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Deep Learning: Syllabus and Schedule
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 Spring 2022 Deep Learning: Syllabus and Schedule



Lecture Slides


Course Description:

This course is an introduction to deep learning, a branch of machine learning concerned with the development and application of modern neural networks. Deep learning algorithms extract layered high-level representations of data in a way that maximizes performance on a given task. For example, when asked to recognize faces, a deep neural network may learn to represent image pixels first with edges, followed by larger shapes, then parts of the face like eyes and ears, and, finally, individual face identities. Deep learning is behind many recent advances in AI, including Siri’s and Alexa’s speech recognition, Facebook’s tag suggestions and self-driving cars. We will cover a range of topics from basic neural networks, convolutional and recurrent network structures, deep unsupervised and reinforcement learning, and applications to problem domains like speech recognition and computer vision. Prerequisites: a strong mathematical background in calculus, linear algebra, and probability & statistics, as well as prior coursework in machine learning and programming experience in Python.


CAS CS523 A1 / ENG EC523 A1

T/Th 2:00-3:15pm, PHO 206

CAS CS523 B1 / ENG EC 523 A2

T/Th 3:30-4:45pm, CAS 211


Brian Kulis

office hours:  Wed 10-11am, on zoom (link)

Kate Saenko

office hours: Mon 10-11am MCS200 or by appointment

Teaching Assistants: 

Hoang Tran, office hours: Tuesday 10-12pm,

on zoom (link)

Siddharth Mysore, office hours: Mon/Wed 4-5pm on Zoom (link)


        Ximeng Sun, Maan Qraitem, Peter Tang, Yang Yu

How to Contact us: Please use Piazza for all communication; if your question is only directed to the instructors, please make a post to “Individual Student(s) / Instructor(s)” and select “Instructors".  


We will be using piazza for online discussions, questions, and to post assignments.

Gradescope: we will be using Gradescope for submitting and grading assignments.


Topic (Instructor)



Thu Jan 20

1. Course overview (Saenko)

What is deep learning? DL successes; syllabus & course logistics.

Tue Jan 25

2. Math/ML Review I (Kulis)

Probability, distributions, maximum likelihood, empirical risk minimization.

HW1 out (machine learning prereq)

Thu Jan 27

3. Math/ML Review II (Saenko)

Generalization, train/validation/test splits, stability, stochastic gradient descent.

Tue Feb 1

4. Neural network basics I (Kulis)

Classification and regression tasks, perceptron, universal approximation.

Thu Feb 3

5. Neural network basics II (Saenko)

MLP, activation functions, surrogate loss functions, softmax, and compression.

Tue Feb 8

6. Neural network basics III (Kulis)

Automatic differentiation and backpropagation, matrix derivatives.

HW1 Due Wed Feb9 5pm

HW2 out

Thu Feb 10

7. Training I (Saenko)

Mini-batching, regularization, adversarial examples, dropout, batch norm, layer norm.

Tue Feb 15

8. Training II (Kulis)

Momentum and acceleration, physical interpretation of accelerated gradient descent, stochastic gradients and variance.

SCC Info

Thu Feb 17

9. Training III (Saenko)

Adaptive gradient methods: adagrad, adam, Lars/Lamb, and large batch sizes.

Tue Feb 22


HW2 due Wed 5pm

HW3 out

Thu Feb 24

10. CNNs (Saenko)

Convolutional neural networks, including AlexNet, VGG, and Inception; Reading: Goodfellow  Ch9.1-9.3.

Tue Mar 1

11. CNNs II and Advanced Architecture Design (Kulis)

Modern Conv Nets, ResNet

Project Proposal Due Wed 5pm


How to make a group submission

Thu Mar 3

12. Advanced Architecture Design II (Saenko)

Tue Mar 8


Thu Mar 10


Tue Mar 15

13. Deep Unsupervised Learning I (Kulis)

Generative Adversarial Networks.

HW3 due Wed 5pm

HW4 out

Thu Mar 17

14. Deep Unsupervised Learning II (guest lecture by Ben Usman)

Applications of Generative Models; Normalizing Flows

Tue Mar 22

15. RNNs (Saenko)

Recurrent neural networks; sequence modeling; backpropagation through time; vanishing/exploding gradient problem; gradient clipping, long-short term memory (LSTM).

Thu Mar 24

16. Deep Unsupervised Learning III (Kulis) ON ZOOM


Tue Mar 29

17. Deep Unsupervised Learning IV (Kulis)

Variational Autoencoders

HW4 due Wed 5pm, HW5 out extended to Fri Apr 1 11:59pm

Thu Mar 31

18. Deep Reinforcement Learning I (Saenko)

Overview of RL, Policy Gradient

Tue Apr 5

19. Deep Reinforcement Learning II (Kulis)

Actor-Critic, Q-learning

Thu Apr 7

20. Transformers I (Saenko)

Embeddings, word vectors, self-attention, transformers.

Project Status Report Due Thu 11:59pm


Tue Apr 12

21. Transformers II (Kulis)

GPT, BERT, pretraining, masked language modeling task, few-shot learning.

Thu Apr 14

22. Self-Supervised Learning (Saenko)

self-supervised learning (slides from this tutorial)

Tue Apr 19

23. Audio I (Kulis)

Keyword spotting, audio synthesis

HW 5 due Wed 5pm

Thu Apr 21

24. Computer Vision Applications + Project Guidelines  (Saenko)

Dall-E 2 paper by OpenAI ; Course evaluations:

Tue Apr 26

25. Audio II  (Kulis)

Automatic Speech Recognition

Thu Apr 28

Project Presentations I (Saenko)

Presentation Schedule

Upload your slides here (PDF only), use the provided template, log in with BU email 

All teams must upload by this deadline, even if presenting in the second session

Slides due Thu Apr 28 12:00pm NOON

Slide Template

Tue May 3

Project Presentations II (Kulis)

Presentation Schedule

Presentation Slides

Fri May 6

Final Project reports/code due

(No lecture)

Upload your reports on GradeScope, use the template

Sample Projects: reports, slides

Due Fri 11:59pm MIDNIGHT

Report Template

*schedule is tentative and is subject to change.


Course Prerequisites

This is an upper-level undergraduate/graduate course. All students should have the following skills:


The recommended textbook for the course is

This book is available online, and need not be purchased.  Another recent book is

Other recommended supplemental textbooks on general machine learning:

Recommended online courses

Deliverables/Graded Work

There will be five homework assignments, each consisting of written and/or coding problems, and a final project. Homework grade will be based on a randomly selected subset of questions (the same for everyone). The worst homework grade will be dropped. The project will be done in teams of 3-4 students and will have several deliverables including a proposal, progress update(s), final report and a final in-class/virtual presentation. The course grade consists of the following:


Programming assignments and projects will be developed in the Python programming language. We will also use the pytorch deep learning library for some homeworks and for the project. Students are expected to use the Shared Computing Cluster (SCC) and/or their own machines to complete work that does not require a GPU. For the projects, we will provide GPU resources.

If you do not already have a CS account and would like one, you should stop by the CS undergraduate lab (EMA 302) and activate one.  This process takes only a few minutes, and can be done at any

time during the lab's operating hours: <>

Late Policy

Late work will incur the following penalties

Academic Honesty Policy

The instructors take academic honesty very seriously. Cheating, plagiarism and other misconduct may be subject to grading penalties up to failing the course. Students enrolled in the course are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the detailed BU policy, available here. In particular, plagiarism is defined as follows and applies to all written materials and software, including material found online. Collaboration on homework is allowed, but should be acknowledged and you should always come up with your own solution rather than copying (which is defined as plagiarism):

Plagiarism: Representing the work of another as one’s own. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to the following: copying the answers of another student on an examination, copying or restating the work or ideas of another person or persons in any oral or written work (printed or electronic) without citing the appropriate source, and collaborating with someone else in an academic endeavor without acknowledging his or her contribution. Plagiarism can consist of acts of commission-appropriating the words or ideas of another-or omission failing to acknowledge/document/credit the source or creator of words or ideas (see below for a detailed definition of plagiarism). It also includes colluding with someone else in an academic endeavor without acknowledging his or her contribution, using audio or video footage that comes from another source (including work done by another student) without permission and acknowledgement of that source.

Religious Observance

Students are permitted to be absent from class, including classes involving examinations, labs, excursions, and other special events, for purposes of religious observance.  In-class, take-home and lab assignments, and other work shall be made up in consultation with the student’s instructors. More details on BU’s religious observance policy are available here.

COVID Procedures

Students who are attending in-class must wear a mask.