Upcoming events and selected opportunities 

Looking for more curated job, grant and contact opportunities?  They’re now available to current CPC members and members of the Certificate Community (graduates, students, faculty and staff of the Creative Placemaking Advanced Leadership Certificate program)

Your membership allows us to offer this service.  If you are not a CPC member, please consider joining now.  Memberships start at $3 per month or $25 for a 12-month membership.

Date, time

Event or opportunity



The Creative Landscape Today

Produced in partnership with the American Planning Association Arts and Planning Division

Join two seasoned artists and planners as we look at the economic impacts of COVID-19 on the creative workforce. Learn innovative economic development strategies to keep artists in cities.


Participants in this online discussion will learn about:

  • The state of local arts economies post-COVID19
  • New guaranteed income programs for artists
  • Real estate and land use development strategies to benefit creative professionals


2-3 pm ET

11 am -12 pm PT

Webinar: Leadership Lessons for Creative Placemakers

Frederick Law Olmsted, Robert Moses, Jane Jacobs and William "Holly" Whyte were among the most influential shapers of place in their time -- or well beyond.

It wasn't just their ideas that made them successful -- it was how they influenced the levers of power in their worlds.  What lessons can their successes – and in Moses’ case, his downfall – can we take for our placemaking practices?

This is a pay-what-you-wish fundraiser for Creative Placemaking Communities.


Apply to host a regional Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit

Any community in the United States or Canada is eligible to host a Summit.  


2 to 3 pm ET

11 am to 12 pm PT

Artful Urban Design: Protecting Cultural Ecosytems Live

Creativity may be everywhere, but community arts and cultural activities tend to happen where there are good spaces and creators feel welcome to produce.  This short course will help you identify and design outdoor spaces that support cultural professionals, organizations and ecosystems.

Free for CPC Members.  Become a CPC Member

Live Conversations give you the chance to ask questions of the course instructor and share ideas with classmates.