International Self-Care Day

Updated October 2022

About International Self-Care Day

Purpose of this Template

Draft Email: International Self-care Day


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About International Self-Care Day

Self-care is a skill that often has to be refined and developed, and incorporates many personal, unique, and adjusting solutions. When it is effectively adapted to one's daily life, the extra time invested in one's health can propel individuals far in all parts of life, including at work.

International Self-Care Day encourages individuals to set aside extra time to practice doing more for themselves. Yes, self-care needs practice!

Purpose of this Template

This is a communication guide for HR to connect and share resources with their organization to facilitate positive workplace culture and change by celebrating and acknowledging holidays, cultures, and current event observances.

NOTE: This copy was drafted in the context and voice of The Rise Journey, and therefore, we suggest that you revise the text, particularly the purple italicized text, to best fit the mission, values, and language of your own company or organization.

We recommend reviewing your message draft, at minimum, with one another team member who is informed on the topic. If you have a DEI committee or ERG that relates directly to the topic of the email, they should also be brought into the creation of any related communications.

Draft Email: International Self-care Day

EMAIL SUBJECT LINE: Take time to celebrate International Self-care Day today!


Today is International Self-Care Day - a day is set aside to spread awareness about the importance of taking care of oneself. (Include in section: name & date of the observance)

For many people, self-care can be a challenge. At [ORGANIZATION NAME], we want to be sure our teams have the tools and understanding to prioritize self-care and their well-being at work and while away.

Deloitte’s Workplace Burnout Survey reported that:

We know that when workers feel their best, they are able to put their best foot forward and perform at all new levels.

We also understand that for employees to properly care for themselves, it often requires workplaces to provide an environment that is conducive to health and care practices - which is why we hope you all will take some time to explore the list of educational and media resources below for tools, tips, and tricks for practicing self-care at work.

Our [ORGANIZATION NAME] team is also open to discussing with our teams to find self-care practices and solutions to implement within our own workplace. (Why is your workplace acknowledging this observance? What values of your organization does the observance reinforce?)

Different practices work for different people - Our workplace is open to trying out new and different practices to find what works best for our employees.

(How will celebrating/ participating in this observance bring future change to your workplace?)


Related Blog Posts, Lunch & Learns, Workshops, and Coaching

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OPHR: One Person Human Resources