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Week 4: Preschool
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Preschool Learning Board

April 4/13-4/17


  • The Learning Board is designed to give families learning opportunities at home.
  • Students also are encouraged to read at least 20 minutes a day. (Read to someone, Read with someone, Listen to Reading)

Language Readiness

Math Readiness

Fine & Gross Motor

Social & Emotional Development

Creative Expression


Your child can identify and write the letter V.

Your child can identify number 7,  write number 7 , and count to number 7.

Your child can display good balance and coordination.

Your child can describe how he/she feels when they are sad/happy/angry.

Your child can follow step-by-step directions to complete directed drawing. After drawing, he/she can use fine motor skills to color in the lines.

Online Learning

Link to All Worksheets

Olive Letter V

-Make letter V with your body and your hand

-Talk about 7 things that start with letter V.

-Do you have a letter V in your name?

Learn to Count -- The Number 7 Song 

-Balance on one foot for 7 seconds

-Wiggle like a caterpillar for 7 seconds

-Quack like a duck 7 times

-Count to 7 with a family member

Turn on some FUN music and dance!

-Show off your favorite moves!

-Challenge someone to a dance-off!

-Hop in place 30 times

-Choose 3 animals and dance like each  for one minute.

Count Me In -- Sesame Street

-This video talks about how each child is unique

-Talk with your child about what makes him/her unique or special

-Celebrate those things!

Baby Bird Directed Drawing 

-Grab a blank piece of paper and crayons

-Remind your child to take their time, can pause if needed

-After drawing, color in your picture and hang it on the front door for all to see!

Get Squiggling Letters- Letter V

-Have a piece of paper and a crayon ready to write!

-Practice writing letter V with Squiglet

-After the video, talk about the things that started with letter V

Numberblocks: Seven

-What was your favorite part of NumberBlocks 7?

-Count to seven using your toes

-Clap your hands 7 times

-Hop like a bunny 7 times

Do the Hokey Pokey

Challenge: Tell your parent/sibling what part of the body to move.

Daniel Shares His Tigertastic Car | Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

-Watch the video

-Talk about sharing and what it means

-Have your child practice sharing his/her toys with you or a sibling

-Talk about how it felt to share

 Arthur TreeHouse Design 

-Talk about Spring and how people start spending more time outside

-Discuss treehouses, where you find them, what they are, etc.

-Play the game with your child

Sesame Street Letter V

-After watching Sesame street, talk about the sound letter V makes.

-Say letter V sound together

-Say some things that start with V

Number Bingo

-Select “0-10”

-Select any grid size

-Help your child try and get a BINGO! :)

Do Springtime Dance

-Do the actions with Jack

-What is your favorite part of springtime?

How Do you Feel? Game

-Click the game

-Click “use web GL or use unity player”

-Monitor your child as he/she plays the game

-Were there any feelings that you felt today? When might you be ____ (angry, sad, mad, etc.)?

Play Sesame Street -- Monster Music

-Talk about the different kinds of music

-Play the game

-After playing the game, discuss which instrument was your child’s favorite

Activities & Printable Packet Learning

Go on a letter hunt around your house. See how many different letters you can find. Hint: the kitchen is a great place to find letters!

COUNT!  Practice counting with your child. Here are some  things to count:

-steps, plates, bowls, people, windows, pillows, animals, lights, etc.

Play an imitating game: make a movement (jumping, marching, standing on one foot) and have your child imitate you.

Signs of Spring Worksheet

-Go outside with a parent or guardian

-Look around and talk about things that change with spring

-Go inside and color then cut the pictures off the worksheet

-Talk about if each picture is SPRING or not

-Glue the spring pictures on the worksheet

Spring Coloring Pages

-Remember to stay in the lines

-Did you color in all the white space?

-Remember how to hold your crayon!

Letter V Rollercoaster Sheet (Pre-stroke)

-Take the kids for a ride on the rollercoaster!

-Big line down, big line down, V.

Number 7 Turtle Worksheet

-Discuss turtles (where they live, what they eat, if they’re slow/fast)

-Count to number 7 on your fingers then count the turtles

-Color the turtles

-Practice making number seven we “make a little line across the top then big line slide to the bottom”

-Practice writing number 7 using proper hand grip

Try balancing activities - balance on one foot, balance toys on your fingers, walk like you are on a straight line

Bug Scavenger Hunt

-Go outside with a parent or guardian

-Take your BUG Scavenger Hunt paper and a crayon outside

-Look for bugs!

-Use positional words like over, under, above, etc.

-Have your child tell you where he/she found each bug

Cut Apart Puzzles

-Color the picture

-Cut apart the pieces

-Put the puzzle together with your child

-Practice counting

Letter V Van  Worksheet -What is a van?

-Do you know someone who drives a van?

-Color the van

-Trace the parts of V: Big line, big line

-Practice writing V

How Many Worksheet (2)

-Cut the numbers off the bottom

-Count the objects together

-Glue the correct number to the corresponding picture

-When complete, talk about which number is biggest and which number is smallest

Find clothing that buttons, zips,  or snaps.

-Have your child practice buttoning, zipping, and snapping

-Challenge: Put on all of your snow gear all by yourself!

Risk Taker

-Try something new…. New foods, new activity, new game. Try to read or write something new!

Draw a picture and tell someone what you drew.  Hang it somewhere in your house for your family to enjoy.

Encouraged Extras

I can Write My Name Worksheet

-Have your child practice writing his.her name

**We use all capital letters

-Rainbow Letters

Write each letter of the alphabet in a rainbow color

-Which One is Different Worksheet

-Size Sequencing Worksheet

-Count & Color Raindrops

Throw a ball or crumbled paper into a  laundry basket, garbage can, or bin. Play a game to see who makes the most baskets up to 10!

Daniel Tiger’s Classroom Helpers Game

-Talk about different jobs children can have at home and at school

-Practice some of the classroom jobs

Pretend you are the Teacher- Read-aloud by reading a book to your favorite person or stuffed animal as if you are reading in front of the class!