Intro to Digital Photography and Visual Arts                                                                        

Course Syllabus 2023 - 2024


Melissa Dutton

Phone: 206.780.4560 - best to email and set up a time to call.

Office Hours: By appointment - Best to email

Welcome to Photo!! This is a course for digital photography and visual arts. A variety of photography concepts and techniques will be explored and critiqued. The visual arts component will explore what an artist can do with a photograph.  We will be “thinking out of the frame” as we find other ways to enjoy our images other than in a frame. The creative process will be used to develop creative solutions that will further enable students to express and develop their personal vision.

Course Information  


You are expected to be fully present and engaged in learning activities related to this class during scheduled class time.

Course Site

Assignments will be posted and submitted via Google Classroom. Students must enroll in our Google Classroom; if parents/guardians would like to receive Guardian Summaries, they can contact any one of their child’s teachers to sign up. 

Learning Objectives

Learning Resources

Students will each receive a studio shelf to keep their artwork and tools at school. Students must adhere to all safety requirements when working with tools, and materials.

Student Expectations

Attendance and Engagement

Unless they are ill, all students are expected to participate in all learning activities, whether these are held on campus, online or at home. If a student is unable to participate in these activities, they must make alternative arrangements with the teacher.  Attendance for class in person is very important based on the studio environment.  

Community Agreements/Principles of Participation/Norms

We will be discussing these during our first few sessions.

Brave Space: Our class will be a place where all individuals are always treated with respect and dignity and where the courage to take risks is rewarded.

Desire and Motivation: Our class will be a place where success requires each individual’s desire to master the course material. Students should be prepared to attend and be attentive, ask questions, seek support, share knowledge, be prepared with materials, avoid distraction and focus on learning. If you focus on learning, grades will take care of themselves.

GrowthMindset: Our class will be a place where we believe that with desire, effort, practice, reflection, willingness to fill past gaps and support of teachers and other students that all will be successful in mastering the material.

Best Intent/Grace: Our class will be a place where we will strive to understand each other and assume the best intent in our actions. 

Academic Honesty

Honesty is a compelling principle by which we operate all aspects of student and school life. Academic honesty is highly valued at Woodward. Students should not cheat or plagiarize, nor should they tolerate such among fellow students. Students do not receive credit for work that is not their own. Cheating is defined as an attempt to earn credit or receive a grade for coursework in a manner other than defined as acceptable by the teacher. In the visual art world it is unethical, constitutes plagiarism, and often violates copyright law to simply copy someone else's art work or imagery (even in another medium) and represent it as one’s own.

Communications and Self-Advocacy

You are welcome to email or call me for specific questions or additional assistance.  In any learning environment, students need practice advocating for themselves.  I am always here and available for any considerations.

Safety  Materials & Photography Session Walks

Materials: You must adhere to all safety requirements when working with tools and materials in the studio environment.  These safety requirements will be outlined in class, and posted to google classroom. If you do not comply with the safety guidelines then alternative projects will be provided.

Session Walks:  As a class we will be photographing on the Woodward campus.  Whenever this occurs the school’s administration will be informed of our whereabouts in case you need to get ahold of your student. It is extremely important that students follow all the protocols for leaving the classroom to ensure safety. I will be reviewing the expectations and having them sign a contract. If a student does not follow the protocols an alternative place will be found for them until the class returns.

Student please initial here to let me know that you have both read this and fully understand and acknowledge the student expectations and consequences.   Thank you


Standard Grading policy applies to all Art courses.  I will use a point system on Classroom and Skyward.

Woodward reports grades at the end of each semester; progress reports are available at the end of Term 1 and 3. Letter grades are calculated based on the points earned in each assignment.  

4. Grades for projects will be posted at the time of completion.  Daily agenda points will be awarded each Friday.  

Students can earn a total of 5 points/day.  

        5 = Full participation

        4 = For redirection and minor offense

        3 = Repeated warnings

        2 = Disrupting other students ability to work

        1 = Breaking No Tolerance Rule

        0 = Absent = Student can make up work.

Submitting Assignments

Turning in work: All work should be turned on on time in Google Classroom.

Late Work: I will accept late work. Skyward will reflect the missing work until it is turned in. If students fall behind more than 2 projects, I will check in with them. Guardians will be notified if it becomes chronic.


To fully participate in this course, you will need to have access to your BISD chromebook  

For tech support, please go to the Student Portal.

Digital Citizenship

Why is this important in our art class?

  1. We want to be sure we are following copyright laws when using other's images and artwork.
  2. We want to be respectful of others. Creating art can be personal and we want to be sensitive to the courage it takes to put these pieces out there for others to see.
  3. We want to stand up for each other if we see something that doesn't feel right.

Inclusivity Statement

We understand that our students represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Woodward is committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity. While working together to build this community we ask all members to:

Commonly Asked Questions:

What kind of camera do I need?

We will NOT be using DSLR cameras. All you need is a point and shoot camera.  Class cameras will be provided if a student does not have one.  Students will be able to use their cell photos occasionally too. *This is an intro to digital photography.  We will be covering compositional principles, the exposure triangle, photographing techniques, famous photographers and playing with the question “What creative visual art can we make with a printed photograph?'!?!'

What happens if I am absent from class?

Check the Posted Daily Agenda on Google Classroom.

Most assignments have a presentation that is a synchronistic so that assignments can be independently completed.  

It is the responsibility of the student to make up for any missed work due to an excused absence.


The student must find time to come talk to me.  I am always happy to help.


The student must find time to come talk to me.  I am always happy to help.


Students will maintain a portfolio with all of their photos,  planning sheets, reflections or exit sheets and technical information. This will provide a resource for future artistic endeavors.

What should I do with my art work?

Always keep all the work on your shelf. Art projects should never leave the art room without permission from the teacher. All artwork will be returned to the student to take home.

Will I need my Chromebook for Photography?

Students will use their Chromebooks for a variety of reasons. Uploading Photos, looking up references, taking photos of their art for documentation and accessing forms on Google Classroom etc.

How do I get my artwork home?

We have a couple of options for this that we will review as a class.


I am  sincerely excited you are enrolled in this course!  I hope that it will provide some hands on creative studio time to your class schedule.  If you have any concerns we will work through them together.  I am looking forward to a great semester together!  I hope this class not only brings out your creativity, but also the joy that comes from working in the arts!

Melissa Dutton M.A. Ed

Art Specialist

Woodward Middle School
