Types of Touch


Touch we like


Touch that hurts


Confusing touch we want to stop

Dad gives you a cuddle

Grandma gives you a big hug and a kiss

The teacher gives you a pat on the back

Mum kisses you goodnight when you are in bed

You get a high five from your friends for scoring a goal

Someone kicks you when you are playing

The person in line behind you pulls your hair really hard

Someone you thought was a friend slaps you and calls you names

You are play fighting and your friend punches you on the nose

Your big brother or sister punches you for not doing their job at home

A big kid at school always pushes you whenever they walk past you

Your little brother or sister holds your hand

An adult friend of the family gives you a kiss and puts their tongue in your mouth

The babysitter puts their hand between your legs under your pajamas

Your sister’s friend is tickling you under your clothes and won’t stop

A person you don’t know keeps bumping into you when you are getting changed after a swim

A big kid at school always pushes you whenever they walk past you

Your uncle likes you to sit on his knee and he cuddles you tightly and puts his face close to yours

Someone you thought was a friend slaps you and calls you names

Your brother’s friend asks you to rub his legs