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May 2024: BNBR Life Centre e-news
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Phone: +441142228923. Social media: Instagram, Facebook, X/Twitter, TikTok, YouTube.

While we support both students and staff, we’re part of Student Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (SEDI).

May 2024 e-news from the BNBR Life Centre

Hello and welcome to our latest e-news!

We have plenty to offer you during May and into early June.

This includes our contributions to the Stress Busters programme during exam season (May 20 to June 7).

Our events…

Stress Busters

During exam and deadline season the University is running Stress Busters: a three-week calendar of events that encourage relaxation, mindfulness and taking a break from work/revising for exams.

We’ve collaborated with the Students’ Union ‘Give It A Go’ programme to offer the below opportunities. A full events list is on this webpage.

Coffee and Connect: Enjoy a relaxed chat over a free drink and snack. Mondays 20 May & 3 June, 11am-1pm in our Social Space.

Mindfulness walks: A slow walk around the Western Bank area of campus with the intention of being mindful of the surroundings. Tuesdays 21 May & 4 June, 1-1.30pm. Meet under the footbridge linking the Octagon Centre to the Students’ Union at 1pm.

Meditation: Suitable for anyone, from those who meditate regularly to those who are completely new. Thursdays 23 & 30 May, and 6 June, 12.15-12.45pm in our Gathering Space.

Countryside walk at Wyming Brook: A two-hour walk in beautiful Peak District scenery. Friday 7 June. Meet 9.30am outside the Octagon Centre. Please bring £4 for bus travel. We’ll be back at Uni by 2pm.

Deep Search online tool: The Uni’s platform for personal, life and belief development. Deep Search is free and has a two-minute taster version.

You may like…

Sheffield Life, Loss and Death festival

Free events in Sheffield throughout May to explore why life, loss and death matter.

Student Christian Movement conference

Inner Peace and Outer Pacifism. Saturday 22 June, 11am-5.15pm, St Pancras New Church, London. Tickets £30. To help cover this and travel costs, you are welcome to apply for a Christian Residential Experience Grant.

Our residential trip to a Christian monastery

On Wednesday 26 to Thursday 27 June, we are taking a small group of students to a Christian monastery in Mirfield, West Yorkshire. More information about this trip, which is primarily for postgraduates but open to all students, is in this form.

Looking back at…

Our Mental Health Awareness Week stall. On Wednesday (15 May) we had a stall in the Students’ Union, promoting the link between spirituality and positive mental health. This included our fun Buzz Wire game; a finger labyrinth; promoting our Deep Search online tool; and giving out our Feasts cookery books. We enjoyed chatting to a variety of students and staff. We’ll have another stall in the S.U. on June 5.

About us…

We are the Belief, No Belief and Religious (BNBR) Life Centre. We were formerly known at the Chaplaincy Centre. More information about us is on our website.

We are here for all staff and students of the university. Our chaplains and advisors, representing nine major world beliefs, provide a listening ear and pastoral support to all people whatever their identity, religion, belief or no belief. Anyone can book in for one-to-one listening with one of our staff experienced in pastoral care. We can usually offer a time to meet within five working days. Email to ask for a meeting. More information is here.

We are based in the Octagon Centre where we have a Social Space (with comfortable seating plus free drinks and snacks), a Quiet Space (for reflection, contemplation, meditation and prayer), various bookable meeting rooms and a reception office.

You can email us on or phone on +44 114  2228923. Our website is and we are on these social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok and YouTube.

If you haven’t signed up for information on our events and activities of interest to you, you can do so here. We plan to send this e-news four times a semester.