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MHC NorCal Club - Unsubscribe/Newsletter opt-out
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

How to Unsubscribe from Club Emails

These instructions are for alums who still reside in Northern California but don't wish to receive our emails. If you no longer reside in the area, follow the instructions here instead.

Please note that as the Club cannot edit your directory profile, we are unfortunately not able to offer assistance if you have followed these instructions and are still receiving our emails. Check our FAQ for more information!

  1. Go to the Alum Directory webpage.

  1. Scroll down and log in.

  1. Click on “Email Preferences” in the sidebar.

  1. Uncheck the box by Clubs/Affiliate Groups News & Events.

  1. You are now unsubscribed! If you’d also like to update your contact information, follow these instructions.

“How to Unsubscribe from Club Emails” by AW for the MHC NorCal Club is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. This means you can “distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format”, as long as you credit the creator and share your adaptation under the same terms.