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Privacy Statement
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Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement describes how Wello Money Inc., its affiliates, and its subsidiaries (“Wello Money,” “we,” and “us”) use information about you and your family. It applies to everyone who: visits our websites that link to this Privacy Statement (the “Site”); uses our mobile applications (collectively, the “App”); uses our platforms - including touch technologies, electronic services, social networking sites, interactive features, online services or any of our described online activities we own or control that link to this Privacy Statement (collectively, our “Platforms”) - or otherwise uses the services we provide (collectively, the “Service”). For more information regarding the Service, please review our Terms of Service (the “Terms”).

Key terms: In this Privacy Statement, we refer to “you” as a visitor to our Site, user of our Platforms, and/or the individual, parent or guardian who is responsible for the account(s) you create using our Service (the “primary account holder” as defined in our Terms). We use “your family” to refer to anyone affiliated with your account on the Service, such as any child or children you sign up for the Service. If you designate any other individual to be responsible for the Service, such as your spouse, or authorized user (as defined in the Terms) or other secondary approver (defined in the Terms), “your family” also includes that individual.

Types of Information We Collect and How

We collect the following categories of personal information:

We collect personal information from a variety of sources, including:

Cookies and other similar technologies

Like many digital platforms, Wello Money and our third-party service providers may collect certain information automatically using cookies and other similar technologies to help us manage, improve and customize our features and functionality.

We use the term “cookies and other similar technologies” to refer to small data files, including cookies, pixel tags, and/or other technologies provided by your browser or associated applications. You are free to decline optional cookies and similar technologies if permitted by your computer, browser, mobile phone, or other device, although doing so may affect your use of the Service.

How We Use Personal Information

We use personal information for the following purposes:

How We Share Personal Information

We do not sell personal information. We may share personal information as follows:

We may also share personal information if the information has been aggregated, de-identified, or otherwise does not identify you personally, and otherwise with your consent.

Your Rights and Choices

Your choices

We provide you and your family with the following choices.

Your privacy rights

Where applicable, such as Delaware, the following rights apply to those whose interactions with us are limited to visiting our Site, signing up for newsletters or other email alerts, or otherwise communicating with us. These rights do not apply to the personal information we collect, use, or disclose about consumers who initiate or complete the process of applying services because such information is protected by other laws.

Your rights may be limited under applicable laws, such as where fulfilling your request would impair the rights of others, our ability to provide a service you have requested, or our ability to comply with our legal obligations and enforce our legal rights. We also may not be permitted to provide certain sensitive information in response to an access request. We will not discriminate against those who exercise their rights.

How to Submit a Request

You may exercise your rights by sending the request to Wello Money Customer Service at .

Data Retention

We may retain your personal data for as long as it is reasonably needed in order to maintain and expand our relationship and provide you with our Services; in order to comply with our legal and contractual obligations; or to protect ourselves from any potential disputes. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of such data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of such data, the purposes for which we process it, and the applicable legal requirements.


Our information security program is managed by dedicated information security personnel with commercially reasonable information security measures to protect personal information against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access. These measures include, but are not limited to, data encryption, cyber threat detection, and internal access controls. We regularly have our information security program assessed and validated by independent security audit experts. We use administrative, technical, and physical security measures designed to protect personal information we collect against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access. You and your family are responsible for maintaining the security of your usernames and passwords used to access the Service.

Information from Children

At Wello Money, our goal is to help parents raise financially-smart kids, and we take our responsibility to your children seriously.


During the registration process, we ask for your mobile phone number and date of birth, which we use to determine your age and eligibility for the Service. Children under the age of 18 must register for our Service with their parent or guardian as follows:

Parental Choices and Controls

You can update or change the personal information of a child at any time through the account settings.

At any time, you can refuse to permit us to collect further personal information of a child by closing that sub-account by sending Wello Money Customer Service at . If you close an account, we will mark the account in our database as “Closed,” but may retain personal information from the account to deactivate the account with our service providers, allow you to reactivate the Wello Money account for some period in the future, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, prevent fraud, enforce the Terms, or take other actions as required or permitted by law.

If you request that we delete your child’s personal information, we will delete as much information as we are legally permitted. Due to regulatory recordkeeping obligations, we may be required by law to retain some information associated with a closed account.

Site and Advertising

While we provide a Service for families, our Site is for promotional purposes only and is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect any information from children under the age of 13 on our Site. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under 13 without the consent of the child’s parent or guardian as required by law, we will delete it.

Location of Services

We are headquartered in the United States and currently our Service is only intended for residents of the United States and Türkiye.

Changes to Privacy Statement

If we make any material changes to this Privacy Statement, we will change the Effective Date above. We encourage you to review this Privacy Statement to stay informed. If we make material changes and we need to provide additional notice, we will notify you via the email specified in your account or through the Service or Site.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Statement or our information practices, please contact us by email at