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Project 1: Digital Surrealist Object
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ROB 498: Storytelling with Robotics

Project #1: Digital Surrealist Object

DUE Friday 9/22/2023  


The aim of this project is to create a fantastical object similar to creative styles of Surrealism.

You will use a 'found object' as a starting point and change its meaning through designing extensions, augmentations, parts etc. using CAD & digital fabrication techniques.  

You are free to choose any object you like, but focus the cultural, political, personal meaning the object embodies. After selecting this object, aim to use CAD & digital fabrication (3D printing, laser cutting etc.) to complicate/resist/alter/augment etc. this meaning to create a new sculptural object.

Remember that this is NOT a user experience design exercise. You are NOT making something ‘easy to use’ by creating ergonomic features for objects. Instead, focus on the uncanny, strange, funny, bizarre etc.

Learning Outcomes

By completing this project, you will learn:

Project Requirements

At a minimum, your project must have the following components to count towards a complete submission:
