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Werewolf AU Prologue
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

*** Prologue ***

Tonight was the last night I would spend with my whole pack. At the crack of dawn, those that were partaking in the sacred ritual would be leaving for the ancient forests that shrouded the mountain base in a ring of rich greens and browns. No one really knew what dwelled within the forests itself. Most that had ventured into the unchartered territory never returned and those who did had been driven insane. It was a ritual older than anyone could remember, but everyone on the island wanted to complete it since the rewards were so great. We would be left to roam the forests, the only 2 rules, kill or be killed, and no help from the outside. If you survived, you were a fully-fledged warrior and were free to join the ranks of your choosing. Those that made it to the mountain peak first were treated like kings and queens; worthy champions ready to lead other wolves. Those that failed to reach the peak would not become a warrior and would instead find their place somewhere else in the pack in a more mundane role like a pup-sitter. We got two weeks and only our survival training to prove our worth. The month after held a week-long celebration in the hopes of mates finding each other. The completion of the ritual also served to assess the true extent of our power; to complete the ritual was to attain near immortality, and to release our full potential.

 I am the alpha’s daughter, and the first in line for her title; something that I would inherit only after she passed. I was her only remaining heir, an unusual occurrence for our kind. My father had been a wanderer, not a part of our pack. He had never had any intention of staying with us. I have no memories of my father, but my mother was fond of him, and never had such a connection with any other male partner despite there being an abundance of eligible wolves. My siblings from other litters would wander to other packs and I remained the only heir; raised to lead the pack that had raised me in my early years. I couldn't wait to run the pack. I loved it dearly, and all the pack members who'd looked out for me when work kept my mother away for too long. The new ideas I had; changes I wanted to make. Suggestions and ideas I'd picked up over the years from my friends and guardians. This pack had shown my only love and kindness - something I wanted every pack member to feel with no one feeling alone.

I had been trained with the warriors of the pack, all of us younger ones had. Preparing us for the ancient ritual that would deem us worthy and unlock our real potential. It has never been easy, but it felt good, the burning muscles, the ache of my joints as I pushed myself, sparring with other youngsters and warriors alike, testing my limits. Days and nights spent in the forests, or days up in the chilly mountains, teaching us about the nature around us and how to work with it to stay alive in even the harshest of conditions. Every lesson counted, and we all knew it. We didn't have days off, the only exceptions being on our herbalist’s orders.

The ritual was designed to push everyone, break them down and see who would remain. Strip us of everything we think we know and see just how long we could last on our own. Feuds old and new arose, and any disputes that occurred were brushed off, no consequences after the event. Alliances were built and broken over the course of the two weeks. Not every pack agreed with the ritual, and some blatantly refused to partake, but no one was going to force them. It wasn’t worth the hassle or arguments. Afterall, there were many other ways to achieve one’s full aptitude that didn’t involve several hundred hungry werewolves alone on a mountain with no consequences for their actions.

“I love you mum.” I whispered, nuzzling my mum in a tight warm embrace.

 “Make us proud Vercingetorix.”

With one final tight squeeze, I shifted into my wolf form, a silver and willow merle beast, my grey eyes the only human part of my other form. My bag lay at my feet, and I picked it up gently; the material feeling foreign in my mouth and trotted over to where a large golden-brown wolf waited. Jackson was the packs head trainer and would be escorting us to the mountain for the ritual.

Once everyone had said their farewells, we headed off down the overgrown track. The path was a direct route to the forests and was only used a couple of times a year. When I became Alpha, I would have the track looked after, more pleasant to the eye and paw. I winced slightly as a thorn embedded itself into the softness of my pad. Stopping, and gently tugged at it until it came loose, crimson blood blossoming from the small wound. I continued forwards, following the rest of the wolves with my ears pricked and my head held high.


We would spend a single night in a small grassy clearing about halfway between the pack's home and the base of the mountains. The journey was long and for the most part dull. It seemed like many of the animals had gone into hibernation or had moved on to their winter migrations. The trees were losing their leaves in a flurry of reds and golds and oranges, a fiery contrast to the frosty air. It was tradition for the ritual to take place in the middle of autumn when prey was scarce, shelter necessary and heat was crucial to your survival. Jackson pushed forward, leading the participants to the clearing, as the afternoon turned into evening. As dusk approached, we found ourselves in the small clearing. This was where we were to stop for the night. The grass was already damp with moisture and the ground hard and cold to the touch. It would not be a nice camping experience, the relentless cold biting through even the thickest of pelts. He split us into 3 groups, two were to hunt for any prey that they could find, and the other group was to stay and guard our camp from any lurking predators waiting for our guard to drop. I was to stay and watch the camp with some other pack members. We checked the borders of the clearing several times, rusting bushes and checking the tree branches before settling down under a cluster of trees near the centre of the clearing that provided the vantage of the entire encampment. It would be at least a couple of hours before either of the hunting groups returned since tracking prey in the wet weather would be a challenge. As boredom set in, I rummaged around in the foliage, flicking up piles of leaves and picked out a large stick. As the minutes ticked by, I gnawed and chewed on the stick until there were little wood shavings everywhere and no stick remained. Not long after I had finished chewing the stick into sawdust, the first of the hunting groups returned. They had three skinny rabbits and a small deer. It would be enough to feed most of our group tonight. Eventually the other group came back dragging with them two large bloody stag carcasses.

The rabbits were for the morning, Jackson ruled, as was the remainder of the deer meat. We settled down for the night, curled up tightly under the trees and tucked near bushes where we were sheltered from the bracing winds. Our bags were wherever people had left them, and many chose to curl up around them, guarding them from whatever may lurk in the woods.

 I slept surprisingly well, given the unusual surroundings and the frosty night. The grass crackled and crunched as we arose at dawn, frost glimmering on the pelts of other wolves. At least it meant the dead animals hadn't gone nasty overnight. Breakfast was short, and soon we were back on the track, travelling to the mountain base. The forest became denser, the light limited by layers of criss-crossed branches and the shadow of the mountains looming before us. There were older wolves waiting for us as we arrived. They were here to oversee the entire ritual and make sure that no cheating occurred and that they knew how many of us there were. Once we were all checked in, and our bags searched, we could proceed into a waiting area. We had all shifted back into a human form as we waited. A large linen tent was serving hot drinks and toilets were available thankfully. It didn't feel like we were about to enter two weeks of harsh weather with just our survival skills.

 I looked up at the mountain and couldn't see the top, thick grey clouds hid the upper half of the mountain giving away no secrets about what terrible trials the next two weeks held. Old disputes would surface, and new alliances would be born. I might be interested in finding allies depending on the pack and the circumstances. There were going to be some very powerful packs here and creating the foundations of friendship and allegiance would be of great use in the future.

There were stations like this all around the mountain, and we would all be released at dawn into the wilderness. I stayed with the rest of my pack; Jackson had gone to his quarters that were in a large building on the edge of the forest. He'd be staying here until the event was over, waiting to escort us back. Those of us that survived.

Sleep came painfully slow; the silvery moon was well arisen by the time my eyelids were drooping. I wasn’t the only one either. Many seemed to be sleepless on the final night before the ritual. It would be a slight disadvantage, but sleep would not be forced to come early despite the words uttered to the gods. I’d barely got five hours of sleep before dawn arrived, the first watery light peeking between the clouds and the horizon.

We were all herded into the waiting gates within the hour with little time for last minute pep talks and preparations. Everyone had a holding pen of sorts, fifty metres apart from the next. Several people were queuing behind me waiting to move forwards. One-minute intervals, fifty metres away from other participants. It helped reduce the initial bloodbath, spacing everyone out. The final minute was being counted down, the seconds ticking by loudly.

Fifty-seven, fifty-six, fifty-five...

All I had to do was get to the top of the mountain. It wasn’t far, but it was steep and cold.

Forty-nine, forty-eight, forty-seven...

Remember Jackson’s lessons. “Most berries are edible, but rely on your instincts, not your stomach. Your wolf will be right most of the time.”

 Thirty-three, thirty-two, thirty-one…

Remember the weak points on a wolf’s body and the human body. Keep your own weaknesses blocked. Even a small scratch can be fatal if it gets infected.

Twenty-two, twenty-one, twenty…

 If any of the pack members need help, try and assist them. The more that succeeded, the better. Even if they are not from my pack. It might help in the future.

 Thirteen, twelve, eleven…

I shifted into my wolf form, bones breaking and reforming. The grey and willow fur surfacing flecked with silver and brown along my sides, belly and inner legs. It was almost time. I could feel my wolf, she was restless, eager to run.

The final second passed, and the gates sprang open, letting me out into the wilderness. Other wolves were already out, racing through the forest, towards the mountain. Some were fighting, distracted from the true task at hand. I decided not to wait around, and potentially attract any unwanted attention. I slid back, letting my instincts take over as I settled into a rhythm pushing towards the mountain. Clods of turf sprayed upwards as we ran. An obvious trail to follow. Eventually, the trees started getting bigger and denser, forcing our run to slow.

*** 1 ***

It was the first night of the celebrations, and everyone had arrived throughout the morning in preparation for the first of several very busy evenings. It was the only other time we were allowed to visit the ancient mountain, but this time, we were inside and underneath. The rock had been hollowed out, creating a vast, sprawling city beneath the surface of the earth. Carvings and murals adored the walls, with ornate archways towering over the walkways, huge caverns looming in the darkness. Tiny golden fairy lights illuminated the space, twinkling from the ceilings and from the hands and mouths of the carved creatures. The uppermost levels were the basics, with huge industrial kitchens, cosy common rooms and a reception area larger than a ballroom. People bustled around, carrying laundry and luggage to-and-fro, greeting new guests and showing them to their rooms.

I had arrived with the rest of my pack who had partook in and survived the ritual, waiting to check in. As the future alpha of my pack, I was in charge. Thankfully my mother had sent Jackson with us as a security measure, along with four other pack guards. They were here for my protection, alongside their duties to defend the rest of the pack. With a soft sigh, I took another small step towards the large oak reception desk, one step closer to finally being done with this mind numbing process. I swear I'd rather be back on the surface than stuck down here, waiting, for hours! There were several receptionists, rapidly tapping away at computers and checking details, handing over key cards to rooms .and those little, advertising pamphlet thingies that you always chuck in the bin five minutes after you get to your room. Maps of the mountain were passed out and luggage collected as the receptionists worked swiftly.

Jackson stood next to me, his golden yellow eyes darting around the room, snagging on even the slightest of movements. He was dressed in a smart black tailored suit, looking more like an alpha than a guard. His honey brown hair was pulled back into a small bun away from his face. I always wondered why he didn't just cut it off instead, but then again, I preferred my hair longer too. I readjusted my focus to my own clothing, a simple rich emerald green and jet black dress that ended at the knee. It was modest and professional, like what a weather lady might wear on TV. Or maybe a snobby fae secretary... Most of my wardrobe was filled with professional styled clothing like this, and evening gowns for the formal gatherings held frequently by various packs throughout the year.

I smoothed out some phantom creases and looked back up. The queue had finally moved forward, and I was now behind just one other person. A small smile slipped across my face as I mentally repeated all the details I had to remember to check my pack in.

“Next.” a feminine voice called politely.

I took the final step forward to the desk and smiled down at the seated receptionist. She had soft blue eyes and mousy brown hair pulled back into a neat braid. A small tag on her pale blouse displayed her name, Carolyn.

“I need your pack name and how many of you there are please.” she spoke, clicking something on the computer. “Blackcreek pack. There are thirty of us, and five security members.” I returned, offering a friendly smile. Jackson stepped forwards and handed the receptionist some papers, presumably to do with his security team.


“And in what name are you checked in under?” She asked.


“Vercingetorix Black. Alpha Aramis Black’s daughter.”


The receptionist handed over a bundle of key cards, and several maps of the place before waving us on.


“Just ask any member of staff for help if you need anything. Have a nice stay.”

Returning to where the rest of my pack members were waiting diligently in one of the small seating areas, I gathered them up swiftly with their luggage and we headed towards a set of large open double doors leading into a wide airy corridor. Taking out one of the maps, I quickly located our lodgings. We would be staying on the third level of residency, four floors down. I decided against the stairs, it would take too long and the pack was getting restless and wanted to explore and settle in. The elevators it was then, Jackson had already hailed a few porters to take all our luggage to our rooms to avoid cramming them all in with us. With the rest of the pack in tow, we headed to the nearest set of elevators and filed in, filling up several of the large metal boxes.

We regrouped on the third residency floor, and I looked at the list, checking names and room numbers. Everyone was paired up, two per room except for the security, who were in a large suite together. We were checked in by rank, me and the beta’s daughter together, then the beta’s two sons, warrior children and so on. It wouldn't take long with the simple system they had put in place. It took less than an hour for everyone to get settled into their rooms, and the luggage to arrive. In that time, I’d already explored the entire two-bedroom suite. A little lounge, with a tiny kitchenette, and three doors leading off the back wall. Two small double bedrooms with a modern bathroom tucked neatly between them. The furniture was simple, but elegant. Appropriate for a future alpha.

Jackson had appeared at the door moments after I'd finished unpacking, requesting to sweep our suite and make sure there were no potential threats. Having already done so myself, I decided to humour him, for his own peace of mind. Nkosazana was faffing over her clothes, jewellery and make-up, making sure everything was present and correct, before organising it across her dressing table and in her closet. She and I got on well, having been friends since childhood. She would also do my makeup for events as I simply had no real ability to apply it well and she loved to faff around with the stuff.

The ballroom was full of bright lights dangling from the ceiling like stars and long tables along the edge filled with delicious smelling food stacked high on platters. Butlers and waiters weaved through the crowds, glasses and trays in hand. An orchestra played beautiful melodies on a stage at the back of the room, and werewolves were made up in their finest clothes for the celebrations. Ballgowns and evening dresses, suits and ties filled every corner of the intimidatingly large room. Jackson and his team had escorted everyone to the ballroom, before dispersing into the crowds, blending into the masses. Vercingetorix couldn’t see anyone familiar, and with a mild sigh of defeat, headed towards a table filled with platters of food. She gathered a small plate with titbits, before moving off to try and find somewhere a little quieter to eat.

Her long black dress trailed along the floor; the tiny embroidered crystals sending shards of light flitting and flickering across the ballroom. It crackled and tinkled as the crystals dragged along the floor, but no one could hear it over the music. Curled honey brown ringlets fell loose down her shoulders, and onto her bare back. Torixia navigated the crowds of people, nodding and exchanging pleasantries until she finally found a quieter part of the room. She could finally have a small bit of peace and quiet. She released a long breath and leaned against the cold stone wall.

Torixia had no interest in meeting her mate tonight. She wanted some time to recover and relax after the Ritual. Several others seemed to have a similar idea and were engaging in conversation and dance rather than seeking out a lifelong commitment. Some had already met their mate and had disappeared, the numbers in the hall diminishing at a slow, consistent rate. Many waiters still slipped through, taking away empty platters and cleaning up minor messes as they went. Torixia caught a glimpse of Jackson chatting animatedly to someone she didn't recognise, but given his attire was almost identical to Jackson’s, and not extremely expensive in make, she took a guess at another member of security from another pack. Jackson locked eyes with the young heir and motioned for her to join them. With a half laugh, she moved towards them, curious to meet the new wolf.

“Vercingetorixia, this is Faustus. He’s the head of security for Alpha Kazimir.”

 Torixia offered out her small pale hand to the man, shaking his hand firmly.

 “A pleasure.” she smiled, maintaining eye contact.

 “I don't believe I’ve had the honour of meeting Alpha Kazimir himself.”

“He tends not to meet with other packs unless the circumstances are dire.” He returned with a slight grimace.

The three spent the rest of the evening talking, until exhaustion took them over and they retired to their quarters.


“Nkosazana? Nkosazana?” Torixia called out.


“Yes Alpha?” Sazana responded, stepping out of her room into the lounge. Her blonde hair was undone from the elaborate coils it had been in earlier. She’d also swapped out her evening gown for a modest set of pyjamas.

 “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Torixia started with an apologetic smile. “What do you know about Alpha Kazimir and his pack?”

 With a slight smirk, Nkosazana picked a small file off the cabinet, and sat down on one of the two sofas, the soft leather encompassing her slender frame. She opened it and flicked past a few pages, before waiting for Vergingetorixia to sit. Once her superior had settled, she started talking, reading out from the file.

There wasn’t much information on the Airdale Pack, and what little information they did have, was mostly outdated, or guesses. For centuries they had been an elusive and shut off pack, offering little insight to their pack at all over the years.

 “Sounds like we should try and obtain some sort of communications and see about possible trades or alliances.” Torixia wondered aloud.

 “Yes, but that doesn’t sound like a walk in the park, nor does it sound pleasant.” Nkosazana countered. “Unless you didn’t listen to anything I just said. They don't have communications with many other packs, and they have a violent history.”

“Well maybe they would be good allies to have if we ever needed them.” Torixia suggested.




Breakfast was offered in both the main dining halls, and for those who wished, they could dine in the ballroom, which had been converted, hosting four huge tables. Platters and jugs and mountains of food piled up to satisfy the ravenous appetites of the werewolves residing in the mountain. Many had chosen to dine there, with the prospect of meeting their mates, and building alliances and agreements.

Torixia and the rest of her pack had decided to dine together in the ballroom, occupying just a small portion of one of the lengthy tables. They chattered amongst themselves, but the few that had already met their mates were eagerly introducing them to others, and especially to Torixia and Sazana, in the hopes of gaining approval of the highest ranks of their pack.

 Vergingetorixia was doing her best to fend off several new couples as she tried to enjoy her breakfast in peace. She willed a smile to her face and turned to them all.

 “I will happily meet everyone in my own quarters from ten, but for now, I would appreciate eating in peace.” She politely declined, moving to take a sip of her tea.

“Oh, my apologies Alpha.” they murmured, lowering their heads in submission before returning to their own breakfasts and conversations. Jackson offered a sympathetic look, to which she responded with a playful eye roll and half smile.


Torixia had always known how difficult being an Alpha was, but after being enrolled the day after she returned from the ritual, she’d had little free time, and a lot more responsibilities than she ever thought was possible. She was glad her mother still occupied the Alpha position as well as that at least alleviated some of her duties. She was slowly handing more of the responsibilities over, until she would finally have complete responsibility and control over the pack by the time she returned from the celebrations. If she found her mate whilst here, they would likely be expected to combine packs, or rule both from one place. She didn't want to abandon her pack to live somewhere else, and she doubted her mate would abandon his pack, but she may not have a choice if her mate was also the only heir to the alpha line.

Vercingetorixia finished her breakfast, and returned to her quarters, to see to her piles of paperwork. It would be just under two hours before her pack members turned up, eager to introduce their newly found mates and she wanted to make a start on the growing pile. Despite only being here for a day, she’d had almost continuous paperwork mailed to her, regarding the pack and its goings on.

*** 2 ***

Gone were the polite smiles and nods, and genuine laughter erupted from Torixia in a sparkling fountain of musical notes as she chatted amicably with her pack and their mates. She’d eagerly learned their names and packs and their stories. Her quarters were crammed full of other wolves, and maids kept bustling to-and-fro with more drinks and light snacks.


Torixia really enjoyed these parts of her duties, meeting different people and talking; learning new things, and getting ideas on other ways to improve her pack. She’d filled pages with suggestions and ideas and had been filing them together to take back with her in a neat folder. The new members had been thoroughly surprised at the young alpha female, leading a pack without a partner. Not to mention her genuine openness to suggestions and her informal approach to leading a pack that contrasted the other alpha's leadership styles.


Jackson wasn’t in the leading ladies’ quarters, but stationed outside, issuing thorough checks on any new arrivals before letting them into the vicinity of his alpha. He had two guards inside, keeping a watchful eye on the goings on in the rooms, ensuring the safety of everyone. Torixia was aware of Jackson and his slightly overbearing security measures, but it didn’t seem to bother the constant stream of people coming and going. Torixia made a mental note to speak to her head of security later.

Sazana sat with one of the new couples seated in the lounge, a drink in hand and a big smile on her face.

 “Hi, I’m Nkosazana. Daughter of Beta Regula.” She introduced herself.

Nkosazana got on with the couple like a house on fire. They spoke about everything, from favourite things to pack relations to the more recent events of the Ritual and the current events of the celebrations.


Nkosazana was rather surprised at how many of her pack had found mates so quickly, But was delighted to see the blossoming relationships between all her subjects. As only Vercingetorixia and Nkosazana held major positions in the pack, the rest were free to decide which pack they would live with permanently. This was because Vercingetorixia didn't believe in forcing people to live somewhere they don't want to, simply because the alphas say so, or because of some archaic tradition. She just wanted everyone to be happy, because she thought that everybody deserves happiness in some form.

Everyone had finally vacated her suite by midday, and Torixia briefly contemplated giving in and throwing herself onto the oh so inviting bed, however one glance at the ever growing mountain of paperwork told her she'd regret it later. Nkosazana sat opposite her at the table, sifting through the papers, sorting the important stuff out to be dealt with first. She’d always been grateful that Torixia was alpha, with her logical thinking and positive attitude towards pretty much everything. If it had been nearly any other pack, Torixia would never have been allowed to take the alpha position due to the outdated patriarchal hierarchy, and it would have been handed over to the Beta family’s first-born son instead.

It was times like these when Torixia wished for her mate, and to be back at the pack house. Both her and her mate going through the work together, with the assistance of her betas, rather than struggling, just the two of them. There were several reports on rogue and lone wolf sightings, which all needed reading, but none of them were considered important, as they all were from border patrol in their regular reports. They didn't pose a threat and seemed to be passing by with no malicious intent. The more important files mostly consisted of various bills and general pack expenses over the previous month. There were a few new pups born since Torixia had been away, and she’d be expected to visit, and offer her blessing to the family of the child. A wedding invite from a mated couple, and a few upcoming meetings with various other packs also found their way into Torixia’s hands.

Tonight, the highest ranks from each pack would dine together, in the hopes that more mates would be found between the highest-ranking wolves. It was something Vercingetorixia didn’t enjoy so much, as a lot of her friends were lower members of her own pack, but it was an opportunity to speak with other packs and maybe even find her own mate. She’d already set her outfit aside and had pushed the event to the back of her mind. Right now, she needed to focus on the paperwork.

“Hey, Sazana?”

The blonde looked up in response.

“Is there any rule against hiring a personal assistant for this?” Torixia asked, waving a handful of papers in the air.

“Probably not, but they’d have to be trustworthy and ideally a werewolf and very responsible. It's basically only the Alphas and Betas that can be trusted to do it.”

 “Never mind then.” She sighed. “I guess I'm doomed to look at paperwork forever.”

 “You could leave all this to my brothers, you know. They are Betas too and could handle this instead so that you can go off and enjoy yourself.” Nkosazana offered with a light chuckle.

 “That is all too tempting Bella, but what sort of alpha would I be to just pass off paperwork because I don’t feel like doing it? I’d have no clue about the pack’s wellbeing or anything I might need to know. So, thank you for the offer, but I will bow to the chains of paperwork. For now, at least.”

*** 3 ***

Torixia spoke with several alphas before finally taking her seat at one of the large tables. She had eyed her golden engraved name plate almost instantly when she’d walked in. She settled down, her dress pooling on the floor. Swathes of fabric creating a vacuum of black. Her shoulders and neck were sheathed in gold fabric, a glittering contrast to the cold black. She did not need to dress to impress here, given her high ranking position. Fiddling idly with her napkin, she quickly noted all the names near her, and the movements of the people around her. With a slight smile on her face, she turned to the person that had sat down next to her. No words left her mouth as she locked eyes with the beast. Her teal eyes widened and her jaw slack with shock.

A face of chiselled stone already weathered by scars. Piercing blue eyes looked out of the cold stony face. Alpha Kazimir held no emotion as his eyes glazed over, scanning the room until he was satisfied with the goings on. He then turned back to face Vercingetorixia.

“Miss Black. You are Alpha Black’s daughter. Correct?”

Torixia simply nodded her head, grey waves bouncing with the movement, before turning to a passing waiter, and accepting a champagne flute. She took a deep sip and set it gently down on the table before her, struggling to maintain her composure with the intimidating figure beside her.

“You have strong alpha blood, and your pack is incredibly well managed. I’d be interested in becoming acquainted.” He offered; a surprisingly gentle smile on his face.

“It would be my pleasure Alpha.” Torixia responded, relaxing slightly, even as she tried to figure out what he could possibly want with her and her pack.

They ventured into the realms of polite conversation, but never about his pack, so Torixia didn’t speak about hers either. Nor did she let slip her true position as alpha of the Blackcreek pack, because who knew what sort of attention that might attract.

 Torixia was very aware of the other females in the room, and the glares they were giving her. It made her wonder how many others Alpha Kazimir had spoken to since he’d been here. She’d take a guess at not many, if any at all. Even some of the males were giving her a second glance now that Alpha Kazimir had struck up a conversation. Vercingetorixia didn’t care for the extra attention she’d gained, but she could potentially use her interactions with the elusive alpha to her advantage when it came down to pack negotiations with other alphas.

They spent the evening talking and dining, and as the sun set and the moon rose, people started leaving the large hall. Yet Kazimir and Torixia talked until the moon disappeared. They talked about everything and nothing, the casual ease which accompanied their discourse a shock to both. Not long after the first rays of dawn broke the horizon, a yawn escaped Torixia’s mouth as she nodded in agreement to something Kazimir had said.

“You’re tired. We can talk again at breakfast?” He asked, a hint of amusement bubbling under that cool smile..

“How does eight thirty sound in the right-wing dining room?”

“I’ll see you then Vercingetorixia.”

She smiled in response and rose, her dress crinkled from being sat on for such a long time. Kazimir followed suit, and moved to her side, placing a ghost of a hand on her back as he walked with her to her room.

Vercingetorixia tried not to focus on the contact or the tingling sensation where their skin met. She focused on holding her head up, and her steps steady. Kazimir seemed calm and collected as they walked next to each other down the halls in a peaceful silence.

Kazimir tried not to glance down at his hand touching her bare back, focusing instead on breathing steadily and not on her rich scent. As Torixia stopped next to her door, she turned around to face him with a shy smile.

“I’ll see you at breakfast then. Thank you for walking me.”

Alpha Kazimir could only nod for fear that he would say something embarrassing. He had hastily shoved his hands in his suit pockets as Torixia had turned to face him, hiding the black whorls that were appearing on his fingers and up his hand that had rested on her back.

 Torixia turned back around, opening her door to reveal Nkosazana half asleep on a sofa with paperwork in front of her. Alpha Kazimir’s pupils flared as he spotted the swirls and whorls that were slowly spreading across Torixia’s exposed back. She turned back to face the mysterious alpha, but he had vanished, nowhere to be seen. It was only then that she realised she had never asked his name. With a confused shrug, Torixia shut the door and approached Nkosazana’s tired form.

“You were with him the entire time?” She gasped, her eyes almost popping out of her head.

Torixia nodded before divulging all the details to her second in command. Sazana nodded, half listening. She didn’t know if or how to bring up the mating mark that had spread itself across Torixia’s back. It hadn’t taken her long to work out who Torixia's mate even in her exhausted state. She’d only spent time with one person all evening and given his shocked expression when Torixia rriella had her back to him, he knew too.

*** 4 ***

The next morning rolled around in a flurry of clouds and sunlight and Vercingetorixia was already getting stir crazy from the lack of windows and outside time. It was her own fault really, the mountain top might be out of bounds as sacred land, but they were free to roam the dense forests if they so pleased. For now, though, Vercingetorixia only wanted a hot relaxing shower before she got dressed for breakfast with Alpha Kazimir.

 Nkosazana was making a steamy cup of tea in her pastel pyjamas as Vercingetorixia emerged from her room, soft bath towels in hand.

“I won’t be too long.”

 “Okay, we need to get some more paperwork done. I’ve already asked my brothers to help.”

 “Alright. I’ll be back after breakfast.”

 “Not eating with the pack?”

 “They can join us if they want. It’s not like it's a date or anything.” Torixia shrugged casually. She really did not want to think about the implications of officially dating such a feared alpha.

Sazana wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at that comment, before returning to her mug of sweet tea, a smirk on her face.

 Torixia stripped off and turned to step into the steamy shower, but something caught her attention in the mirror. Intricate patterns of black had formed across her back where her mate first touched her.

 “What the hell?” She exclaimed; her eyes wide in horror.

 “Everything alright Tori?”

 “What the hell is that on my back?”

 The door opened slightly and Torixia motioned towards her bare back, a towel covering most of her body.

 “It's a mate mark.” Sazana shrugged casually, her fingers tracing the patterns gently.


 “You know who.” Sazana turned around and left, shutting the door behind her with a quiet click.

 Torixia’s shower was not as relaxing as she had hoped it would be after that revelation, but she decided that she wouldn’t bring it up at breakfast. After all, she certainly did not need that attention first thing in the morning.

The dress Torixia picked out was quite simple. A nice fitted bodice and a knee-length flowing skirt all in floral print gave a cheerful spring vibe, a stark contrast to the fiery blaze outside. Autumn was in full swing; most of the trees were now bare of leaves and the ground carpeted in a thick layer of decaying leaves.

A happy smile was plastered on Vercingetorixia’s face as she entered the dining hall like a summer breeze. With a chirpy smile, she accepted the seat Alpha Kazimir offered her and started helping herself to some fresh toast. A quick glance at his large hands told her everything she needed to know. Elegant black twisted around his hand, snaking up underneath his sleeve. His open shirt offered a glimpse of whorls on his shoulder and across his collarbone.

“I hope you slept well.” Kazimir spoke with a smile, pouring himself some coffee.

“Like a log, and you?”

“Not too bad, although Faustus required a complete run-down of the evening before I could sleep. Something about security measures.” He gave a pointed look at his head of security who was wolfing down a mountain of bacon.

“You think that's bad? Try Knosazana’s insistent questioning.” She chuckled.

 “On a more serious note Vercingetorixia, we need to discuss a few things.” He motioned to the trails of black on his hand, his pale blue eyes following the actions of his hand.

“Oh…” She hadn’t realised she’d said anything until it was too late. Her deflated tone had triggered a frown to form on Kazimir’s face.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to sound upset; I would just rather not talk about it here.” She gushed, her cheeks a beet red.

The frown had lightened on Kazimir’s face, now just a slightly confused expression remained. “You don’t want people to know that we are mates?”

“It's more complicated than that. I think we should go somewhere more private and have this discussion. I’d also like Sazana to be there.”

“Alright then, we shall discuss this later.” He shrugged, dropping the subject and returning to his own breakfast.

The rest of their breakfast was slightly awkward, especially with people glancing at the two of them curiously and whispering about Kazimir’s mated mark. Both Kazimir and Vercingetorixia ignored the whispers and glances, but when their hands brushed as they both reached for the pot of tea and more whorls blossomed on Vercingetorixia’s bare hand, the whispers turned into gasps and conversations.

 “Sorry.” He muttered, withdrawing his hand from the tea pot at lightning speed.

“When will this stop?” Torixia asked, examining her hand as the mark expanded from her fingertips to her wrist.

 “When we’ve marked each other. Properly.” He spoke, adding the last word awkwardly.

With a heavy sigh, Torixia went back to her breakfast and tried to ignore the other wolves staring at her like she was a freak.



With breakfast over, Kazimir took Torixia into an empty meeting room, and sat down, waiting for Sazana to arrive. The silence was peaceful, allowing them both to get their thoughts sorted and consider the upcoming discussion carefully. Torixia had reclined in her large cushioned chair, her feet propped on the edge of the huge wooden table. Kazimir was leant back in his chair, his legs stretched out under the table casually.

 It didn’t take Nkosazana long to get to the meeting room, some paperwork in hand and a slightly concerned look on her face. Her expression turned to surprise and then a slight grin as she slid into a chair next to her alpha. She had been waiting for this meeting to be called ever since she found out that they were mates.

 “So, why have you called me here?” She asked, her chipper voice filling the room.

“Vercingetorixia and I are mates.” Kazimir said, leaning forward in his chair slightly.

 Nkosazana hummed as she nodded her head. “Yeah, I got that bit last night.”

 “We need to discuss when you will be moving to my pack, Vercingetorixia.”

“I have my own pack to run. I am the alpha of the Blackcreek Pack and I do not intend on abandoning them.”

“You can’t be alpha without a mate. Don’t be ridiculous.” Kazimir laughed deeply, his gruff laugh ringing through the room.

“I have been alpha since I completed the ritual. I will not abandon my duties to play housewife. I love my pack.”

“You will come with me back to my pack and do as I tell you. You are inferior to me, and as my mate, you will do as I order.”

“Uh, actually” Sazana cut in, “Both male and female alphas are equal in ranks and are therefore not superior to each other.”

 “QUIET!” Kazimir bellowed, slamming his hands on the desk. “Vercingetorixia, you ARE coming back to my pack, because if you don’t, I will slaughter every single member of yours." With every word he took another step forward, until he was towering over her.

 “You wouldn’t dare.” She hissed; teeth bared in an angry snarl, she raised from her seat to confront him.

“Watch me.”

 Kazimir pushed her aside, black whorls lashing her shoulder where they touched, his large body intimidating as he stormed out of the room in a fit of rage, the doors slamming behind him. They rattled violently on their hinges as Torixia slumped back in her chair,the shadowy tendrils slowly crawling their way up her neck, choking off her screams as tears threatened to fall.

 “Now what?" Tori whispered, voice faltering as she ran a hand through her hair. "He’s threatened my entire pack.”

“Honestly, I think you need to consider the pack’s safety. You’ve seen the few files we have of the Airedale pack and they aren’t pretty. I’d say his threat is pretty serious.” Nkosazana grimaced, hurriedly scribbling notes down on the back of the paperwork she’d bought with her.

 “So, you think I should just go with him?” Torixia cried incredulously, her frustration evident.

“No, I think you need to talk to him and the seniors in your pack. Have a meeting and get them here. The celebrations are over soon so it's an urgent matter.” She explained. “Now, I’m going to get a drink back in our suite.”

 Torixia nodded in agreement and stood, letting out a deep sigh and composing herself, before heading out to hunt her mate.

*** 5 ***

Sazana had got up early to hunt down her two older brothers to call them into a meeting, while her Alpha waited in the lobby to greet her pack’s senior counsel. There were twenty of them in total, representatives from all across the pack’s ranks. Two of the elders were staying back to keep an eye on the pack but all other counsell members would be present for the meeting. Torixia was not kept waiting long, as her pack wasn’t that far away, given it was only a two day hike by foot and a couple of hours or so by car and she had summoned them last night so they had certainly had plenty of time to prepare and leave this morning.

Before long, a younger wolf approached Torixia where she sat on a low sofa, his head bowed slightly out of respect.

“Your guests have arrived, they are just signing in. If you’d just follow me ma’am.” He spoke, extending a hand towards one of the large desks where her senior council had gathered as they were signing in. Torixia had been so focused on the wad of paperwork on her lap that she hadn’t noticed that they had even arrived. She followed the younger wolf towards her fellow pack mates, and made polite conversation with them as the final few signed in.

With a knotted stomach, Torixia led her senior council to an empty meeting room where Jackson was talking to two of his sentinels, Braeden and Karma outside the door. She nodded to the young wolf in polite dismissal, before approaching her sentinels.

“Nkosazana and her brothers are already here, Alpha.” Jackson reported, dipping his head respectfully to his pack leader.

The senior counsel filed into the meeting room and sat down around the large solid wooden table. Jackson was the last in, shutting the doors behind him. Torixia sat at the head of the table, a grim expression on her face as she placed the paperwork down in front of her.

“It is with a heavy heart that I have summoned you all here.” She started, sifting through her papers quietly as she picked out what she wanted first.

“But first, a small bit of good news. I have found my mate.However, he does not share the same views as myself which is unfortunate, because I am not and will not be some trophy wolf. This caused rather a lot of conflict as my mate is Alpha Kazimir.” She paused, letting that bombshell sink in fully.

There were a few muffled coughs and gasps as the rest of the counsel absorbed the information given to them by their alpha female. No-one really knew how to respond at first, even Aramis was shocked, her precious daughter was supposed to be mated to that monster?

The counsel flinched as Aramis stood, slamming her hands down in anger.

“There is no way you will be a trophy wolf and be at his beck and call.” She snarled, furious at the thought of her only remaining child being forced to become a second rate wolf in some brutal pack. After a strong but reassuring glare from her daughter, she sat back down, her long time friend, Harrison rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

“Believe me, I told him that. His reaction was rather unpleasant.” Torixia chuckled quietly. “He then demanded I go back to his pack immediately after the celebrations. To which I naturally told him to go fuck himself as I have my own pack to run. That did not best please him either so he has threatened to slaughter all of you; my beloved pack if I don’t go. Hence I called this urgent meeting.”

The counsel sat in stunned silence, taking in the true magnitude of the threat. A threat from the Airedale Pack was to be taken seriously. They were truly notorious, gruesome violence being their way of dealing with almost every situation. One of the elders, Florencine, spoke up, her soft voice barely audible.