
Group members:   Karol Lelenta Nikyiah Holden Micah Mack Jordan Simpson____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Each person must use a different color to write in)


Write down as many questions as you can about Covid-19 and Israel.

* Do they have social distancing, and more?

*What do their schools look like since of covid-19?

*How bad are their covid cases over there?

*Are they quarantined over there?

* Do they have a vaccine there?

-Is there a vaccine in Israel and if so how many people have received it?

-How many lockdowns has Israel had?

-When was the first covid case confirmed in  Israel?

Examples: What is the biggest issue for the country of Israel?








Find the answers to your questions. 




Find the answers to your questions. 

-There have been 558,249 covid-19 cases reported in Israel.

-There have been 4,044 deaths from covid-19 in Israel.

-More than 10% of Israel's population have received the vaccine.

-Anyone in Israel can get the vaccine.

-Israel may be going on to their third lockdown due to covid.

-The first covid-19 case was confirmed on 21 February 2020.


Compile your research and create a comparison of your country AND the U.S. 


Your group will decide how you want to present your information. You can create a Powerpoint, SWAY, Prezi, Video, etc...


You must include the following in your presentation: 

-Images and Color (It needs to be attractive... I need to want to read your information. H o o k  me!)

-Information about the Covid-19 Crisis in your group’s chosen country.

-Compare the schools/public places in your country and the U.S. (Are they open? ...How are they fighting the virus differently? … Does their economy affect how they are fighting the virus?)


-Compare your country's economy with the U.S.

-Tell me about the culture in your country




