacity to produce a podcast, which will include editing their work, adding multiple tracks, and opening and saving the audio files


Children will learn how to search

for information in a database. They will contribute to a class database and create their own.


Children will find out what a LAN and WAN are.

They will explore how we access the internet at school.

They will carry out research and find out about the age of the internet.


Being My Best

Children will learn to name a few different ideas of what they can do if they find something difficult.

Children learn why certain foods are healthy and why it’s important to eat at least five portions of vegetables/fruit a day.

Being My Best

Children will learn about looking after their body and growth mindset

Being My Best

Children will learn about keeping themselves healthy

They will also learn about celebrating and developing my skills

Being My Best

Children will learn about having choices and making decisions about their health

They will also learn about taking care of their environment

Being My Best

Children will learn about growing independence and taking ownership, as well as media awareness and safety and how images on TV don't give a true picture of real life.

Being My Best

Children will consider their aspirations and goals and the steps needed to achieve them as well as understanding that risks can be physical or emotional.