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Year 9 Booklet_Posterss
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Name: Nikola Pocica    Form: 9NMY        

Production Portfolio

Topic:  Film Posters

Film Posters

What is the purpose & function of a film poster? Look at the examples on the front cover of the booklet.

Displayed in the cinema, magazines, service stations

They’re physical copies

It advertises a certain film

Put the advert on the back of the newspaper because other people can see it

Target an audience

USP- unique selling point

Researching Film Posters.

Analysis of 2 film posters.  (Include annotated posters)

Poster 1:

Poster 2:
Image result for clueless film poster

Image result for love rosie poster analysis

What are the codes & conventions of film posters?

What do you think makes an effective poster?  Refer to examples of posters you have seen?

What is your favourite movie poster and why?

One of my favourite movie posters is ‘clueless’ because it’s a romance comedy film. The girls really show what the film is about with the way they’re standing and their face expressions. Also, the colours used are simple but stand out and catch my eye. The title stands out a lot because of the two colours, black and white are complete opposite and therefore when they’re next to each other they stand out

Can you find an example of a film poster that is misleading?  How does it mislead the audience?

Image result

How and why is the concept of genre important to audiences?

How do film posters try to establish the genre?

Decision Making

Will your film poster be promoting a high concept or independent film? Why?

Image result for monster house

What is the chosen genre of your film?  Why?


Who is the target audience for your film? Why and how will you ensure your film poster appeals to them?

Genre Research

Chosen Genre:                        

After researching your film genre what have you identified as the key codes & conventions? (i.e. Typical settings, props, characters, themes, events, shots etc.)


Write a plot synopsis of your film idea.

Title:         unexpected love

Synopsis:     a girl falls in love with her best friends brother







What are the typical characters for your chosen genre? Are stereotypes used?

Give examples and refer to a range of texts.

Image result for clueless cherImage result for josh clueless

Provide character profiles for the 2 main characters in your film

Character 1:  Rosie Miller

  1. Outer Presence 

17 year old, girl, long wavy blonde hair, tanned, blue eyes, mid-west accent, uses her hands a lot to communicate, girly dress sense  

  1. Inner presence

Shy, polite, intelligent, talkative once you get to know her, loves reading books and listening to music. Never loses her temper, always patient

  1. Context 

Very close to her family, her father had to leave Chicago because he got offered a good job with good money so she had to leave school and start new. However she didn’t fit in well with all the others and felt uncomfortable

Fancies Corey 

4. ImageImage result for chloe moretz



Character 2:         Corey harper

  1. Outer Presence 

Cool boy, girls chase after him, doesn’t show off,

blondish hair, blue eyes, wavy hair, 18 years old, 

  1. Inner presence

loves music and hates reading books, In  a band with two of his other mates, shy, gets stressed easily

  1. Context 

Goes to school he’s

Very popular therefore he enjoys school. All the girls fancy him including Rosie. Loves surfing

4. ImageImage result for surfer boy

Media Language

Aspect of

Media Language





Shows that the weather is


Shows that she likes going

Out with her friends and

Having a good time





Picnic basket


The drink shows that its  

Warm weather


Beach clothes

Normal clothes





Light colours

Shows what the mood is




Complete the planning sheet for your film poster.









Target Demographic/psychographic:

Brief synopsis:


See the source image

Film campaigns:

Film posters


Social media






Bill boards

Flyer campaigns


What is your marketing and release strategy?

12 months before the film releases-the first social media post is released from the universal company to let people know there’s a film coming out

5-6 months before the film is released-10 second trailer released for a snippet. Posters are put around including information about the film

3 months before the film is released-characters are revealed

Facebook and Instagram pages are created about the film


4-6 weeks before the film is released- official trailers released

The film premier in Los Angeles


8th august – film is released

How do the posters fit within your marketing strategy?

The posters fit with my marketing strategy because they are a good way of spreading the word about the film and bringing in an audience

When you see the actors on the front cover, if the audience like the actors they will want to watch the film.

When and where will your film posters be released and why?

My poster will be released at the cinemas because it will bring a wider audience when people will go and watch other films they will see the posters and it will intrigue them.

My posters will be put on billboards in popular areas so that more people will want to watch the film

How will you use media convergence and synergy to enhance your campaign?

Your 3 film posters.

Write a description of each of your 3 posters.

Poster 1:

Poster 2:

Poster 3:

Produce a layout and design plan for each of the 3 posters you will produce.

Sketch and label your ideas.

Planning Your Photoshoot.

Equipment:  What equipment will you need during the production of your posters and why?

What do you need to do before your shoot & why?


Make a list detailing the images you need for each poster.  Provide details (type of shot, angles etc.) of the images you will produce (characters, objects, locations, backgrounds etc.) and any you will find.

Poster 1:

Poster 2:

Poster 3:

Original images:

Found images with sources:


What text will appear on each poster?  Think about the tagline, credit block, actors, director, studio etc.

First drafts

What is successful?

What needs to be developed?

What are your next steps?

The final drafts


You must now produce a written evaluation, which should reflect upon:

• How the aims of the production have been met

• How the product applies appropriate codes and conventions and uses appropriate media language

• How the product represents people, places or events

• Where and when the product would be exhibited

• What regulations and controls might be applied to the product and how these have been taken into consideration

• The strengths and weaknesses of the product in terms of meeting the needs of its audience.