EMDR Future Template Worksheet (PDF)

  1. Write down the goal/problem you want to address

  1. Note down your emotional state related to the problem/issue

  1. Write down positive affirmations related to the problem/issue

  1. Identify and write down past experiences related to the problem/issue

  1. Write down negative beliefs/thoughts related to past experiences

  1. Replace the negative thoughts/beliefs with positive ones

  1. Note your emotional state regarding past events


  1. Identify triggers regarding the current issue/problem


  1. List down negative emotions related to the current triggers

  1. Contradict the negative emotions with positive ones

  1.  List techniques to relax yourself when required

  1.  Develop a self-care plan

  1.  After some time, reevaluate your emotional state related to the problem/issue and add more affirmations


  1. What Is EMDR Therapy? Past, Present, and Future Directions 

You can download more Mental Health worksheets here.

Please note: There may be a more up-to-date and editable version of this worksheet available here which may be more suitable to present to clients if you are a therapist or to use in a classroom as a teacher or guidance counselor.

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